51 research outputs found

    Liječenje metritisa i endometritisa krava ozonom.

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    The aim of research was to investigate the frequency of metritis and endometritis, also the efficacy of ozone spray treatment in Holstein cows. The cows (n = 91) ranged from 2 to 7 years of age and were housed in two commercial dairy farms in the north-western region of Croatia. The study was conducted over the course of 1 year. The cows were divided into the three groups based on uterine findings and diagnosis (metritis, endometritis and control). The first group comprised cows suffering from metritis diagnosed on days 5 and/or 15 following parturition. The second group included cows diagnosed with endometritis on days 25 and/or 45 after parturition. The third group included animals without clinical signs of uterine inflammation. In cases when metritis or endometritis was established, ozone foam (Riger spray G) was inserted into the uterus. Ozone was applied by means of a vial containing ozonated foam under pressure for 5 seconds. The time to the first postpartal insemination was shorter for controls compared to the metritis and endometritis groups (P<0.05). The days open until pregnancy was the longest (133 days) in cows with endometritis (n = 28). In the control group (n = 41) the days open until pregnancy was 125 days and in the group of cows treated for metritis (n = 22) was 120 days. Conception rates for the first, second and third groups were 1.86, 2.21 and 1.90, respectively. The intrauterine ozone flush therefore has potential to alleviate metritis and endometritis as an efficacious and costeffective treatment option with an overall positive effect on fertility and the host regarding tissues in Holstein cows.Cilj je istraživanja bio ustanoviti učestalost pojavnosti metritisa i endometritisa te učinak liječenja tih upala ozonom u obliku spreja (pjene). Krave holÅ”tajnske pasmine (n = 91), starosti od dvije do sedam godina, bile su smjeÅ”tene na dvije farme mliječnih krava na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Istraživanje je trajalo godinu dana. Krave uključene u istraživanje bile su podijeljene u tri skupine na osnovi nalaza u maternici i dijagnoze: metritis, endometritis i kontrola. U prvoj skupini bile su obuhvaćene krave s metritisom koji je dijagnosticiran 5 i/ili 15 dana nakon porođaja. U drugu su skupinu bile uključene krave kojima je dijagnosticiran endometritis 25. i/ili 45. dana nakon porođaja, a u trećoj su skupini bile krave bez kliničkih znakova upale maternice. U slučajevima gdje je dijagnosticiran metritis ili endometritis, prilikom liječenja u maternicu je primijenjen ozonski pripravak u obliku spreja (pjena) (Riger spray G). Ozon u obliku spreja bio je primijenjen u maternicu u trajanju viÅ”e od pet sekundi. Vrijeme do prvog osjemenjivanja poslije porođaja bilo je kraće u krava kontrolne skupine u usporedbi s kravama koje su imale metritis i endometritis (P<0,05). Najdulje trajanje servis perioda (133 dana) bilo je zabilježeno u krava s endometritisom (n = 28). U kontrolnoj skupini (n = 41) servis period je iznosio 125 dana, a u skupini krava s metritisom (n = 22) 120 dana. Indeks osjemenjivanja u prvoj skupini iznosio je 1,86, u drugoj 2,21 i u trećoj skupini 1,90. Zaključili smo da intrauterina terapija ozonom može imati povoljan utjecaj na smanjenje pojavnosti metritisa i endometritisa, a posljedično tome i na poboljÅ”anje reprodukcijske učinkovitosti kao i smanjenje troÅ”kova liječenja krava holÅ”tajnske pasmine

    Kraniomandibularna osteopatija u zapadno-Å”kotskog bijelog terijera ā€“ prikaz slučaja

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    The case report describes cranioman- dibular osteopathy observed in an 8-month old West Highland white terrier. The animal was presented with a history of painful in- tramandiblar swelling lasting three weeks. Although most frequently observed in that particular breed, the condition is generally rare and therefore likely to be unrecognized by clinicians. The diagnosis was based on clinical and radiological findings with bone biopsy used as a supplemental diagnostic method. Symptomatic treatment with anti- inflammatory drugs was administered to al- leviate pain and discomfort during the bone proliferation phase. In this case, the progno- sis was favourable due to the unaffected tem- poromandibular joint and tympanic bullae, making special nutritional therapy protocol unnecessary. The condition usually appears in dogs aged 4 to 8 months, and is character- ized by non-neoplastic bone remodelling and its irregular thickening with inflammation. Predominantly affecting the mandible and occasionally other bones of the skull, the dis- order commonly results in painful and dif- ficult mastication, leading to nutritional im- pairment and dehydration of the animal. The disease is mostly self-limiting and recovery coincides with the completion of the growth process and epiphyseal plate closure at 11 to 13 months of age. However, is some cases, ra- diographic abnormality or impaired function of the tympanic bullae or temporomandibu- lar joint may remain, resulting in permanent restriction of jaw movement.Prikaz slučaja opisuje kraniomandibu- larnu osteopatiju koja se pojavila u 8 mjeseci starog zapadno-Å”kotskog bijelog terijera. Životinja je upućena u kirurÅ”ku ambulantu zbog bolne otekline koja se tri tjedna prije pojavila u intermandibularnom prostoru. Iako najčeŔće dijagnosticirana u navedene pasmine, kraniomandibularna osteopatija je općenito rijedak poremećaj te postoji velika vjerojatnost da je zbog toga kliničari neće prepoznati. Dijagnoza poremećaja se temelji- la na nalazima rendgenografije dok je biop- sija kosti služila kao dopunska metoda za potvrdu dijagnoze. Simptomatsko liječenje bilo je usmjereno olakÅ”avanju bolnosti ti- jekom proliferativne faze bolesti. U ovom slučaju prognoza je bila povoljna, jer prom- jene nisu zahvaćale tempooromandibularni zglob niti timpanične bule, zbog čega nije bilo potrebno primjenjivati poseban protokol za prehranu pacijenta. Poremećaj se najčeŔće javlja u 4 do 8 mjeseci starih pasa i karakter- izira ga neneoplastično remodeliranje kosti s nepravilnim koÅ”tanim bujanjima i upalom. Proliferacija koÅ”tanog tkiva najčeŔće zahvaća mandibulu, a ponekad i druge kosti lubanje te uglavnom rezultira bolnoŔću prilikom uzimanja hrane i žvakanja, zbog čega paci- jent postaje pothranjen i dehidriran. Bolest spontano posustaje te oporavak koincidira sa zavrÅ”etkom rasta i zatvaranjem koÅ”tanih zona rasta u dobi od 11 do 13 mjeseci. Međutim, ponekad radioloÅ”ki vidljive lezije i naruÅ”ena funkcija temporomadibularnog zgloba može ostati, Å”to rezultira trajno sman- jenim opsegom pokretljivosti zgloba

    Spororastući osteosarkom lopatice u psa mops pasmine - prikaz slučaja

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    A scapular bone tumor in a 7-year-old male Pug is described. The Pug accidentally ran into a door six years before and started to limp on his front right leg. A small mass was noticed by the Pugā€™s owners on his right shoulder which was ignored by the veterinarian. The mass increased in size until it became 9 cm in diameter and the dog was not using his leg occasionally. Finally the dog was referred to the Surgery, Ophthalmology and Orthopedics Clinic for further diagnostics. Following complete clinical and orthopedic examinations, an X-ray of the right scapula was performed and a neoplasia of the scapulae was suspected. A biopsy and histopathological examination was recommended in order to rule out osteosarcoma. The histopathological examination established the diagnosis of a highly productive, osteoblastic osteosarcoma of the right scapula with pulmonary metastasis. Prognosis was unfavorable due to metastases to the lungs evidenced by the X-ray. We report a case concerning an untreated scapular neoplasia with X-ray detectable lung metastases upon presentation at the Clinic. Proper diagnosis should be based on clinical examination, radiograph evaluation of the process and histopathological findings after bone biopsy. Blunt trauma can be a trigger for development of slow growing periosteal osteosarcoma, as described here. Treatment often include subtotal scapulectomy or forequarter amputation with adjuvant chemotherapy. Despite aggressive treatment, scapular osteosarcoma has a poor prognosis with low median survival time and disease free interval in dogs. Unfortunately the Pugā€™s owners refused the recommended treatment and the dog was euthanized 2 months later.Opisan je tumor lopatice u sedmogodiÅ”njega muÅ”kog mopsa. Kao Å”tene, slučajno je naletio na vrata i počeo Å”epati na prednju desnu nogu. Vlasnici su primijetili malu tvorbu, oteklinu na desnoj lopatici koju je veterinar ignorirao. Tvorba se s godinama povećavala do veličine od 9 cm u promjeru, a pas je povremeno Å”epao. Nakon kliničkog i ortopedskog pregleda te rendgenografskog oslikavanja desne lopatice posumnjalo se na neoplaziju lopatice. Preporučena je biopsija i histopatoloÅ”ka pretraga tvorbe kako bi se potvrdila sumnja na osteosarkom. HistopatoloÅ”ki nalaz upućivao je na vrlo produktivan, osteoblastični osteosarkom desne lopatice s plućnim metastazama. Prognoza je bila nepovoljna zbog rendgenografski dokazanih metastaza na plućima Kao Å”to je ovdje opisano, trauma može biti okidač za razvoj spororastućeg periostalnog osteosarcoma, a pravilno dijagnosticiranje treba temeljiti na kliničkom pregledu, rendgenografskoj procjeni procesa i histopatoloÅ”kom nalazu. Liječenje osteosarkoma lopatice često uključuje potpunu skapulektomiju ili amputaciju prednje noge s odgovarajućom kemoterapijom. Unatoč agresivnom liječenju, skapularni osteosarkom ima loÅ”u prognozu, s niskim srednjim vremenom preživljenja i kratkim razdobljem bez bolesti u pasa. Nažalost, vlasnici mopsa odbili su preporučeno liječenje i pas je nakon dva mjeseca eutanaziran

    Kastracija europskog smeđeg medvjeda.

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    Facilities for captive holding of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) are usually limited in capacity and already filled. The brown bear is a protected species, reduction of free-living population is not allowed and protection of existing numbers is requested by international conventions. The best regulation of population in captivity is by orchiectomy because of surgical simplicity and efficiency. We achieved general anaesthesia by use of a combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride applied intramuscularly in four treated males. Surgical procedure of orchiectomy was carried out by closed method using two skin incisions parallel to raphe scroti in one bear and prescrotal incision in the remaining 3 bears. Spermatic cord was ligated by a triple clamp technique. Skin incisions were sutured by simple interrupted pattern with absorbable suture material. Recovery from general anaesthesia was without side-effects after a mean duration of 172 min. Mean surgery time was 54 min. The surgical wounds healed ā€œper primamā€.Ograđeni prostori i utočiÅ”ta za zbrinjavanje europskih smeđih medvjeda (Ursus arctos) ograničeni su povrÅ”inom za prihvat napuÅ”tenih jedinki. Budući da je smeđi medvjed zaÅ”tićena vrsta, valja voditi brigu o broju jedinki njihove populacije. Najbolja kontrola broja jedinki u zatočeniÅ”tvu je putem kirurÅ”koga zahvata kastracije odnosno orhiektomije mužjaka zbog relativno jednostavne izvedbe zahvata. Orhiektomija četiriju mužjaka obavljena je u općoj anesteziji kombinacijom ketamin i ksilazin hidroklorida primijenjenih intramuskularno. U sva četiri medvjeda orhiektomija je obavljena zatvorenom metodom. U jednoga je primijenjena metoda dva kožna reza usporedno s moÅ”njičnim Å”avom, a u tri medvjeda preskrotalna metoda orhiektomije. U svih je primijenjena tehnika tri hemostata prilikom podvezivanja sjemenova užeta, a rane su bile saÅ”ivene resorptivnim koncem pojedinačnim čvorastim Å”avom. Buđenje iz anestezije bilo je uobičajenoga tijeka bez nuspojava. Zahvat je prosječno trajao 54 minute, a opća anestezija 171,5 minuta. Sve kirurÅ”ke rane zacijelile su ā€žper primamā€, a oporavak je proÅ”ao bez nuspojava

    Usporedba standardne perinealne herniorafije i transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića u liječenju perinealne hernije pasa.

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    Forty male dogs underwent 46 perineal herniorrhaphy procedures. In 22 dogs, herniorrhaphy was performed by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 18 dogs by internal obturator muscle transposition (six bilateral herniorrhaphies). Castration was performed in 13 (59%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 14 (77%) dogs operated by transposition of the internal obturator muscle. Rectal disease was preoperatively observed in 22 (46%) cases. Recurrence was recorded in six (27%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in two (11%) dogs operated by internal obturator muscle transposition. Postoperative complications developed in 30 (65%) cases. The most common complications were wound complications (swelling, seroma, dehiscence and hematoma), lameness and tenesmus. Study results indicated the method of internal obturator muscle transposition to create a stronger perineal diaphragm with a lower incidence of recurrence compared to standard perineal herniorrhaphy.Operirano je 40 muÅ”kih pasa u 46 operacijskih zahvata. Standardna perinealna herniorafija učinjena je u 22 psa, a transpozicija unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića u 18 pasa (Å”est obostranih perinealnih hernija). Kastrirano je 13 (59%) pasa operiranih standardnom perinealnom herniorafijom te 14 (77%) pasa operiranih transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića. Promjene na rektumu uočene su u 22 (48%) psa prije operacije. Å est (27%) pasa operiranih standardnom metodom imalo je recidiv, dok je isti uočen tek u dva (11%) psa operirana transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića. Za vrijeme poslijeoperacijskog praćenja komplikacije su uočene u 30 (65%) pasa. NajčeŔće uočene komplikacije bile su komplikacije rane (oteklina, serom, dehiscencija i hematom), hromost i napinjanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je metoda transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića bolja, jer dovodi do nastanka čvrŔće perinealne dijafragme s manjim postotkom recidiviranja

    Divertikul debelog crijeva u psa - prikaz slučaja

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    The objectives of the current case report are to describe and report the diagnostics and surgical treatment of colonic diverticulum in a dog. A 13-year-old intact male Labrador retriever, suffering from the inability to defecate for 10 days, was diagnosed with a mass between the colon and the urinary bladder, filled with faeces. The diagnosis of a colonic diverticulum was obtained using plain abdominal radiography, ultrasonography, cystography and irigography. Native and contrast abdominal radiography and ultrasonography detected an abdominal mass with a diameter of 9 cm, filled with faeces, connected to the descending colon, and an enlarged prostatic gland. The dog was treated surgically with orchiectomy, exploratory celiotomy, partial resection of the colonic diverticulum wall, followed by reconstruction of the colon using the wall of the colonic diverticulum as a flap. The dog defecated 24 hours after surgery. On the 5th postoperative day, a wound infection was observed (redness, serous discharge from the ventral midline wound). The functional outcome was satisfactory. To the best of our knowledge, such a case report has not been reported before.Cilj rada bio je prikazati dijagnostiku i kirurÅ”ko liječenje divertikula debelog crijeva u psa. Mužjak u dobi od 13 godina pasmine labrador retriver, tijekom 10 dana nije mogao defecirati. Psu je dijagnosticirana tvorba između kolona i mokraćnog mjehura, ispunjena fecesom. Abdominalnom radiografijom, ultrazvukom, cistografijom i irigografijom postavljena je dijagnoza divertikula kolona. Nativna i kontrastna abdominalna radiografija i ultrazvuk otkrili su abdominalnu masu promjera 9 cm, ispunjenu fecesom i povezanu sa silaznim kolonom, kao i uvećanu prostatu. U psa je učinjena orhiektomija, eksploratorna celiotomija i parcijalna resekcija stijenke divertikula kolona, te rekonstrukcija debelog crijeva, upotrebom stijenke crijevnog divertikula kao preklopa. Nakon 24 sata pas je defecirao. Petog dana poslije kirurÅ”kog zahvata primijećena je infekcija rane (crvenilo, serozni iscjedak iz ventralnog srednjeg dijela rane). Funkcionalni ishod bio je zadovoljavajući. Prema nama dostupnim podacima ovakav slučaj dosad nije prikazan

    Communicating Environmental Problems as a Basis for Creating Sustainable Family Habits. CRO Laudato Siā€™ Research Results

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    The paper presents the results of a research conducted among Catholic believers in Croatia during 2020 and 2021. The research was carried out as part of the CRO Laudato Si' project (N=1324). Ā In the second phase, four focus groups were conducted with 20 participants. The overall objective of the research is to determine whether families communicate about environmental problems and to describe the experience of communication and sustainable habits in the family. The results show that communication on environmental problems in the family is democratic and open. The vast majority of respondents (97%) mostly or completely agreed with the statement: ā€œIt is necessary to point out the importance of environmental problems in one's own family and societyā€. The results of the focus group provide a deeper insight into family relations and reveal the family as a social relationship within which environmental problems are not discussed regularly, but some habits are cultivated spontaneously. These are daily sustainable habits such as waste separation, water and energy saving, etc. However, the results show that younger family members pass on information on this topic to the elderly and therefore their role on micro-level is significant.Ā  That role is related to meso level, and to educational institutions in the phase of secondary socialization. Ā We conclude that families from our sample have a non-economic exchange of information on environmental problems. Communication (non-verbal especially) about environmental problems in the family is important for both children and parents and can empower the willingness to change unsustainable family habits

    Klinička slika i fenotipska obilježja jakih kavitatornih lezija u mozgu pasa - prikaz slučaja.

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    Marked lateral ventricular enlargement associated with atrophic cerebral cortex is described in three dogs. In case 1 (Irish terrier) and case 2 (German shepherd), hydranencephaly was diagnosed and it was characterized by the complete loss of cerebral hemispheres, leaving only about 2 mm of brain tissue that encircled fluid filled sacs. Clinically, the Irish terrier showed only sleepines and retroflexion of the head during sleeping, while the German shepherd showed no neurological or any other symptoms. In the third case (English setter), internal hydrocephalus was found, probably secondary to the severe periventricular lesions characterized by neutrophilic/mononuclear cell infiltration. This lesion was diagnosed as hydrocephalus associated with periventricular encephalitis, and this dog showed more severe neurological symptoms, such as: somnolence, opisthotonus, rigor of muscles due to seizures, poor eye-sight, stager, ataxia, and unresponsivness to vocalisation. In all cases, no infectious agent or specific cause was determined.Vrlo jako proÅ”irenje lateralnih moždanih klijetki praćeno s jakom atrofijom moždane kore prikazano je kod tri psa. U prvom slučaju (irski terijer) i drugom slučaju (njemački ovčar) opisana je hidranencefalija karakterizirana potpunim gubitkom moždanih polutki ostavljajući samo oko 2 mm moždanog tkiva Å”to predstavlja tekućinom ispunjene vreće. Klinički je irski terijer pokazivao samo pospanost i retrofleksiju glave tijekom spavanja, a njemački ovčar nije pokazivao neuroloÅ”ke ni druge znakove bolesti. U trećem slučaju (engleski seter), unutarnji hidrocefalus vjerojatno je bio sekundaran zbog teÅ”kog periventrikularnog oÅ”tećenja karakteriziranog neutrofilnim/mononuklearnim staničnim infiltratom. Ta je lezija dijagnosticirana kao hidrocefalus povezan s periventrikularnim encefalitisom, a pas je pokazivao teÅ”ke neuroloÅ”ke znakove kao Å”to su pospanost, opistotonus, grčevi miÅ”ića, poteÅ”koće s vidom, vrtoglavica, ataksija i nereagiranje na zvučne podražaje. U sva tri slučaja nije utvrđen infekciozni ni drugi specifičan uzrok

    The use of anaesthetics in horses

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    Primjena općih anestetika u konja važan je aspekt veterinarske anestezije. Potreba za primjenom općih anestetika proizlazi iz različitih patoloÅ”kih procesa kojima je konj podložan prilikom uporabe u određenim aktivnostima. Abdominalna problematika u vidu kolika te ortopedski zahvati u sportskih konja zahtijevaju primjenu najsuvremenijih metoda opće anestezije. Tehnike opće anestezi- je u konja komplicirane su specifičnom tjeles- nom građom konja te njihovim temperamen- tom. Upravo zbog tih specifičnosti anestezija konja zahtijeva pravilnu pripremu životinje, ali i anesteziologa te premedikaciju. Danas su razvijeni mnogobrojni anestezioloÅ”ki pro- tokoli koji se koriste u zavisnosti od različitih potreba i mogućnosti izvedbe operativnih zahvata, a svaki od njih ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Uzimajući u obzir prirodu kon- jske prakse najčeŔće se koristi metoda potpune intravenozne anestezije. Ipak, konji danas viÅ”e gotovo da i nisu radne životinje, već su prije kućni ljubimci pa samim time postoji potreba za većom sigurnoŔću izvedbe operativnih za- hvata. Upravo ta činjenica vodi do sve veće uporabe inhalacijske i balansirane anestezije u kirurgiji konja. Odabir najbolje anestezioloÅ”ke tehnike ipak ostaje na samom kirurgu.The use of general anaesthetics in horses is an important aspect in veterinary anaesthesia. The need to use general anaesthetics arises from different pathological processes appearing in horses for a range of different activities. Abdominal problems such as colic and orthopaedic procedures in sport horses require the use of the most contemporary general anaesthesia methods. General anaesthesia techniques in horses are complicated by the specific anatomy and temperament of the horse. Due to these specific characteristics, horse anaesthesia requires the proper preparation of the animal and anaesthesiologist, with the need for premedication. Many anaesthesia protocols have been developed for use depending on the different needs and possibilities of performing surgery. Considering the nature of horse practice, the most common method is total intravenous anaesthesia. That said, horses nowadays are more like pets than the working animals they once were, and thus there is a need for a higher safety profile during the performance of surgical procedures. That fact has led to the more common use of inhaled and balanced anaesthesia in horse surgery. However, the best choice for anaesthetic technique will depend on the experience of the surgeon

    Analiza cerebrospinalne tekućine u pasa s kralježničnim tumorom i hernijacijom intervertebralnog diska

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    The study presents a retrospective case study. This aim was to determine whether lactate, glucose and total protein in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be used as specific biochemical markers for rapid differential diagnosis between intervertebral disk herniation and spinal tumors. Canine blood (n=9) and cerebrospinal fluid (n=9) were collected for chemistry analysis in nine dogs divided into two groups: intervertebral disk herniation group (IVDHG) (n=6) and spinal tumor group (TG) (n=3). Absorption spectrophotometry was used for quantitative determination of the concentrations of lactate, glucose and total protein in serum and CSF. Lactate concentration in serum and CSF and glucose concentration in CSF were 40-60% higher in subjects in TG compared to the IVDHG group. Serum lactate concentrations in the IVDHG group were 60% lower than physiological values. The results indicate that elevated concentration of glucose, lactate and total proteins in CSF and serum are indicative of a tumor, while a decrease of serum lactate and other parameters within normal range indicate disk herniation.Ovo istraživanje predstavlja retrospektivnu studiju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustvrditi mogu li laktat, glukoza ili ukupni protein u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini biti specifični biokemijski markeri u brzoj diferencijalnoj dijagnostici kralježničnog tumora i hernijacije intervertebralnog diska. U istraživanju je koriÅ”teno 9 uzoraka pseće krvi i 9 uzoraka pseće cerebrospinalne tekućine koje su biokemijski analizirane. Ukupno 9 je pasa podijeljeno u 2 skupine: hernijacija intervertebralnog diska (IVDHG) (n=6) i skupina vertebralni tumor (TG) (n=3). Za kvantitativno određivanje koncentracija laktata, glukoze i ukupnih proteina u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini koristila se metoda apsorpcijske spektrofotometrije. Koncentracije laktatata u serumu i cerebrospnalnoj tekućini i glukoze u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini su bile poviÅ”ene za 40 do 60 % u pasa s tumorom u kralježnici u usporedbi s psima iz skupine s hernijacijom intervertebralnog diska. Serumska koncentracija laktata u pasa s hernijacijom intervertebralnog diska je bila 60 % niža nego fizioloÅ”ke vrijednosti. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da povećane koncentracije glukoze, laktata i ukupnih proteina u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini upućuju na tumor u kralježnici, dok, smanjene ili fizioloÅ”ke vrijednosti laktata i ostalih mjerenih pokazatelja mjerenih u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini ukazuju na hernijaciju intervertebralnog diska
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