51 research outputs found

    HER2-low napredno liječenje raka dojke

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    Breast cancer cells can express HER2 receptors on their membranes to varying degrees. HER2 signalling pathway is important for tumor growth and metastasis. Patients with HER2-positive disease had worse treatment outcomes until the implementation of trastuzumab started, followed by other anti-HER2 drugs. So far, they have been used exclusively for strong HER2 expression. The development of new drugs, primarily antibody-drug conjugates, has proven their efficacy on tumor cells that have lower levels of the HER2 receptors, today referred to as HER2-low tumors. Since the results of the DESTINY breast04 study showed a prolongation of progression free survival and overall survival in HER2-low pretreated patients, a new perspective opens up in the treatment, as well as in HER2 testing.Stanice karcinoma dojke na svojim membranama mogu imati različitu razinu ekspresije HER2 receptora. HER2 signalni put važan je za rast tumora i metastaze. Bolesnice s HER2 pozitivnom bolešću imale su lošije ishode liječenja sve dok nije uvedena upotreba trastuzumaba, a potom i drugih anti-HER2 lijekova. Do sada su se koristili isključivo za jaku ekspresiju HER2 receptora. Razvojem novih lijekova, prije svega konjugata protutijelo-citostatik, dokazana je učinkovitost djelovanja na tumorske stanice koje imaju niže razine HER2 receptora, danas poznatih kao HER2-low tumori. Budući da su rezultati studije DESTINY Breast04 pokazali produljenje preživljenja bez progresije bolesti i ukupnog preživljenja u prethodno liječenih pacijenatica s HER-low tumorima, otvaraju se nove mogućnosti, kako u liječenju, tako i u testiranju HER2 receptora

    Prehrana bubrežnih bolesnika u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik

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    U većine bolesnika prehrana znatno utječe na brzinu i kvalitetu liječenja. Dijetalnom terapijom poremećaji u organizmu mogu se znatno poboljšati. Kod bubrežnih bolesnika smanjuje se unos proteina i elektrolita, a nadoknađuju se nutrijenti koji se gube zbog poremećenog rada bubrega. Cilj dijetalne terapije tih bolesnika jest olakšati funkciju oboljelog bubrega. Budući je svaki organizam drugačiji i ne reagira jednako, svakom pacijentu Opće bolnice Dubrovnik pristupa se pojedinačno te se nikad ne provodi zajednička dijeta, već se usklađuje sa stvarnim stanjem bolesnika. Za pravilno određivanje dijetalne terapije potrebno je napraviti brojne krvne nalaze i nalaze urina iz kojih se može viditi koliko bi bolesnik trebao uzimati proteina, koliko masti i ugljikohidrata, te smije li se hrana dosoljavati i u kojim količinama. Jelovnici za bubrežne bolesnike u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik zadovoljavaju kvalitativne i kvantitativne kriterije

    Do we need breast cancer centers?

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    Hrvatskoj su potrebni centri za rak dojke koji će biti sveobuhvatne baze za dijagnosticiranje, liječenje, praćenje i istraživanje te bolesti. Ustanove u manjim bolnicama trebaju biti sastavni dio šireg tima za liječenje raka dojke. Aktivnosti u takvim centrima izvrsnosti uključuju prije svega timski rad, izradu smjernica, lokalizacijsku onkologiju, trajno usavršavanje stručnjaka, provođenje kliničkih studija, implementaciju novih tehnika liječenja, te kontrolu kvalitete. Organizacija centara izvrsnosti za rak dojke je također u funkciji prilagodbe zdravstvenoga sustava standardima Europske unije.Croatia needs certified breast cancer centers that will cover all aspects of breast cancer treatment; diagnostics, treatment, follow-up and basic and clinical research. Units in smaller hospitals have to be a part of broader multidisciplinary breast cancer teams. Activities in such breast cancer centers primarily include team-work, defining guidelines, localization related oncology sub-specialization, continuous education of experts, clinical trial execution, implementation of new treatment techniques and quality control. The development of certified breast cancer centers also represents health care system adjustment to EU standards

    Role of CDK4/6 inhibitors in metastatic hormon positive HER2 negative breast cancer treatment

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    Primjena inhibitora CDK4/6 u liječenju hormonski ovisnoga metastatskog raka dojke negativnog na HER-2 dovela je do bitnog poboljšanja kontrole bolesti, i to ponajprije znatnim produljenjem preživljenja bez progresije bolesti, uz prihvatljiv profil toksičnosti. Osnovno djelovanje inhibitora CDK4/6 jest odgađanje razvoja rezistencije na endokrinu terapiju, odnosno reverziju već nastale rezistencije. Medijani preživljenja bez progresije bolesti kreću se oko 20 i više mjeseci u prvoj liniji liječenja i 10-ak mjeseci i više u drugoj liniji. U prvoj liniji liječenja kombinirani su s aromataznim inhibitorima, a u drugoj s fulvestrantom. Produljenjem vremena bez napredovanja bolesti odgađa se primjena kemoterapije, a bolesnicama se osigurava bolja kvaliteta života. Zbog svega navedenoga ovi lijekovi u kombinaciji s endokrinom terapijom nova su, visokovrijedna terapijska opcija u liječenju metastatskog raka dojke. Međutim, ostaju brojna otvorena pitanja za svakodnevnu kliničku praksu kao što su optimalan odabir bolesnica za prvolinijsko i drugolinijsko liječenje, sekvenciranje drugih lijekova nakon progresije bolesti na inhibitore CDK4/6 te dostupnost i cijena liječenja.Implementation of CDK4/6 inhibitors in metastatic hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative breast cancer treatment significantly improves progression free survival. CDK4/6 inhibitors are characterized by favorable toxicity profile. CDK4/6 inhibitor administration delays and/or overcomes endocrine therapy resistance in metastatic breast cancer. CDK4/6 inhibitors were tested in both first line treatment in combination with aromatase inhibitors, and in second line treatment in combination with fulvestrant. Progression free survival longer than 20 months in the first and longer than 10 months in the second treatment line has been achieved. Progression free survival prolongation may delay chemotherapy administration and consequently enable longer period with maintained quality of life. CDK4/6 inhibitors in combination with endocrine therapy represent a new valuable treatment option for metastatic hormone receptor positive HER2 negative breast cancer. However , many questions such as optimal patient selection as well as positioning of the CDK4/6 inhibitors and other endocrine therapy options during the course of metastatic disease treatment, remain unanswered. Furthermore, availability and cost of CDK4/6 inhibitors are also important issues

    Modeling water flow and phosphorus sorption in a soil amended with sewage sludge and olive pomace as compost or biochar

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    Organic amendments are often reported to improve soil properties, promote plant growth, and improve crop yield. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the biochar and compost produced from sewage sludge and olive pomace on soil hydraulic properties, water flow, and P transport (i.e., sorption) using numerical modeling (HYDRUS-1D) applied to two soil types (Terra Rosa and Rendzina). Evaporation and leaching experiments on soil cores and repacked soil columns were performed to determine the soil water retention, hydraulic conductivity, P leaching potential, and P sorption capacity of these mixtures. In the majority of treatments, the soil water retention showed a small increase compared to the control soil. A reliable fit with the modified van Genuchten model was found, which was also confirmed by water flow modeling of leaching experiments (R2 0.99). The results showed a high P sorption in all the treatments (Kd 21.24 to 53.68 cm3 g−1), and a high model reliability when the inverse modeling procedure was used (R2 0.93–0.99). Overall, adding sewage sludge or olive pomace as compost or biochar improved the Terra Rosa and Rendzina water retention and did not increase the P mobility in these soils, proving to be a sustainable source of carbon and P-rich materials

    The Nature of the (Oligo/Hetero)Arene Linker Connecting Two Triarylborane Cations Controls Fluorimetric and Circular Dichroism Sensing of Various ds-DNAs and ds-RNAs

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    A series of tetracationic bis-triarylborane dyes, differing in the aromatic linker connecting two dicationic triarylborane moieties, showed very high submicromolar affinities toward ds-DNA and ds-RNA. The linker strongly influenced the emissive properties of triarylborane cations and controlled the fluorimetric response of dyes. The fluorene-analog shows the most selective fluorescence response between AT-DNA, GC-DNA, and AU-RNA, the pyrene-analog’s emission is non-selectively enhanced by all DNA/RNA, and the dithienyl-diketopyrrolopyrrole analog’s emission is strongly quenched upon DNA/RNA binding. The emission properties of the biphenyl-analog were not applicable, but the compound showed specific induced circular dichroism (ICD) signals only for AT-sequence containing ds-DNAs, whereas the pyrene-analog ICD signals were specific for AT-DNA with respect to GC-DNA, and also recognized AU-RNA by giving a different ICD pattern from that observed upon interaction with AT-DNA. The fluorene- and dithienyl-diketopyrrolopyrrole analogs were ICD-signal silent. Thus, fine-tuning of the aromatic linker properties connecting two triarylborane dications can be used for the dual sensing (fluorimetric and CD) of various ds-DNA/RNA secondary structures, depending on the steric properties of the DNA/RNA grooves


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    Rak nepoznata primarnog podrijetla obuhvaća vrlo heterogenu skupinu različitih malignih tumora koji se prezentiraju u metastatskoj fazi bolesti. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju patohistološke potvrde maligne bolesti uz nemogućnost dokaza postojanja primarnog tumora nijednom dostupnom dijagnostičkom metodom. Iako je općenito loše prognoze, prepoznati su prognostički povoljni klinički entiteti koji čine temeljnu skupinu bolesnika za aktivno onkološko liječenje. U tekstu koji slijedi sadržane su kliničke upute s ciljem standardizacije dijagnostičkih postupaka, liječenja i praćenja bolesnika s nepoznatim primarnim rakom u Republici Hrvatskoj.Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) site comprises very heterogeneous group of various malignant tumors presented in metastatic phase of the disease. Diagnosis is set when primary site remains unidentified after a thorough diagnostic evaluation in patients with histologically proven malignant metastatic disease. Despite poor prognosis in most patients, favorable prognostic clinical entities have been recognized constituting the most important group of patients for oncological treatment. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with cancer of unknown primary site in the Republic of Croatia