22 research outputs found


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    Las enfermedades de trabajo reportadas por el Instituto Mexicano de Seguridad Social (IMSS) en la población económicamente activa en México en el bienio 2014-2015, relacionadas con los trastornos mentales, se registran como parte de los padecimientos crónico-degenerativos, los cuales, actualmente se encuentran clasificados y equiparados con aquellos dentro de la categoría o codificación de accidentes y/o de lesiones; desde esta perspectiva de clasificación, ¿se asume que dichos padecimientos se encuentran encubiertos en el registro estadístico en el rubro referido? ¿Tal situación da pié a la posibilidad de un sub-registro en este tipo de enfermedades? De acuerdo a lo encontrado en el presente trabajo, y con base en la clasificación vigente, no es posible llevar una estadística consistente en cuanto a enfermedades de trabajo por trastornos mentales, entre estas, las más recurrentes son la depresión y la ansiedad. De lo anterior, puede deducirse que dichos trastornos podrían ser uno de los causales de los decrementos en la productividad laboral, ya que en el mediano y largo plazo, también podría convertirse en un problema de salud pública, dado que si no se realizan cambios en la codificación y clasificación respectiva para detectar oportunamente dichos padecimientos desde el registro estadístico correspondiente, seguiremos desconociendo la magnitud real de este tipo de enfermedades. De acuerdo a la bibliografía revisada, las enfermedades de trabajo por trastornos mentales ocupan un lugar importante en el desempeño de la actividad laboral, por lo que la situación en nuestro país en torno a éstos padecimientos es casi desconocida por la inadecuada forma actual de su registro estadístico. Por ejemplo, en Jalisco, en los años 2014 y 2015, sólo se registraron 17 y 20 casos de enfermedades por trastornos mentales, respectivamente. Conceptualmente, las enfermedades o trastornos mentales son una alteración de tipo emocional, cognitiva y/o de comportamiento, en donde se afectan los procesos psicológicos del individuo y, por ende, de su rendimiento laboral. El objetivo del presente trabajo, es evaluar el comportamiento de éste tipo enfermedades durante el periodo referido. Cabe mencionar que, la investigación fue de tipo cuantitativa y se caracterizó por ser retrospectiva y comparativa. Conclusión preliminar: Con base en la revisión de los registros estadísticos oficiales para la entidad descrita, se concluye que existe un sub-registro de las enfermedades referidas, por lo que se detectó la imperiosa necesidad de realizar una reestructura en la clasificación respectiva, que incorpore con claridad las enfermedades de trabajo por trastornos mentales

    Reduced IgG anti-small nuclear ribonucleoprotein autoantibody production in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with positive IgM anti-cytomegalovirus antibodies

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    INTRODUCTION: Systemic lupus erythematosus is characterized by production of autoantibodies to RNA or DNA-protein complexes such as small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). A role of Epstein-Barr virus in the pathogenesis has been suggested. Similar to Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infects the majority of individuals at a young age and establishes latency with a potential for reactivation. Homology of CMV glycoprotein B (UL55) with the U1snRNP-70 kDa protein (U1-70 k) has been described; however, the role of CMV infection in production of anti-snRNPs is controversial. We investigated the association of CMV serology and autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus. METHODS: Sixty-one Mexican patients with systemic lupus erythematosus were tested for CMV and Epstein-Barr virus serology (viral capsid antigen, IgG, IgM) and autoantibodies by immunoprecipitation and ELISA (IgG and IgM class, U1RNP/Sm, U1-70 k, P peptide, rheumatoid factor, dsDNA, beta2-glycoprotein I). RESULTS: IgG anti-CMV and IgM anti-CMV were positive in 95% (58/61) and 33% (20/61), respectively, and two cases were negative for both. Clinical manifestation and autoantibodies in the IgM anti-CMV+ group (n = 20) versus the IgM anti-CMV(-)IgG+ (n = 39) group were compared. Most (19/20) of the IgM anti-CMV+ cases were IgG anti-CMV+, consistent with reactivation or reinfection. IgM anti-CMV was unrelated to rheumatoid factor or IgM class autoantibodies and none was positive for IgM anti-Epstein-Barr virus-viral capsid antigen, indicating that this is not simply due to false positive results caused by rheumatoid factor or nonspecific binding by certain IgM. The IgM anti-CMV+ group has significantly lower levels of IgG anti-U1RNP/Sm and IgG anti-U1-70 k (P = 0.0004 and P = 0.0046, respectively). This finding was also confirmed by immunoprecipitation. Among the IgM anti-CMV(-) subset, anti-Su was associated with anti-U1RNP and anti-Ro (P < 0.05). High levels of IgG anti-CMV were associated with production of lupus-related autoantibodies to RNA or DNA-protein complex (P = 0.0077). CONCLUSIONS : Our findings suggest a potential role of CMV in regulation of autoantibodies to snRNPs and may provide a unique insight to understand the pathogenesis

    High prevalence of autoantibodies to RNA helicase A in Mexican patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: Autoantibodies to RNA helicase A (RHA) were reported as a new serological marker of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) associated with early stage of the disease. Anti-RHA and other autoantibodies in Mexican SLE patients and their correlation with clinical and immunological features were examined.Methods: Autoantibodies in sera from 62 Mexican SLE patients were tested by immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled K562 cell extract and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-U1RNP/Sm, ribosomal P, ?2GPI, and dsDNA). Anti-RHA was screened based on the immunoprecipitation of the 140-kDa protein, the identity of which was verified by Western blot using rabbit anti-RHA serum. Clinical and immunological characteristics of anti-RHA-positive patients were analyzed.Results: Anti-RHA was detected in 23% (14/62) of patients, a prevalence higher than that of anti-Sm (13%, 8/62). Prevalence and levels of various autoantibodies were not clearly different between anti-RHA (+) vs. (-) cases, although there was a trend of higher levels of anti-RHA antibodies in patients without anti-U1RNP/Sm (P = 0.07). Both anti-RHA and -Sm were common in cases within one year of diagnosis; however, the prevalence and levels of anti-RHA in patients years after diagnosis did not reduce dramatically, unlike a previous report in American patients. This suggests that the high prevalence of anti-RHA in Mexican patients may be due to relatively stable production of anti-RHA.Conclusions: Anti-RHA was detected at high prevalence in Mexican SLE patients. Detection of anti-RHA in races in which anti-Sm is not common should be clinically useful. Racial difference in the clinical significance of anti-RHA should be clarified in future studies. � 2010 V�zques-Del Mercado et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Avances sobre la fisiopatogenia de la artritis reumatoide, ¿tiempo para una nueva teoría?

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    La Artritis Reumatoide (RA) es una de las tres enfermedades más comúnmente vistas en la consulta de Reumatología, siendo causa de una gran demanda en los servicios de salud globalmente. Su etiología permanece desconocida, y aunque se han hecho intentos por reconocer el blanco autoantigénico, éste aún no se conoce. La respuesta inmune de éstos pacientes se caracteriza por la participación de múltiples células y mecanismos efectores moleculares inflamatorios. Sin embargo, de esta complicada vista emerge un punto en común, éste es, el escape a los mecanismos de control inmunológico. El entendimiento de la razón y el sentido de la pérdida de tolerancia, la activación de linfocitos T auto-reactivos y la generación de autoanticuerpos serán puntos fundamentales para entender la fisiopatología de la artritis reumatoide y desarrollar estrategias terapéuticas inmuno-específicas

    Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction in Mexican Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    We estimate the prevalence and identified the associated factors of sexual dysfunction in Mexican women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A cross-sectional survey was applied to 100 women with RA and compared with 100 healthy, sexually active, adult women. Assessments included an interview using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Assessment of factors related to sexual dysfunction included gynecologic characteristics, disease activity (DAS-28), and functioning questionnaire (HAQ-DI). Mann-Whitney U test and the Chi-square test were used to compare medians and proportions between the groups. A multivariate logistic regression was performed using sexual dysfunction according to impairments shown by the FSFI. A higher proportion of RA patients had sexual dysfunction compared with controls. Domains with higher impairment in RA patients were desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm. A decrease in sexual function correlated with age (r = −0.365 p p = 0.009). Those patients with a higher disability had higher impairments in desire, arousal, lubrication, and satisfaction. In the multivariate analysis, menopause was associated with sexual dysfunction (OR: 10.02; 95% CI: 1.05–95.40, p = 0.04), whereas use of methotrexate was a protective factor (OR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.11–0.92, p = 0.03). Sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent in Mexican women with RA. Clinicians should systematically evaluate the impairment in sexual function in women with RA