277 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity in Rosa as Revealed by RAPDs

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    We aim to study the variability within genus Rosa. To accomplish this we have analyzed a plant material collection (109 accessions) including all sections but one, as well as many intermediate forms and hybrids. We also aim to study the consistency of the groups considered within section Caninae (‘caninae’, ‘rubiginosa’ and ‘tomentosa’) as well as of the subgenus Hulthemia. A dendrogram was constructed based on RAPDs data. The variability found in the dendrogram was discussed according to sectional status and geographic origin. Our results indicate that there is no clear distinction between Caninae groups when many intermediate forms are considered. Besides, the subgenus Hulthemia seems to merit just a sectional status as proposed by other authors for other subgenus. The heterogeneity found in the dendrogram with respect to sectional status suggests the lack of clear reproductive barriers as is common with long lived woody perennial plants. Sect. Cassiorhodon may be considered as the Type of the genus since it shows the widest geographical distribution, the widest crossing ability within the Genus and it appears in most groups of the dendrogram suggesting to be the most representative Section

    Experimental Archaeology at L\u27Esquerda - Crops, Storage, Metalcraft and Earthworks in Mediaeval and Ancient Times

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    The archaeological site of l’Esquerda is placed in the inlands of Catalonia, in the town of Roda de Ter, county of Osona, 70 Km north from Barcelona. The site occupies a big peninsula of 12 ha over the river Ter. It is situated in the intersection between a fertile and plane plateau called Plana de Vic, and some scarped and bushy mountains named “Les Guilleries”, crossed by the river Ter on its way to Girona and the coast. The site is only accessible from the north face where the walls were built and its particular placement makes it be an outstanding strategic location in the inlands of Catalonia, with natural protection..

    New strategies for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection and implications of resistance to new direct-acting antiviral agents

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    Persistent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma and the major indication for liver transplantation in adults. Current standard of care treatment (SOC) with pegylated-interferon-α 2 and ribavirin (RBV) has a limited efficacy and is associated with significant side effects frequently associated with poor compliance or treatment discontinuation, requiring specialized and frequent monitoring. To overcome the limited efficacy of SOC, more than 50 direct-acting antiviral agents (DAA) designed to target viral-encoded proteins essential in the HCV life cycle are currently under development. The rapid selection of resistant mutants associated with the quasispecies nature of HCV with high mutation and replication rates is one of the main challenges for the new HCV therapies. Predictive host and viral factors together with combination of DAAs with or without IFN and/or RBV need to be accurately evaluated to design the most effective individualized treatment strategy within the shortest time interval and with minimum side effects

    An Agent-Based Model Framework for Utility-Based Cryptoeconomies

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    In this paper, we outline a framework for modeling utility-based blockchain-enabled economic systems using Agent Based Modeling (ABM). Our approach is to model the supply dynamics based on metrics of the cryptoeconomy. We then build autonomous agents that make decisions based on those metrics. Those decisions, in turn, impact the metrics in the next time-step, creating a closed loop that models the evolution of cryptoeconomies over time. We apply this framework as a case-study to Filecoin, a decentralized blockchain-based storage network. We perform several experiments that explore the effect of different strategies, capitalization, and external factors to agent rewards, that highlight the efficacy of our approach to modeling blockchain based cryptoeconomies.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    El retorno del pasado: conservación, documentación y difusión de las colecciones proceden-tes del yacimiento ibérico y medieval de l’Esquerda (Roda de Ter, Barcelona)

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    Quan parlem de l'Esquerra ens referim a un projecte ampli que abasta aspectes: d'una banda, el jaciment arqueològic, l'espai que ha generat tot el projecte; de l'altra, l'Àrea de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica (ÀREA), un espai on fa arqueologia experimental, on s'estudien, s'interpreten i es comproven les hipòtesis generades des de l'excavació, i finalment, també estem parlant del museu, sobre el qual tractarà bàsicament aquest article. És indispensable però, fer una breu introducció sobre els altres dos aspectes per tal de capir la natura i l'abast del projecte. L'Esquerda és un projecte fonamental en la recerca i la seva difusió, que fa una aposta per conservar i explicar el patrimoni des del propi territori, partint de les dificultats, però també de les possibilitats, que confereix el fet d'estar ubicat en un municipi de menys de 10.000 habitants.When we speak of “L’Esquerda”, we are referring to a broad project encompassing different aspects, such as the archaeological site itself, the Area of Experimental Archaeological Research dedicated to the study, analysis and verification of hypotheses raised during the excavation, and the museum.  While the museum is the central theme of this article, it is necessary to briefly introduce the two other aspects in order to understand the nature of the project as well as its significance.   The l’Esquerda project is based on research and the dissemination of its results, with a commitment to on-site conservation and promotion of the heritage.  The fact that it is located in a town with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants has introduced both difficulties and opportunities.El proyecto de l’Esquerda es amplio y abarca diferentes aspectos: en primer lugar, el yacimiento arqueológico, el espacio que ha generado todo el proyecto; en segundo lugar, el Área de Investigación Experimental Arqueológica, una zona reservada a la arqueología experimental, donde se estudian, se interpretan y se comprueban las hipótesis planteadas en la excavación; y, en tercer lugar, también nos referimos al museo, sobre el que se centrará básicamente este artículo. Para hacerse una idea del proyecto, centrado en la investigación y su difusión, para comprender su complejidad y alcance, también describiremos los dos primeros aspectos. L’Esquerda apuesta por conservar y explicar el patrimonio desde el propio territorio, asumiendo las dificultades que esta condición conlleva, pero también las posibilidades que confiere el hecho de estar ubicado en un municipiode menos de 10.000 habitantes

    El passat que torna: conservació, documentació i difusió del fons procedent del Jaciment Arqueològic de l'Esquerda

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    [cat]Quan parlem de l'Esquerda ens referim a un projecte ampli que abasta diferents aspectes: d'una banda, el jaciment arqueològic, l'espai que ha generat tot el projecte; de l'altra, l'Àrea de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica (ÀREA), un espai on es fa arqueologia experimental, on s'estudien, s'interpreten, i es comproven les hipòstesis generades des de l'excavació, i, finalment, també estem parlant del museu, sobre el qual tractarà bàsicament aquest article. És indispensable però, fer una breu introducció sobre els altres dos aspectes per tal de capir la natura i l'abast del projecte. L'Esquerda és un projecte fonamentat en la recerca i la seva difusió, que fa una aposta per conservar i explicar el patrimoni des del propi territori, partint de les dificultats, però també de les possibilitats, que confereix el fet d'estar ubicat en un municipi de menys de 10.000 habitants.[spa] El proyecto de l'Esquerda es amplio y abarca diferentes aspectos: en primer lugar, el yacimiento arqueológico, el espacio que ha generado todo el proyecto; en segundo lugar, el Área de Investigación Experimental Arqueológica, una zona reservada a la arqueología experimental, donde se estudian, se interpretan y se comprueban las hipótesis planteadas en la excavación; y, en tercer lugar, también nos referimos al museo, sobre el que se centrará básicamente este artículo. Para hacerse una idea del proyecto, centrado en la investigación y su difusión, para comprender su complejidad y alcance, también describiremos los dos primeros aspectos. L'Esquerda apuesta por conservar y explicar el patrimonio desde el propio territorio, asumiendo las dificultades que esta condición conlleva, pero también las posibilidades que confiere el hecho de estar ubicado en un municipio de menos de 10.000 habitantes.[eng] When we speak of "L'Esquerda", we are referring to a broad project encompassing different aspects, such as the archaeological site itself, the Area of Experimental Archaeological Research dedicated to the study, analysis and verification of hypotheses raised during the excavation, and the museum. While the museum is the central theme of this article, it is necessary to briefly introduce the two other aspects in order to understand the nature of the project as well as its significance. The l'Esquerda project is based on research and the dissemination of its results, with a commitment to on-site conservation and promotion of the heritage. The fact that it is located in a town with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants has introduced both difficulties and opportunities