37 research outputs found

    Soziales Management in Slowenien – Transitionsprobleme oder Entwicklung einer neuen Theorie der Sozialarbeit?

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    In this article the author presents social management in the transitional period in the newly formed Republic of Slovenia. The conceptual problems in promoting social management in Slovenia are especially emphasized. Undoubtedly, social management cannot be equated with the concept of social work although this is often the case in Slovenia as well. An attempt is made to define the concept of social management and present its model which still exists in Slovenian organizations.U članku se prikazuje socijalni menadžment u tranzicijskom razdoblju u novostvorenoj državi Republici Sloveniji. Posebno se naglašavaju konceptualni problemi u uvođenju socijalnog menadžmenta u slovensko društvo. Socijalni menadžment se bez sumnje ne može izjednačiti s konceptom suvremenog socijalnog rada u Sloveniji, iako takvih pokušaja ima. Zbog toga se definira koncept socijalnog menadžmenta, ali i predstavljaju oni njegovi modeli koji postoje u slovenskim organizacijama.Im vorliegenden Artikel soll das soziale Management während der Transitionsperiode in der Republik Slowenien dargestellt werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den konzeptuellen Problemen, die bei der Einführung von sozialem Management in die slowenische Gesellschaft auftreten. Zweifelsohne kann soziales Leadership nicht gleichgesetzt werden mit dem in Slowenien auftretenden Konzept moderner Sozialarbeit, obwohl Versuche in dieser Richtung vorliegen. Es ist daher die Absicht der Autorin, das Konzept des sozialen Managements zu definieren und dessen in slowenischen Institutionen bestehende Modelle zu präsentieren

    Work Values of Students and Their Success in Studying at the Study Centre for Social Work in Zagreb, Croatia

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    Work values are relatively common and permanent goals that we want to achieve through our professional roles. According to a number of research studies, work values are acquired relatively early in the process of socialization, and they are relatively strong and unchangeable. In this article we investigate the question, whether among the students of social work there is any relation between such gained work values and success in studying. The results show that the value of altruism, which most characteristically distinguishes social work as a profession, is significantly correlated with success in studying. On the other hand, the correlation between utilitarian values and successful study is inverted


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    The article intertwines two different fields of science where we can see how very much connected they actually are. The first one is the field of partner relationship in relation to intergenerational dialogue and the second one is social marketing. To the best of our knowledge, this research issue is almost unaddressed in the literature. The purpose of social marketing is to change different socially undesirable, unacceptable and harmful ways of behaviour. The issue of partnerships is by its nature one of the most intractable ones, because a lot of partners are ashamed to reveal their problems. The article is focused on the change of the behaviour of partners and other family members from which it is required to change deeply rooted beliefs and patterns of behaviour or the way of behaviour that are transmitted from generation to generation. Intergenerational transmission is one dimension of the larger concept of intergenerational relations. Through intergenerational dialogue people from different generations can learn new things together, learn from one another, or teach one another. This article describes how it is possible to apply social marketing to relevant issues within the marriage and family field. It also presents a study whose purpose is to determine whether social marketing is the right intervention and motivational approach to resolve problems in partner relationship (target group), who are faced with problems such as mutual conflict, inadequate communication, problems of alienation, emotional separation, marriage infidelity, various dependencies, mental or physical violence and problems in raising children.Članak isprepliće dva različita područja znanosti gdje možemo vidjeti kako su zapravo jako povezane. Prvo je područje partnerskih odnosa vezano na međugeneracijski dijalog, a drugo područje je društveni marketing. Prema našim saznanjima, ovo istraživačka problematika je gotovo nezamijećena u literaturi.Svrha društvenog marketinga je promijeniti različite društveno nepoželjne, neprihvatljive i štetne načine ponašanja.Pitanje partnerstva je po svojoj prirodi jedan je od najčešćih, jer se puno partnera srame otkriti svoje probleme.Članak je usmjeren na promjenu ponašanja partnera i ostalih članova obitelji iz koje je potrebno promijeniti duboko ukorijenjene uvjerenja i obrasce ponašanja ili načina ponašanja koje se prenose s generacije na generaciju. Međugeneracijski prijenos je jedna dimenzija šireg koncepta međugeneracijskih odnosa. Kroz međugeneracijski dijalog ljudi iz različitih generacija mogu naučiti nove stvari zajedno, uče jedni od drugih, ili učiti jedni druge. Ovaj članak opisuje kako je moguće primjeniti društveni marketing na relevantna pitanja unutar braka i u području obitelji. To također predstavlja studiju čiji je cilj utvrditi je li društveni marketing je pravo intervencije i motivacijski pristup rješavanju problema u odnosima partnera (ciljna skupina), koji su suočeni s problemima kao što su međusobni sukobi, neadekvatne komunikacije, problem otuđenja, emocionalno odvajanje, brak, nevjera, razne ovisnosti, mentalno ili fizičko nasilje i problemi u odgoju djece


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    The goal of our study was to analyse the impact of Slovenian educations institution culture on the self-assessed tourism relevant skills and competencies. Our study shows that to cope with the rapid changes in the field of tourism new educational approaches for next decades should be developed. Contemporary process is according to our findings strongly result oriented. Organizational culture on the level of the college tourism program does not stimulate the development of relevant skills and competencies expected and needed by tourism industry. To be more future oriented, tourism industry needs educational institutions that are able to develop more learning process oriented education programs. Development of the new learning culture should result in IT supported, with tourism industry coordinated and constantly tourism trend reconceptualized programs. Author suggests that the learning culture change is based on the change of the teacher’s role that must support open learning and development of skills and competencies that enable autonomous and active problem solving in the concrete tourism environment.Zbog sve bržih promjena u području turizma javlja se potreba za razvoj novih edukacijskih metoda i pristupa obrazovanju za turizam. Cilj rada je analizirati utjecaj organizacijske kulture obrazovnih institucija na obrazovanje u turizmu za područje Slovenije. Istraživanje pokazuje, da organizacijska kultura obrazovnih institucija za turizam ne stimulira u proces usmjerenog učenja u kome imaju studenti središnu ulogu. Posljedica toga jest, da studenti percipiraju vrlo slab utjecaj obrazovnog programa na razvoj za turističku privredu važnih kompetencija. To osobito važi za obrazovne programe na univerzitetskoj razini. Autorica je ustanovila, da moraju obrazovne institucije razviti otvorenu kulturu učenja, koja će stimulirati izravno povezivanje sa turističkom privredom. Uz to morala bi omogućavati neprekidno prilagođavanje programima, efektivnu upotrebu informacijske tehnologije u procesu učenja i razvoj nastavnika, koji će graditi proces usmjeren kulturi učenja

    Experiencing Infertility – Social Work Dilemmas in Child Adoption Procedures

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    The research deals with experiencing infertility and its consequences in the adoption of a child and focuses on infertile couples that have wished to adopt a child and joined a program preparing them to be foster parents. The results show that most of the infertile couples experience infertility very much as being different from couples with children as well as having to cope with the feelings of deep emotional loss resulting from the inability to reproduce biologically. There is therefore the question whether these facts should be taken into account by the profession (i.e. social workers) when dealing with child adoption as, according to most of the respondents of our survey, the process of coming to terms with infertility and its consequences is an important factor in establishing healthy family relationships and the child’s identity within the adoptive family. We concluded from the results of the research that the infertile couples preparation program for adopting a child carried out by the Society of Adoptive Families »Deteljica«, is a comprehensive autopoietic social workers’ answer to the needs of participants for a successful adoption of a child, as it makes it possible to supply these future adoptive parents with the requisite information and experience and provides support to the entire family upon accepting a child in its midst, while its fundamental attribute is offering help to couples in overcoming the traumas resulting from their infertility

    Optimum amount of an insurance sum in life insurance

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    Personal insurance represents one of the sources of personal social security as a category of personal property. How to get a proper life insurance is a frequently asked question. When insuring material objects (car, house...), the problem is usually not in the amount of the taken insurance. With life insurance (abstract goods), problems as such occur. In this paper, we wish to present a model that, according to the financial situation and the anticipated future, makes it possible to calculate the optimum insurance sum in life insurance