31,481 research outputs found

    Motivic Milnor fiber of a quasi-ordinary hypersurface

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    Let f : (Cd+1, 0) -> (C, 0) be a germ of complex analytic function such that its zero level defines an irreducible germ of quasi-ordinary hypersurface (S, 0) subset of (Cd+1, 0). We describe the motivic Igusa zeta function, the motivic Milnor fibre and the Hodge-Steenbrink spectrum of f at 0 in terms of topological invariants of (S, 0) subset of (Cd+1, 0)

    The Dunford-Pettis property on tensor products

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    We show that, in some cases, the projective and the injective tensor products of two Banach spaces do not have the Dunford-Pettis property (DPP). As a consequence, we obtain that (c0⊗^πc0)∗∗(c_0\hat{\otimes}_\pi c_0)^{**} fails the DPP. Since (c0⊗^πc0)∗(c_0\hat{\otimes}_\pi c_0)^{*} does enjoy it, this provides a new space with the DPP whose dual fails to have it. We also prove that, if EE and FF are L1{\mathscr L}_1-spaces, then E⊗^ϵFE\hat{\otimes}_\epsilon F has the DPP if and only if both EE and FF have the Schur property. Other results and examples are given.Comment: 9 page

    Log canonical thresholds of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities

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    The log canonical thresholds of irreducible quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities are computed, using an explicit list of pole candidates for the motivic zeta function found by the last two authors

    Surjective factorization of holomorphic mappings

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    We characterize the holomorphic mappings ff between complex Banach spaces that may be written in the form f=T∘gf=T\circ g, where gg is another holomorphic mapping and TT belongs to a closed surjective operator ideal.Comment: 8 page
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