6,955 research outputs found

    Multispace and Multilevel BDDC

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    BDDC method is the most advanced method from the Balancing family of iterative substructuring methods for the solution of large systems of linear algebraic equations arising from discretization of elliptic boundary value problems. In the case of many substructures, solving the coarse problem exactly becomes a bottleneck. Since the coarse problem in BDDC has the same structure as the original problem, it is straightforward to apply the BDDC method recursively to solve the coarse problem only approximately. In this paper, we formulate a new family of abstract Multispace BDDC methods and give condition number bounds from the abstract additive Schwarz preconditioning theory. The Multilevel BDDC is then treated as a special case of the Multispace BDDC and abstract multilevel condition number bounds are given. The abstract bounds yield polylogarithmic condition number bounds for an arbitrary fixed number of levels and scalar elliptic problems discretized by finite elements in two and three spatial dimensions. Numerical experiments confirm the theory.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, 20 references. Formal changes onl

    Studies of waveform requirements for intermediate mass-ratio coalescence searches with advanced detectors

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    The coalescence of a stellar-mass compact object into an intermediate-mass black hole (intermediate mass-ratio coalescence; IMRAC) is an important astrophysical source for ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers in the so-called advanced configuration. However, the ability to carry out effective matched-filter based searches for these systems is limited by the lack of reliable waveforms. Here we consider binaries in which the intermediate-mass black hole has mass in the range 24 - 200 solar masses with a stellar-mass companion having masses in the range 1.4 - 18.5 solar masses. In addition, we constrain the mass ratios, q, of the binaries to be in the range 1/140 < q < 1/10 and we restrict our study to the case of circular binaries with non-spinning components. We investigate the relative contribution to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the three different phases of the coalescence: inspiral, merger and ringdown. We show that merger and ringdown contribute to a substantial fraction of the total SNR over a large portion of the mass parameter space, although in a limited portion the SNR is dominated by the inspiral phase. We further identify three regions in the IMRAC mass-space in which: (i) inspiral-only searches could be performed with losses in detection rates L in the range 10% < L < 27%, (ii) searches based on inspiral-only templates lead to a loss in detection rates in the range 27% < L < 50%$, and (iii) templates that include merger and ringdown are essential to prevent losses in detection rates greater than 50%. We investigate the effectiveness with which the inspiral-only portion of the IMRAC waveform space is covered by comparing several existing waveform families in this regime. Our results reinforce the importance of extensive numerical relativity simulations of IMRACs and the need for further studies of suitable approximation schemes in this mass range.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Characteristics and processing of fps-16/ jimsphere raw radar data

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    Error analysis of fps-16/jimsphere raw radar dat

    Selecting digital filters for application to detailed wind profiles

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    Selecting digital filters for application to detailed wind profiles - table

    Capability of the FPS-16 radar/jimsphere system for direct measurement of vertical air motions

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    Capability and procedure for direct measurement of vertical air currents using FPS-16 radar/ jimsphere syste

    Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Equation Solving: The Hypersurface Case

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    The objective of this paper is to show how the recently proposed method by Giusti, Heintz, Morais, Morgenstern, Pardo \cite{gihemorpar} can be applied to a case of real polynomial equation solving. Our main result concerns the problem of finding one representative point for each connected component of a real bounded smooth hypersurface. The algorithm in \cite{gihemorpar} yields a method for symbolically solving a zero-dimensional polynomial equation system in the affine (and toric) case. Its main feature is the use of adapted data structure: Arithmetical networks and straight-line programs. The algorithm solves any affine zero-dimensional equation system in non-uniform sequential time that is polynomial in the length of the input description and an adequately defined {\em affine degree} of the equation system. Replacing the affine degree of the equation system by a suitably defined {\em real degree} of certain polar varieties associated to the input equation, which describes the hypersurface under consideration, and using straight-line program codification of the input and intermediate results, we obtain a method for the problem introduced above that is polynomial in the input length and the real degree.Comment: Late

    Towards Rapid Parameter Estimation on Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries using Interpolated Waveforms

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    Accurate parameter estimation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary sources is a key requirement for gravitational-wave astronomy. Evaluating the posterior probability density function of the binary's parameters (component masses, sky location, distance, etc.) requires computing millions of waveforms. The computational expense of parameter estimation is dominated by waveform generation and scales linearly with the waveform computational cost. Previous work showed that gravitational waveforms from non-spinning compact binary sources are amenable to a truncated singular value decomposition, which allows them to be reconstructed via interpolation at fixed computational cost. However, the accuracy requirement for parameter estimation is typically higher than for searches, so it is crucial to ascertain that interpolation does not lead to significant errors. Here we provide a proof of principle to show that interpolated waveforms can be used to recover posterior probability density functions with negligible loss in accuracy with respect to non-interpolated waveforms. This technique has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of parameter estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Time-frequency analysis of extreme-mass-ratio inspiral signals in mock LISA data

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    Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) of ~ 1-10 solar-mass compact objects into ~ million solar-mass massive black holes can serve as excellent probes of strong-field general relativity. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is expected to detect gravitational wave signals from apprxomiately one hundred EMRIs per year, but the data analysis of EMRI signals poses a unique set of challenges due to their long duration and the extensive parameter space of possible signals. One possible approach is to carry out a search for EMRI tracks in the time-frequency domain. We have applied a time-frequency search to the data from the Mock LISA Data Challenge (MLDC) with promising results. Our analysis used the Hierarchical Algorithm for Clusters and Ridges to identify tracks in the time-frequency spectrogram corresponding to EMRI sources. We then estimated the EMRI source parameters from these tracks. In these proceedings, we discuss the results of this analysis of the MLDC round 1.3 data.Comment: Amaldi-7 conference proceedings; requires jpconf style file

    Resonant control of spin dynamics in ultracold quantum gases by microwave dressing

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    We study experimentally interaction-driven spin oscillations in optical lattices in the presence of an off-resonant microwave field. We show that the energy shift induced by this microwave field can be used to control the spin oscillations by tuning the system either into resonance to achieve near-unity contrast or far away from resonance to suppress the oscillations. Finally, we propose a scheme based on this technique to create a flat sample with either singly- or doubly-occupied sites, starting from an inhomogeneous Mott insulator, where singly- and doubly-occupied sites coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure