52 research outputs found
Physiological and molecular aspects of sugar beet tolerance to drought
Istraživanja su sprovedena na jedanaest genotipova Å”eÄerne repe (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris, L., oznaÄeni brojevima 1-11) koji su u poljskim uslovima ispoljili razlike u opservacionom testu nivoa tolerantnosti prema suÅ”i (visoko, srednje i nisko tolerantni). U prvom delu eksperimenta biljke su gajene u polukontrolisanim uslovima, u stakleniku u supstratu koji je bio meÅ”avina zemlje i peska. Biljke su svakodnevno zalivane tokom 90 dana, nakon Äega je izazvan vodni deficit prestankom zalivanja, dok je kod kontrolnih biljaka zalivanje nastavljeno. Pet dana po prestanku zalivanja analizirani su parametri koji bi trebalo da ukažu na genotipske razlike u smislu tolerantnosti prema nedostatku vode. UtvrÄen je sadržaj vode/suve materije u zemljiÅ”tu i u biljnim tkivima (koren stablo i list). Lisna povrÅ”ina i koncentracija pigmenata hloroplasta su ustanovljeni kod kontrolnih biljaka s ciljem utvrÄivanja genotipskih specifiÄnosti. Osim toga, mereni su parametri fluorescencije hlorofila (F0, Fm, Fv, Fv/Fm i t1/2) kako bi se utvrdio efekat stresa izazvanog nedostatkom vode na inhibiciju transporta elektrona kroz PSII, i koncentracija slobodnog prolina, amino kiseline koja se nakuplja u uslovima stresa. U drugom delu eksperimenta ovi genotipovi su testirani u kontrolisanim, in vitro uslovima gajenja. Aksilarni izdanci su gajeni na podlozi za mikropropagaciju sa 0 (kontrola), 3 i 5% polietilen glikola (PEG 6000) pune Äetiri nedelje, a potom su vrÅ”ene analize. UtvrÄena je sveža masa izdanaka, sadržaj suve materije i koncentracija slobodnog prolina. U treÄem delu eksperimenta uporeÄene su razlike u ekspresiji 13 kandidat-gena, koji su povezani sa reakcijom biljaka na uslove stresa, posebno suÅ”e, u listovima biljaka gajenih u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Biljke izložene stresu u polukontrolisanim uslovima gajenja su u proseku imale oko tri lista manje, za Äetiri procenta veÄi udeo suve materije i sedmostruko veÄi sadržaj prolina. Koncentracija prolina u listovima je bila viÅ”a u uslovima nedostatka vode u polukontrolisanim uslovima kod svih genotipova, a posebno kod nekih iz slabo tolerantne (2, 6) i visoko tolerantne (4) grupe. U in vitro uslovima usled tretmanom PEG-om smanjila se ukupna suva masa i viÅ”e nego prepolovio broj aksilarnih izdanaka. PEG u koncentraciji od 3% je doveo do poveÄanja ukupne sveže mase, a koncentracija prolina se poveÄala se porastom koncentracije PEG. Koncentracija prolina u uslovima stresa je kod oba eksperimenta bila znaÄajno poveÄana u odnosu na kontrolu i to u in vitro uslovima Å”est puta, a u polukontrolisanim uslovima u stakleniku Å”esnaest puta u odnosu na odgovarajuÄe kontrole. PoveÄanje sadržaja prolina u biljkama gajenim u polukontrolisanim uslovima je bilo tri puta veÄe u odnosu na eksperiment sa PEG-om. Koncentracija slobodnog prolina, kao jedan od potencijalnih parametara - pokazatelja tolerantnosti genotipova Å”eÄerne repe prema suÅ”i, je adekvatniji od ukupne suve mase. Rezultati su pokazali da je test u in vitro uslovima (posebno tretman 3% PEG-om) efikasiji za ocenu tolerantnosti prema suÅ”i od eksperimenta u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Grupisanje genotipova prema nivou tolerisanja nedostatka vode na osnovu koncentracije prolina ustanovljene u ekperimentu in vitro dalo je isti rezultat kao i opservacioni test u poljskim uslovima. UtvrÄene su promene u ekspresiji kandidat-gena u uslovima suÅ”e u odnosu na kontrolu, a ustanovljene su i razlike izmeÄu genotipova. Jedan od analiziranih kandidat-gena može da posluži za dalji razvoj markera. Ovi rezultati mogu da se primene u procesu oplemenjivanja Å”eÄerne repe koje je usmereno na poveÄanje tolerantnosti prema ovom abiotiÄkom Äiniocu
Free proline accumulation in young sugar beet plants and in tissue culture explants under water deficiency as tools for assessment of drought tolerance
Proline is the most widely distributed metabolite that accumulates under various stress conditions, including the lack of water. To evaluate the suitability of proline accumulation triggered by drought stress to screen sugar beet genotypes for drought tolerance, we analysed accumulation of free proline in eleven genotypes classed in three levels of relative tolerance (low, medium, high), as assessed visually in field cultivation. Analysis was performed in two tests: 1) in greenhouse, where 90 days old plants were exposed to a short-term water deficiency and 2) in tissue culture where the lack of water was imposed by addition of 3 or 5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG, MW 6000). Both the in vitro test with increasing levels of PEG and the suspension of water supply in the greenhouse experiment showed large increases of free proline in tissues of sugar beet explants or leaves consequent to water restriction, as well as reduction in fresh weight, tissue water content and axillary bud formation. Stress effects varied considerably among genotypes classed at low, medium and high levels of field tolerance to drought stress, but were similar as class averages, except for proline in vitro, which was significantly higher for genotypes in the high tolerance group, and allowed separating them from those in the less tolerant groups. Proline response in the in vitro test correlated better than the response in greenhouse experiment with the field assessed drought tolerance of genotypes
Sugar Beet Tolerance to Drought: Physiological and Molecular Aspects
Drought often reduces sugar beet yield in the Balkan agroecological region. Climate forecasts indicate that this negative trend of drought periods will continue. Tolerance to drought is a complex trait, which comprises involvement of both physiological and molecular mechanisms in plants. This research was conducted on 11 sugar beet genotypes, which showed different tolerance to drought in the field. Experiment had three parts: water deficiency caused by cessation of watering conducted in the greenhouse, water deficiency imposed by different concentrations of polyethylene glycol on plants grown in tissue culture, and analysis of alterations in gene expression under drought. Plants exposed to stress in greenhouse had on average three leaves less, 4% lower water content, and seven-fold higher proline content. Classification of genotypes with respect to the level of tolerance to water deficiency on the basis of concentration of free proline, assessed in the experiment in vitro, corresponded to the result of the observation test in the field. Changes in the expression of candidate genes under drought suggest that one of them might be used for further development as a DNA-based marker. These results can be applied in sugar beet breeding aimed at increasing tolerance to water deficiency
Primena statistiÄkih transformacija na izmerene koncentracije prolina u listu Å”eÄerne repe u uslovima suÅ”e
Eleven sugar beet genotypes were tested for their capacity to tolerate drought. Plants were grown in semi-controlled conditions, in the greenhouse, and watered daily. After 90 days, water deficit was imposed by the cessation of watering, while the control plants continued to be watered up to 80% of FWC. Five days later concentration of free proline in leaves was determined. Analysis was done in three replications. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 9.0, Minitab 15, and R2.11.1. Differences between genotypes were statistically processed by Duncan test. Because of nonormality of the data distribution and heterogeneity of variances in different groups, two types of transformations of row data were applied. For this type of data more appropriate in eliminating nonormality was Johnson transformation, as opposed to Box-Cox. Based on the both transformations it may be concluded that in all genotypes except for 10, concentration of free proline differs significantly between treatment (drought) and the control.Analizirana je tolerantnost 11 genotipova Å”eÄerne repe prema nedostatku vode. Biljke su gajene u polukontrolisanim uslovima, u stakleniku, na supstratu koji je bio meÅ”avina zemlje i peska, pri Äemu su biljke svakodnevno zalivane. Posle 90 dana, vodni deficit je izazvan prestankom zalivanja, dok su biljke kontrolne grupe i dalje zalivane, do 80% PVK. Pet dana kasnije utvrÄena je, u tri ponavljanja, koncentracija slobodnog prolina u listovima. StatistiÄka analiza je izvrÅ”ena koriÅ”Äenjem programa Statistica 9.0, Minitab 15 i R2.11.1. Zbog velike varijabilnosti podataka i odstupanja od normalne raspodele analiziran je uticaj razliÄitih transformacija eksperimentalnih podataka na konaÄan zakljuÄak. Razlike izmeÄu aritmetiÄkih sredina poreÄene su primenom Dankanovog testa. Na osnovu obe primenjene transformacije može se zakljuÄiti da se kod svih genotipova, izuzev genotipa 10, koncentracija slobodnog prolina u listovima znaÄajno razlikuje izmeÄu biljaka izloženih suÅ”i i kontrole
Uticaj prouzrokovaÄa bolesti na prinos aktuelnih novosadskih sorti ozime pÅ”enice 2005. godine
Istraživanje je izvedeno s ciljem da se ispita otpornost i tolerantnost osam trenutno aktuelnih novosadskih sorti prema prouzrokovaÄima bolesti u poljskim uslovima. Setva je obavljena 26.10. 2004. godine simultano s kontrolom (K) u parcelice povrÅ”ine 7 m 2, iste udaljene 2m. Nakon jednog prihranjivanja s 50 kg azota (AN), radi karence u proizvodnji nedozvoljeno tretiranje K je obavljeno 02.06.2005. fungicidom Folicur EC 250 u koliÄini 5 cm3 na 100 m 2 . ā¢ lntenziteti zaraza (% od zelene lisne mase) oÄitavani su 2., 12. i 27 juna, a žetva je obavljena 7. jula. Tokom 2005. godine vremenski uslovi na lokalitetu Rimski Å”anÄevi kraj Novog Sada su bili povoljni za poÄetne infekcije prouzrokovaÄa pepelnice, septorioza te fuzariozne palezi klasa
The new method of relating wheat genotypes seedlings to Puccinia tritici resistance characters in greenhouse with maximal infection intensity in field
The method for differing the wheat genotypes according to reaction type at seedling stage was not efficient in separating the pseudo resistant ones. The characters like low infection efficiency and prolonged latency period often were enough to decrease the leaf rust development enough to make another protection measures uneconomical. These characters were described as oligo or poly gene inherited. The method of estimating based on successive counting of pustules was of less capacity according to number of tested genotypes. That was uncorrelated with proposed breeding material amount. The formula for relating such estimated characters with intensity of the Ā·attack in field was described. In breeding process overcame genes previously expressed throw hypersensitive reactions could be reactivated in new completely resistant combinations or increase the level of the resistance. Such success after combining the incomplete resistant genotypes was also described
Elementi retkih zemalja - itrijum i viŔe biljke
Rare earth elements (REEs) form a chemically uniform group with very similar physical and chemical properties. The REEs include the elements scandium, yttrium, and the lanthanides from lanthanum to lutetium. They are widely distributed and present in all parts of the biosphere. REEs are required in industry, agriculture, medicine, biotechnology, environmental problems and many other fields. Lately, many experiments show their positive or negative, first of all nonspecific, effect on life processes of higher plants as well as growth and yield of cultivated species, but the physiological mechanisms are still not well understood. It has been determined that yttrium is widely distributed in plants, as well as that certain plant species uptake yttrium at different extent. Its highest accumulation is in the root and the leaf. Although yttrium was discovered more than two centuries ago, its effect on higher plants - their anatomical and morphological built, physiological and biochemical processes etc. - is very little known. One of the basic reasons is that yttrium, as well as other REEs elements, according to current knowledge, is not biogenic for higher plants and - wider - for live organisms. The objective of this paper is to concisely show previous knowledge about yttrium in the plant world.Elementi retkih zemalja (REEs) su iz hemijski uniformnih grupa sa veoma sliÄnim fiziÄkim i hemijskim osobinama. REEs ukljuÄuju elemente kao Å”to su: skandijum, itrijum i lantanide od lantana do lutecijuma. Oni su Å”iroko rasprostranjeni i prisutni u svim delovima biosfere. REEs se koriste u industriji, poljoprivredi, medicini, biotehnologiji, kod problema zaÅ”tite životne sredine i u mnogim drugim poljima. U novije vreme, u mnogobrojnim ogledima je utvrÄeno njihovo pozitivno ili negativno, pre svega nespecifiÄno, dejstvo na životne procese viÅ”ih biljaka kao i na rastenje i prinos gajenih vrsta, ali fizioloÅ”ki mehanizmi dejstva joÅ” uvek nisu razjaÅ”njeni. UtvrÄeno je da je itrijum Å”iroko rasprostranjen u biljnom svetu, kao i da pojedine biljne vrste itrijum u razliÄitoj meri usvajaju. NajveÄe je njegovo nakupljanje u korenu i listovima. Iako je itrijum otkriven pre viÅ”e od dva veka, o njegovom dejstvu na viÅ”e biljke, na njihovu anatomsku i morfoloÅ”ku graÄu, fizioloÅ”ke i biohemijske procese i dr. veoma malo je poznato. Jedan od osnovnih razloga za to je da itrijum, kao i ostali elementi REEs prema dosadaÅ”njim saznanjima nisu biogeni za viÅ”e biljke i Å”ire za žive organizme. Cilj ovog pregleda je da u sažetom obliku prikaže dosadaÅ”nja saznanja u vezi sa itrijumom u biljnom svetu
Rare earth elements and plants
There has been a growing interest in the study of the rare earth elements (REEs) in recent decades of the last century, with the exploitation of REEs resources and applications in modern industry, medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. The main application of REEs is as new materials for recent technologies in the modern industry and agriculture, where low concentrations of REEs-based fertilizers are used to increase yield and quality of crops. Positive, negative or nil effects of RREs on plant growth, chemical composition and yield were observed in experiments done in many countries, but the physiological and biochemical mechanisms are still not well understood. Essentiality of REEs for living organisms or their threat to the environment has not been identified so far
Odnosi intenziteta zaraze s Puccinia hordei i Pyrenophora spp. na genotipovima jarog jeÄma i njihov uticaj na prinos zrna
lstraživanje je izvedeno s ciljem da se ispita meÄusobni uticaj na razvoj prouzrokovaÄa prugavosti iii pegavosti liÅ”Äa i lisne rÄe, te efekti na prinos zrna jarog jeÄma. Äetrnaest homozigotnih genotipova nekompletno otpornih iii osetljivih prema Puccinia hordei, posejano je 20.03.2005. godine simultano s kontrolom (K) u parcelice povrÅ”ine 7 m2 , isti udaljeni 2 m. Nakon dva prihranjivanja, s 25 kg azota (AN), radi karence u proizvodnji, nedozvoljeno tretiranje K je obavljeno 08.06.2005. fungicidom Folicur EC 250 u koliÄini 5 cm 3 na 100 m2 . Maksimalan intenzitet zaraze (IF) s Puccinia hordei oÄitan na dva poslednja lista je bio 40, a s Pyrenophora spp. 50% od lisne mase. Pri tom intenzitetu zaraze simptomi poslednje pomenutih prouzrokovaÄa bolesti (veÄinom P. teres) su na gornjim listovima bili slabije zastupljeni. IF 40 s P. hordei je bio povezan s maksimalno 20% Pyrenophora spp. kod jednog od dva genotipa
Akumulacija suve materije ozime pÅ”enice i jeÄma u razliÄitim rokovima setve
Dry matter accumulation is one of the best estimates for crop reaction to the effect of genotype or environmental factors. However, there is a lack of information about comparative crop growth between wheat and barley under conditions of the Pannonian climate. The objectives of this work were to study and compare the patterns of biomass accumulation in wheat and barley, and identify the role of the logistic curve parameters in the determination of the final biomass. Therefore, field trials with two two-row winter barley and two winter wheat cultivars were carried out in two successive growing seasons with four sowing dates. Results from our study showed that grain yield and crop biomass were under significant influence of cultivar and sowing date in both growing seasons. The highest grain yield and crop biomass at maturity were obtained with early sowing - first and second sowing date. There was a significant positive relationship between the crop biomass and grain yield in both species. Barley and wheat had similar strategies for biomass determination. Crop biomass at maturity was positively associated with the duration of growing phases, while the relationship with weighted mean absolute growth rate was negative. Early sowing enables prolongation in duration of different phases of crop biomass accumulation, leading to significant biomass and grain yield increase.Akumulacija suve materije je jedan od najboljih pokazatelja reakcije useva na uticaj genotipa i faktora sredine. MeÄutim, nedostaju uporedni podaci o rastu pÅ”enice i jeÄma u uslovima Panonske nizije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bilo ispitivanje i poreÄenje akumulacije suve materije pÅ”enice i jeÄma i utvrÄivanja znaÄaja parametara logistiÄke krive u formiranju ukupne biomase. Ogled sa dve sorte dvoredog ozimog jeÄma i dve sorte ozime pÅ”enice je sejan dve sezone u Äetiri roka setve. Rezultati ovog ispitivanja ukazuju da je prinos zrna i suve materije bio pod znaÄajnim uticajem roka setve i genotipa u obe sezone. Setva u prvom i drugom roku dala je najveÄi prinos zrna i biomase. UtvrÄena je pozitvna veza izmeÄu biomase useva i prinosa zrna kod obe vrste. PÅ”enica i jeÄam su imali sliÄne tendencije u nakupljanju suve materije. Biomasa u zrelosti je bila u pozitivnoj vezi sa dužinom vegetacionog perioda, a u negativnoj vezi sa procenjenom srednjom apsolutnom brzinom rasta. Rana setva omoguÄava produženje trajanja razliÄitih faza akumulacije suve materije, dovodeÄi do znaÄajnog poveÄanja prinosa i suve materije kod jeÄma i pÅ”enice
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