20 research outputs found

    Competitividade na indústria automobilística no Brasil: um estudo de caso da Renault

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    This work aims to analyze what are the factors that influence the automakers market gain and make the automobile sector in Brazil more competitive. At first, the automotive sector in the world and the in Brazil will be covered, with a case study focused on the Renault company. For this, concepts such as: visions and strands on competitiveness, organizational skills, competitive strategies of the automotive sector, a brief contextualization of the sector in the country, concentration indicators, characteristics of the world sector and in Brazil will be analyzed. Finally, the study in question will be aimed at the Renault company, due to its growing market gain in the sector in Brazil. For this, the monograph will address the company's market strategies, its relationship with parts suppliers, the company's governance, tools used by the company to achieve high quality standards, the company's strategies in the country and finally the installation of the first factory in Brazilian territory. The results obtained pointed out that the strategies used by the company gave results to increase its Market Share in the Country and increase competitiveness in the sector.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A presente monografia visa analisar quais são os fatores que influenciam o ganho de mercado das montadoras e as tornam mais competitivas dentro do setor automobilístico no Brasil. A princípio serão caracterizados o setor automobilístico no Mundo e no Brasil, com um estudo de caso voltado para a empresa Renault. Para isso serão analisados conceitos como: visões e vertentes sobre competitividade, competências organizacionais, estratégias competitivas do setor automotivo, uma breve contextualização do setor no país, indicadores de concentração, características do setor mundial e no Brasil. Por fim, o estudo será voltado para a empresa Renault, devido a seu crescente ganho de mercado no setor no Brasil. Para isso, a monografia abordará as estratégias de mercado da empresa, sua relação com os fornecedores de peças, as modalidades de governança adotada pela empresa, ferramentas utilizadas para atingir o alto padrão de qualidade, suas estratégias utilizadas no País e por fim a instalação da primeira fábrica em território brasileiro. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as estratégias utilizadas pela empresa deram resultados para aumentar seu Market Share no País e aumentar a competitividade no setor

    Impact of light-curing time and aging on dentin bond strength of methacrylate- and silorane-based restorative systems

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    AIM: To evaluate the impact of different light-curing times on dentin microtensile bond strength of two restorative systems after 24 h and 6 months of water storage. METHODS: Standardized Class II preparations were performed in 56 freshly-extracted human molars (n = 7), restored with methacrylate- or silorane-based restorative systems, and light-cured using a light-emitting diode at 1390 mW/cm2 by the recommended manufacturers' time or double this time. After storage for 24 h at 37 oC, the teeth were sectioned to yield a series of 0.8-mm thick slices. Each slab was trimmed into an hourglass shape of approximately 0.64 mm2 area at the gingival dentin-resin interface. Specimens were tested using universal testing machine at crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure, after 24 h and 6 months of storage. Data were statistically analyzed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). RESULTS: The highest bond strength values were recorded for the groups restored with methacrylate system (p0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Bond strength was influenced by the material and light-curing time, but the 6-month storage did not affect the bond strength of restorations133213218FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2010/05666-9; 2010/15076-

    A clinical evaluation of zirconia reinforced lithium silicate glass-ceramic CAD/CAM onlay: a two-year case report

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    ABSTRACT The CAD/CAM technology arose from the need to develop materials with better mechanical and optical properties that could be used for making monolithic restorations. Several materials have been used for milling indirect restorations in prefabricated blocks. Among them, lithium silicate reinforced with zirconia. Due to its recent introduction in the market, this case report aimed to present a detailed clinical protocol for the execution of a ceramic onlay of this material using CAD/CAM technology. A 57-year-old female patient sought care with extensive restoration in composite resin (BOMD) of tooth 15 maintained for almost two years. However, due to bruxism, constant dental tightening, the extension of the direct restoration and the need for improved esthetics, it was proposed to replace it with an indirect ceramic onlay restoration. Prophylaxis and choice of the color of the patient’s dental substrate were performed. Afterwards, the dental preparation was made and polished. Subsequently, the molding was made with addition silicone and the provisional restoration confectioned. Once the stone model was obtained, it was scanned and the ceramic onlay restoration was milled using CAD/CAM technology. Finally, the restoration was stained and cemented over the preparation. After 2 years, the restoration remained stable, with no evidence of color mismatch, marginal discoloration, marginal cleft, caries or fracture, proving the effectiveness of the treatment in this time interval. The correct indication of the ceramic material combined with the use of CAD/CAM technology facilitated the restorative process, restoring function and the esthetics desired by the patient

    Evaluation of bond strength, nanoleakage, and marginal adaptation of bulk-fill composites submitted to thermomechanical aging

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    Purpose: To evaluate the bond strength (BS). nanoleakage, and marginal adaptation (MA) of three bulk-fill and one conventional composite, submitted or not to mechanical and thermal cycling. Materials and Methods: Ninety-six molars were selected and 4-mm-deep class I cavities were prepared and restored. Half of the teeth were submitted to mechanical and thermal cycling (MTC). Teeth were divided into 8 groups (n = 12), according to the composite used - Filtek Z350 XT (Z350), Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill (TET), Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative (FBF) and SonicFill (SF) - and aging, submitted or not to MTC. Fifty-six teeth (n = 7) were used for bond-strength testing, which was performed on stick-shaped specimens obtained from the restored area. Two sticks per tooth were selected to assess nanoleakage. For MA analysis, 40 teeth (n = 5) were sectioned parallel and perpendicular to the occlusal surface and resin-based replicas from the obtained surfaces were prepared. Fracture pattern, nanoleakage, and MA were evaluated using SEM. Quantitative analysis of nanoleakage and MA were performed with Image) software. Data obtained were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). Results: TET presented good MA and higher values of BS when compared to SF. 2350 and FBF presented poorer MA and lower BS, which was statically similar to the other groups. SF obtained the best MA values. Regarding nanoleakage, the highest values were obtained for TEL which differed significantly from the other groups, which presented similar results among themselves. Aging by MTC solely affected MA. Conclusion: Bulk-fill composites presented similar performance to the conventional nanocomposite and remained stable when aged.213255264FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2015/23201-