350 research outputs found

    Are there any narrow K−K^-- nuclear states?

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    We performed self-consistent calculations of K−K^--nuclear quasi-bound states using a single-nucleon K−K^- optical potential derived from chiral meson-baryon coupled-channel interaction models, supplemented by a phenomenological K−K^- multinucleon potential introduced recently to achieve good fits to kaonic atom data [1]. Our calculations show that the effect of K−K^- multinucleon interactions on K−K^- widths in nuclei is decisive. The resulting widths are considerably larger than corresponding binding energies. Moreover, when the density dependence of the K−K^--multinucleon interactions derived in the fits of kaonic atoms is extended to the nuclear interior, the only two models acceptable after imposing as additional constraint the single-nucleon fraction of K−K^- absorption at rest do not yield any kaonic nuclear bound state in majority of considered nuclei.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Bernoulli potential at a superconductor surface

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    The electrostatic Bernoulli potential measured at the surface of a superconductor via Kelvin capacitive coupling is shown to be independent of the pairing mechanism. This contrasts with the Bernoulli potential in the bulk where contributions due to pairing dominate close to TcT_c.Comment: 2 page

    Uncoupled material model of ductile fracture with directional plasticity

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    Proposed paper deals with the application of plastic response with directional distortional hardening (DDH) in uncoupled ductile fracture model and comparison of the results with the same ductile fracture model based on isotropic J2 plasticity. The results of simulations have proven not negligible role of model of plasticity and the response of the model with DDH plasticity is closer to reality then the one of the model with isotropic plasticity

    Early urinary biomarkers of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus show involvement of kallikrein-kinin system

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    Abstract Background Additional urinary biomarkers for diabetic nephropathy (DN) are needed, providing early and reliable diagnosis and new insights into its mechanisms. Rigorous selection criteria and homogeneous study population may improve reproducibility of the proteomic approach. Methods Long-term type 1 diabetes patients without metabolic comorbidities were included, 11 with sustained microalbuminuria (MA) and 14 without MA (nMA). Morning urine proteins were precipitated and resolved by 2D electrophoresis. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Projection to latent structures discriminatory analysis (PLS-DA) were adopted to assess general data validity, to pick protein fractions for identification with mass spectrometry (MS), and to test predictive value of the resulting model. Results Proteins (n = 113) detected in more than 90% patients were considered representative. Unsupervised PCA showed excellent natural data clustering without outliers. Protein spots reaching Variable Importance in Projection score above 1 in PLS (n = 42) were subjected to MS, yielding 33 positive identifications. The PLS model rebuilt with these proteins achieved accurate classification of all patients (R2X = 0.553, R2Y = 0.953, Q2 = 0.947). Thus, multiple earlier recognized biomarkers of DN were confirmed and several putative new biomarkers suggested. Among them, the highest significance was met in kininogen-1. Its activation products detected in nMA patients exceeded by an order of magnitude the amount found in MA patients. Conclusions Reducing metabolic complexity of the diseased and control groups by meticulous patients’ selection allows to focus the biomarker search in DN. Suggested new biomarkers, particularly kininogen fragments, exhibit the highest degree of correlation with MA and substantiate validation in larger and more varied cohorts

    Anatomy of the Czech Labour Market:From Over-Employment to Under-Employment in Ten Years?

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    In this volume we investigate the macroeconomic aspects of labour market behaviour and its microfoundations. In the first part we deal with aggregate labour market trends and issues relevant to macroeconomic policy. The second part analyses in more detail labour flexibility, namely labour market flows, long-term unemployment and labour force deprivation. The third part addresses wage flexibility and relative wages, with special attention paid to regional unemployment elasticity of wages and returns to education. Worsening labour market performance can be seen especially in a rising NAIRU, declining labour mobility, labour deprivation due to long-term unemployment, skill mismatch and emerging signs of inflexibility in wage structures. Our conclusions are of use for both macroeconomic and labour market policies, signalling, among other messages, limitations on potential output growth stemming from deteriorated labour market performance and a need for institutional and structural changes rather than counter-cyclical policies to solve the unemployment problem in the Czech Republic.Employment, labour flows, labour force marginalisation, NAIRU, returns to education, unemployment, wage curve, wage differentials, wage inflation.

    Comparison of diagnostic methods for Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae detection in salmonid fish.

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    Diagnostic accuracy of pathogen detection depends upon the selection of suitable tests. Problems can arise when the selected diagnostic test gives false-positive or false-negative results, which can affect control measures, with consequences for the population health. The aim of this study was to compare sensitivity of different diagnostic methods IHC, PCR and qPCR detecting Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease in salmonid fish and as a consequence differences in disease prevalence. We analysed tissue from 388 salmonid specimens sampled from a recirculating system and rivers in the Czech Republic. Overall prevalence of T. bryosalmonae was extremely high at 92.0%, based on positive results of at least one of the above-mentioned screening methods. IHC resulted in a much lower detection rate (30.2%) than both PCR methods (qPCR32: 65.4%, PCR: 81.9%). While qPCR32 produced a good match with IHC (60.8%), all other methods differed significantly (p < .001) in the proportion of samples determined positive. Both PCR methods showed similar sensitivity, though specificity (i.e., the proportion of non-diseased fish classified correctly) differed significantly (p < .05). Sample preservation method significantly (p < .05) influenced the results of PCR, with a much lower DNA yield extracted from paraffin-embedded samples. Use of different methods that differ in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity resulted in random and systematic diagnosis errors, illustrating the importance of interpreting the results of each method carefully

    Uporaba voltmetrije za određivanje tiola i metalotioneina male molekularne mase u krvi svinje (Sus scrofa domestica)

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    Metallothioneins (MT) play a key role in maintaining the homeostasis of essential metals and in protecting of cells against metal toxicity as well as cell oxidative damaging. The aim of this work is to propose a new approach for processing a biological sample for analysis of thiols including metallothioneins. Moreover, the proposed procedure is tested on quantification of MT and total thiol content in blood serum of pig (Sus scrofa domestica), which has not been previously been performed. The blood serum (10 ml) was collected and transferred to 0.2 M phosphate buffer (990 ml). The sample (100 × diluted) was placed in a thermomixer, where heat denaturation of most of the proteins proceeded. The processed blood serum sample was electrochemically measured to determine total content of thiols (cysteine, glutathione, metallothionein and other low molecular thermostable thiols) and content of MT. The average level of the thiols and MT were estimated as 165 ± 20 mM and 5.2 ± 0.6 mM, respectively.Metalotioneini (MT) igraju ključnu ulogu u odrĆŸavanju homeostaze esencijalnih metala i u zaĆĄtiti od toksičnih metala te od oĆĄtećivanja stanice oksidacijom. Cilj ovog rada je predloĆŸiti novi pristup obradi bioloĆĄkih uzoraka za analizu tiola, uključujući metalotioneine. Osim toga, predloĆŸeni postupak se testira pri kvantifikaciji MT i ukupnog sadrĆŸaja tiola u krvnom serumu svinje (Sus scrofa domestica), ĆĄto se dosad nije radilo. Prikupljan je krvni serum (10 ml) te prebacivan u 0.2 M fosfatni pufer (990 ml). Uzorak (100 × razrijeđen) je stavljen u termomikser gdje se nastavila toplinska denaturacija većine proteina. Obrađeni uzorak seruma je elektrokemijski izmjeren da bi se odredio ukupni sadrĆŸaj tiola (cistein, glutation, metalotionein i drugi termostabilni tioli male molekularne mase) te sadrĆŸaj MT. Prosječna razina tiola i MT su procijenjeni na 165 ± 20 mM, odnosno 5.2 ± 0.6 mM

    Nephrocalcinosis in farmed salmonids: diagnostic challenges associated with low performance and sporadic mortality

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    Disease conditions that involve multiple predisposing or contributing factors, or manifest as low performance and/or low-level mortality, can pose a diagnostic challenge that requires an interdisciplinary approach. Reaching a diagnosis may also be limited by a lack of available clinical profile parameter reference ranges to discriminate healthy fish from those affected by specific disease conditions. Here, we describe our experience investigating poorly performing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in an intensive recirculation aquaculture, where reaching a final diagnosis of nephrocalcinosis was not as straightforward as one would wish. To list the issues making the diagnosis difficult, it was necessary to consider the creeping onset of the problem. Further diagnostic steps needed to ensure success included obtaining comparative data for fish blood profiles and water quality from both test and control aquacultural systems, excluding infections with salmonid pathogenic agents and evaluating necropsy findings. Major events in the pathophysiology of nephrocalcinosis could be reconstructed as follows: aquatic environment hyperoxia and hypercapnia → blood hypercapnia → blood acid-base perturbation (respiratory acidosis) → metabolic compensation (blood bicarbonate elevation and kidney phosphate excretion) → a rise in blood pH → calcium phosphate precipitation and deposition in tissues. This case highlights the need to consider the interplay between water quality and fish health when diagnosing fish diseases and reaching causal diagnoses
