178 research outputs found

    Artefacts in the digital era

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    Conferência realizada na Universidade Aberta em Lisboa, de 16-17 de novembro de 2018.Artefacts of the digital culture and art are digital or computerbased in essence. They aim at enhancing meaningful experiences to the observer/user/enjoyer alone or in groups. In their most striking essence, these artefacts are not only objects to be passively appreciated, but bring virtual characteristics, eventually immersive, boosting interaction, leading the user/enjoyer to embark on a journey of aesthetic contemplation of a polysemic nature. A meaningful experience occurs when the subject classifies it as relevant and rewarding, embracing various kinds of experiences (aesthetic-contemplative, educational, playful, entertaining, historical, social, etc.).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tele-media-art: web-based inclusive teaching of body expression

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    Conferência Internacional, realizada em Olhão, Algarve, de 26-28 de abril de 2018.The Tele-Media-Art project aims to promote the improvement of the online distance learning and artistic teaching process applied in the teaching of two test scenarios, doctorate in digital art-media and the lifelong learning course ”the experience of diversity” by exploiting multimodal telepresence facilities encompassing the diversified visual, auditory and sensory channels, as well as rich forms of gestural / body interaction. To this end, a telepresence system was developed to be installed at Palácio Ceia, in Lisbon, Portugal, headquarters of the Portuguese Open University, from which methodologies of artistic teaching in mixed regime - face-to-face and online distance - that are inclusive to blind and partially sighted students. This system has already been tested against a group of subjects, including blind people. Although positive results were achieved, more development and further tests will be carried in the futureThis project was financed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation under Grant number 142793.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artefacto computacional: elemento central na prática artística em arte e cultura digital

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    É discutida a emergência da arte digital e das suas diversas variantes tais como a arte computacional e a média-arte digital. E de como esta forma de expressão artística e cultural se vem afirmando numa contemporaneidade caracterizada pela revolução tecnológica digital. É analisada a natureza da criação e fruição da arte e cultural digital, as práticas artísticas relacionadas e como nestas, o artefacto computacional assume um papel central. Apresentam-se, em contexto, exemplos de artefactos, promovendo-se a sua recensão à luz da arte e cultura digital contemporânea, enquanto se discutem alguns elementos de uma estética dos artefactos computacionais.The emergence of digital art and its various variants such as computer art and digital media art is discussed. As well as, how this form of artistic and cultural expression is being affirmed in a contemporaneity characterized by the digital technological revolution. It analyses the nature of the creation and enjoyment of digital art and culture, related artistic practices and how in these, the computer artefact plays a pivotal role. Examples of artefacts are presented in context, promoting their recension in the light of contemporary digital art and culture, while discussing some elements of an aesthetics of the computer artefacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital re-materialisation: towards a post-digital perspective in contemporary art research and practice

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    DIGICOM 2022. Conferência Internacional, realizado em Barcelos, de 3-5 de novembro de 2022.In the last decade and a half, we have witnessed the emergence of aesthetics instantiated through digital media as a form of expression of artistic and cultural contemporaneity, supported and integral to the current global digital technological revolution. This aesthetic has been evolving to adopt the emergence of new materiality or re-materialisation in the practices of digital creation in art and culture, where tangible physical materials assume an equal role to the digital while expanding and repositioning it in an aesthetic that takes on its characteristics that have been termed post-digital. The post-digital perspective assumes the digital as omnipresent, a liquid medium because it flows and submerges everything and everyone; transparent because ubiquitous and (to a large extent) invisible; also empowering because it underlies and is immanent through the very physicality of objects and materials. The conference addressed a contextualising review of digital media art, as digital art and media, concepts and foundations, artistic practices, processes of creation and cultural intervention, firmly centred on the technological artefact and the cycles of action-contemplation, to present a reflection on the emergence of digital re-materialisation practices that summons the tangibility of materials, and in these, enhances the construction of a new digital aesthetic based on hybridity and physicality of the artefacts.N/

    The computer artefact: a central element in digital media art research

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    An introduction to digital media-art is done along with the presentation of the important steps of the digital creation cycle in arts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital cultural heritage: from OAIS until the personalised augmented experiences: perspectives

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    Comunicação apresentada no Seminário International sobre "Archiving in Performing Arts", realizado em Coimbra a 16 de Novembro de 2017.Aborda-se a Herança Cultural e as problemáticas históricas e atuais relacionadas com os processos de registo e salvaguarda através dos meios digitais, incluindo a estandardização de formatos, a salvaguarda e manutenção e os sistemas de apoio à visita e fruição, apresentando exemplos de projetos concretos nacionais e europeus, passados e atuais nestas áreas, abrindo espaço para a análise e discussão dos desafios atuais e perspetivas de desenvolvimento futuro. Cultural heritage and historical and current issues related to registration and safeguarding processes through digital means, including format standardization, archiving, maintenance, and support systems for visiting and enjoyment, are presented, with examples of concrete projects national and European, past and current in these areas, opening space for the analysis and discussion of the current challenges and perspectives of future development.N/

    Artefacts and the digital creation cycle/process

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    ARTeFACTo 2018 – 1st International Conference of Transdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Technology and Society. Conferência Internacional, realizada na Universidade Aberta, Palácio Ceia, em Lisboa de 16-17 de novembro de 2018.An overview regarding lessons learned on the creation cycle in digital media arts and the pivotal role of the artefact as focus of the overall digital creation process.N/

    Média-arte digital : arte na era do artefacto digital/computacional

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    Vivemos atualmente a denominada revolução tecnológica cujos contornos ou mesmo linhas futuras de desenvolvimento nos são ainda em larga medida desconhecidos fruto sobretudo da sua acelerada evolução que não cessa de nos surpreender com novos e imprevisíveis resultados. O computador pessoal, a rede Web, ou mesmo a massificação dos dispositivos móveis de informação e comunicação que hoje assistimos no mundo inteiro, são bons exemplos de marcos evolutivos da revolução tecnológica, em grande medida impensáveis há apenas uma ou duas gerações

    Computer artefact: the crucial element in artistic practice in digital art and culture

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    É discutida a emergência da arte digital e das suas diversas variantes tais como a arte computacional e a média-arte digital. E de como esta forma de expressão artística e cultural se vem afirmando numa contemporaneidade caracterizada pela revolução tecnológica digital. É analisada a natureza da criação e fruição da arte e cultural digital, as práticas artísticas relacionadas e como nestas, o artefacto computacional assume um papel central. Apresentam-se, em contexto, exemplos de artefactos, promovendo-se a sua recensão à luz da arte e cultura digital contemporânea, enquanto se discutem alguns elementos de uma estética dos artefactos computacionais.The emergence of digital art and its various variants such as computer art and digital media art is discussed. As well as, how this form of artistic and cultural expression is being affirmed in a contemporaneity characterized by the digital technological revolution. It analyses the nature of the creation and enjoyment of digital art and culture, related artistic practices and how in these, the computer artefact plays a pivotal role. Examples of artefacts are presented in context, promoting their recension in the light of contemporary digital art and culture, while discussing some elements of an aesthetics of the computer artefacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presense artefact: from the creative cycle to the transdisciplinary experience

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    O projecto Presense, apresentado neste livro, constitui em si um excelente exemplo de iniciativa de criação em arte computacional / digital. No projecto Presense, o processo criativo arranca com a experimentação seminal do artista, que joga com os conceitos, alguns de grande complexidade científica, enquanto experimenta com os materiais, os sistemas e algoritmos, os cenários aplicacionais, um processo potencialmente desorganizado ou aleatório, ao qual se juntam gradualmente outros intervenientes, detentores de competências e saberes necessários à obra que nasce. E então, paulatinamente, um aspeto ou questão particular sobressai e ganha a atenção especial, tornando-se o centro da experimentação e da reflexão, baseando a implementação, onde vários caminhos alternativos de evolução se colocam, que serão eventualmente tentados, no sentido de progressivamente atingir instâncias mais refinadas, sendo uma das quais (ou grupo delas) escolhida para suportar a experimentação e o desenvolvimento continuado até atingir o artefacto final.Artech-Int - Associação Internacional de Arte Computacionalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio