22 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of miR-375 induces docetaxel resistance in prostate cancer by targeting SEC23A and YAP1

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    Representative immunohistochemistry analysis of xenograft tumor tissues. Cells with active caspase-3 were shown in brown color. A, B and C are representative images for a lower fraction of apoptotic cells, a higher fraction of apoptotic cells, and negative controls, respectively. (PPTX 1067 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of miR-375 induces docetaxel resistance in prostate cancer by targeting SEC23A and YAP1

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    Higher miR-375 suppresses cell proliferation in PC cells. Overexpression of miR-375 by transfection with 200 nM miR-375 mimic inhibited cell growth when compared to miRNA negative control in PC-3 and DU145 cells at 72 h after transfection. (P < 0.01). (PPTX 82 kb

    Entry record in the Land Register

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    The diploma thesis deals with the entry record to the Land Register of the Czech Republic. The adoption of the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code and the Act no. 256/2013 Coll., On the Land Register, caused extended changes in the real estate register and cadastral legislation. This changes had a significant influence on some legal concepts relevant for this field of law. The diploma thesis in divided into four parts. The first part is used for the acquisition of basic knowledge on the issue of Land Register, with emphasis on principals that control the operation of the Lend Registry and making entries in it. The second part provides a thorough analysis of the current form of the institute of entry record and registration procedure with regard to previous legislation. The third section is devoted to examining of the German legislation, registration of real estate with an emphasis on the Land Registry, cadastral principles and registration of rights in the Land Register. Content of the last part of the thesis is the comparison of Czech and German legislation, focusing on selected issues and institutes. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Irrationality of consumer choice and the effect of nudging decision-making: A field experiment on tipping

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    Ekonomy i psychology po celém světě vždy zajímala otázka procesu lidského rozhodování. Eko- nomové zd·razňují význam teorie úžitku během rozhodování, kdežto psychologové se zaměřují na r·zné vnitřní a vnější stimuly ovlivňující naše rozhodnutí. Oba tyto přístupy m·žeme najít v be- haviorální ekonomií, kde oba koncepty mezi sebou těsně spolupracují. Znalost r·zných ekonomic- kých i psychologických faktor·, které ovlivňují náš výběr m·že být mimo jiné přínosná například ve výzkumu spropitného. Abychom našli r·zné d·vody pro placení spropitného, vytvořili jsme experiment ohledně výše spropitného u českých zákazník·. Procentuální výše spropitného byla zkoumána v závislosti na pohlaví obsluhy, velikosti skupiny, která navštívila restauraci, velikosti účtu na jednu osobu a také byl zkoumán vliv tří na sobě nezávislých intervencí. Tyto intervence byly zaměřeny na altruistické chování, reciprocitu a dobrou náladu zp·sobenou personalizací. Výsledky experimentu jsou překvapující a neshodují se s výsledky z předchozích experiment·. Bylo zjištěno, že intervence spojené s altruismem a reciprocitou mají negativní vliv na výši spro- pitného, avšak intervence spojená s personalizací nemá žádný vliv na spropitné. Ve výsledku se také poukazuje na klíčový vliv země, ve které je experiment proveden.

    Additional file 14: Table S4. of Measure transcript integrity using RNA-seq data

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    List of 10 low RIN/medTIN mCRPC and 10 higher RIN/medTIN mCRPC samples used for differential expression analysis. “N” = Metastatic bone site, “V1” = Visit 1. Whole datasets are available with accession # GSM1722952. (XLS 97 kb

    Additional file 11: Figure S8. of Measure transcript integrity using RNA-seq data

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    Relationship between 3′UTR (untranslated regoin) size and TIN score for 12 Glioblastoma (GBM) samples. (a)-(c) three samples with RIN value of 10; (d)-(e), two samples with RIN value of 8; (f)-(h) three samples with RIN value of 6; (i)-(k) three samples with RIN value of 4; (l) one sample with RIN value of 2. r, Pearson correlation coefficient. r, Pearson correlation coefficient. Linear regression lines fitted to data are indicated as black dashed lines. (PDF 7201 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Measure transcript integrity using RNA-seq data

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    Twenty RNA-seq datasets generated from human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)1. Accession number, RNA Integrity Numbers (RIN), and the median Transcript Integrity Numbers (medTIN), total reads, total reads with mapping quality >30, and number of gene with at least 10 reads are listed. The PBMC samples were stored at room temperature for 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h and 84 h. Each time point contains 4 individuals (replicates). (XLS 9 kb

    Additional file 8: Figure S5. of Measure transcript integrity using RNA-seq data

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    Barplot showing Pearson correlation coefficients between TIN and RNA fragment size. 12 Glioblastoma (GBM) samples were stratified by RIN score; RIN = 10 (red), RIN = 8 (purple), RIN = 6 (orange), RIN = 4 (blue) and RIN = 2 (cyan). (PDF 120 kb