222 research outputs found

    Calculation of the ultracold neutron upscattering loss probability in fluid walled storage bottles using experimental measurements of the thermomechanical properties of Fomblin

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    We present experimental measurements of the properties of a liquid "Fomblin" surface obtained by the quasielastic scattering of laser light. The properties include the surface tension and viscosity as a function of temperature. The results are compared to the measurements of the bulk fluid properties. We then calculate the upscattering rate of ultracold neutrons (UCN) from thermally excited surface capillary waves on the liquid surface and compare the results to experimental measurements of the UCN lifetime in Fomblin fluid-walled UCN storage bottles, and show that the excess loss rate for UCN energies near the Fomblin potential can be explained. The rapid temperature dependence of the Fomblin storage lifetime is explained by our analysis.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures; 2nd version corrects several error

    Wanuskewin Heritage Park and the concept of resource patches, ecological islands, and special places on the Northern Plains

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    The Wolf Willow site (FbNp-26) is a multicomponent Precontact site located within the confines of Wanuskewin Heritage Park approximately 2 km north of the city of Saskatoon Saskatchewan. The site was excavated during 2010 and 2011 field seasons with the participation of The University of Saskatchewan’s archaeological field school and the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society’s field school. As a result of these excavations, 30 m2 were exposed and four distinct cultural levels were identified. These include the Plains Side-Notched complex, Prairie Side-Notched complex, McKean series, and Oxbow complex cultures. An analysis of artifacts, ecofacts, and features from each cultural level was undertaken in order to determine site usage for each time period. Ecological concepts are often used as heuristic devices in archeological studies. The theory of island biogeography and the study of patch dynamics are two concepts that can lend themselves to the archeological study of past human groups. Island biogeography was developed to explain speciation in insular environments. In archeological studies, the same mechanisms affecting speciation can be employed to study the development of culture. Patch dynamics can be used to hypothesize how resource availability affected the behavior of past populations. Using the aforementioned concepts, the Wanuskewin/Opimihaw Valley area can be viewed as a terrestrial island. The unique combination of resources both tangible and intangible combined to make the area a draw for Precontact populations for the past 6000 years. Wanuskewin continues to attract people from around the world as a centre of spiritual and cultural renewal, a world class tourism destination, and an educational facility

    On the experimental search for neutron -- mirror neutron oscillations

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    Fast neutron-mirror neutron (n-n') oscillations were proposed recently as the explanation of the GZK puzzle. We discuss possible laboratory experiments to search for such oscillaions and to improve the present very weak constraints on the value of the n-n' oscillation probability.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figures, 1 tabl


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    My topic is Pigeon control; and because most of you have had some bird control experience, I\u27m not going to review all the basic concepts that are associated with bird control today. Rather I will skim over them lightly and then tell you how we organize most of our Pigeon control programs, recognizing that that\u27s one approach and that some situations require much different approaches. Some of the things that apply to Pigeon control may apply to other types of bird control, but some are unique. When we get called on a Pigeon control job, the first thing we attempt to do is determine what is the problem. Is the problem birds feeding, loafing, or roosting in an area? How many birds are we dealing with? The nature of the problem will determine the type of control techniques that can be best employed


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    My topic is Pigeon control; and because most of you have had some bird control experience, I\u27m not going to review all the basic concepts that are associated with bird control today. Rather I will skim over them lightly and then tell you how we organize most of our Pigeon control programs, recognizing that that\u27s one approach and that some situations require much different approaches. Some of the things that apply to Pigeon control may apply to other types of bird control, but some are unique. When we get called on a Pigeon control job, the first thing we attempt to do is determine what is the problem. Is the problem birds feeding, loafing, or roosting in an area? How many birds are we dealing with? The nature of the problem will determine the type of control techniques that can be best employed


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    During Entering the 21st century, the globalization is more intensive than previous era for competition in the job market since confidently observed nowadays. In similar side, it is unpredictable and fluctuated following by market demand and market trend. Innovation and creativity are very necessary as the example of this phenomenon in development of science and technology. Some of them can be directly observed such as newest brand of domestic products, innovative services, communication modes, attitudes in communication, the delivery services, and so on. Therefore, the role of Vocational School is being crucial to give the output with standard qualification of alumnus who have experienced on job training in real industrial workplaces. Industrial Job Practices are part of the Dual System Education (PSG) as a joint program between Vocational High Schools and the Business World/Industrial World (DU/DI). The existence of industrial practice, will provide insight and knowledge to students about the real job markets. In addition, by the existence of Industrial Job Practices, students can apply the theories that have been obtained in formal class beforehand to shape their basic and intermediate industrial skills. Based on this background, this study aims to investigate and find out t how Industrial Job Practices might influence the student readiness in entering the real job field and job market by students in Class XII of Building construction engineering competency program in SMK Negeri 1 Palangka Raya at academic year 2018/2019. This research adopts the quantitative-descriptive study where is conducted at SMK N 1 Palangka Raya From 17 May 2019 to 11 June 2019. It is about 69 students of class XII Building Construction Engineering Field Program which is consisting ofrespectively 20 students majoring in Brick and Concrete Construction Engineering, 17 students majoring in Wood Construction Engineering, 32 students majoring in Civil Drawing Engineering. The technique of collecting data implements a closed questionnaire method (questionnaire) while the instrument validity test was carried out in class XII construction engineering competency Program at SMK Negeri 1 Palangka Raya using construct validity. The results of the instrument validity test produces 40 as the valid statement items and 0 being invalid statement which is counted to 40 instruments. In this research, the reliability testing applies Cronbach alpha formula that is followed by the descriptive data analysis technique. The research results showed that there is about 79.87% effecting the readiness of students entering the job field in the Department of Brick and Concrete Construction Engineering as the high category. Nonetheless, it is around 78.38% and 78.85% respectively for students of Wood Construction Engineering program positioning the high category as well


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    Sekolah tingkat menengah middle school dan high school) dari JIS (Jakarta Intercultural School) melaksanakan kegiatan service learning sebagai pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang telah berlangsung secara konsisten selama beberapa tahun pada sebuah panti asuhan. Pada kurikulum merdeka yang mulai diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah, diharapkan karakter dan kompetensi dapat dicapai oleh siswa, mulai dari PAUD sampai dengan SMA diterjemahkan ke dalam profil pelajar Pancasila yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila. JIS memberikan dukungan penuh pada program ini dengan memberikan alat-alat musik string bagi setiap anak panti asuhan Pondok Taruna, juga buku dan stand partitur. Program service learning ini disebut “Strings in Action” (SIA). Dengan kegiatan service learning yang dilaksanakan dalam program SIA oleh JIS, melalui siswa-siswa JIS, diharapkan dapat memberikan daya (empowerment) atau penguatan (strengthening) kepada anakanak Panti Asuhan Pondok Taruna, untuk membangun keberdayaan anak-anak tersebut, yaitu memberikan mereka sebuah modal keterampilan bermain musik yang dapat mereka gunakan di masa depan mereka

    Sistem Monitoring Helm pada Multi RFID Loker

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    Helm merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama dalam berkendaraan terutama pada sepeda motor. Sering sekali ketika mengunjungi suatu tempat, tidak tersedia tempat penyimpanan helm, hal ini membuat banyak pengendara yang menggunakan helm resah. Untuk saat ini sistem penyimpanan helm dilakukan secara konvensional dengan menitipkan helm kepada petugas yang ada.Namun dengan cara ini sering sekali memiliki banyak kendala.Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem yang dapat menangani sistem ini untuk meminimalisir kendala yang ada. Sistem yang akan dibuat menggunakan ArduinoMega 2650 berfungsi sebagai mikrokontroler pada sistem. Modul RFID sebagai tanda pengguna identitas dan akses untuk menggunakan loker. Sensor Infrared berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi barang pada loker. Modul wi-fi ESP8266-01 sebagai perangkat IoT untuk pengirim data ke server agar dapat melakukan monitoring melalui web secara online, hasil sensor Infrared dan RFID yang dikirim ke web untuk melihat ketersediaan loker dan lama penggunaan loker. Solenoid door lock berfungsi sebagai pengunci loker serta LED sebagai penanda loker berisi atau kosong. Dengan sistem yang dibuat ini user dapat menggunakan loker hanya dengan menggunakan tag RFID tanpa harus mendaftar sebagai pengguna, lalu user dapat melihat ketersediaan loker dan lama penggunaan loker dari web yang di akses secara online. Kata Kunci: IoT, Monitoring, Multi RFID Locker

    A New World Average Value for the Neutron Lifetime

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    The analysis of the data on measurements of the neutron lifetime is presented. A new most accurate result of the measurement of neutron lifetime [Phys. Lett. B 605 (2005) 72] 878.5 +/- 0.8 s differs from the world average value [Phys. Lett. B 667 (2008) 1] 885.7 +/- 0.8 s by 6.5 standard deviations. In this connection the analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of experiments [Phys. Lett. B 483 (2000) 15] and [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 593] is carried out. Systematic errors of about -6 s are found in each of the experiments. The summary table for the neutron lifetime measurements after corrections and additions is given. A new world average value for the neutron lifetime 879.9 +/- 0.9 s is presented.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures; Fig.13 update

    Neutron lifetime measurements using gravitationally trapped ultracold neutrons

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    Our experiment using gravitationally trapped ultracold neutrons (UCN) to measure the neutron lifetime is reviewed. Ultracold neutrons were trapped in a material bottle covered with perfluoropolyether. The neutron lifetime was deduced from comparison of UCN losses in the traps with different surface-to-volume ratios. The precise value of the neutron lifetime is of fundamental importance to particle physics and cosmology. In this experiment, the UCN storage time is brought closer to the neutron lifetime than in any experiments before:the probability of UCN losses from the trap was only 1% of that for neutron beta decay. The neutron lifetime obtained,878.5+/-0.7stat+/-0.3sys s, is the most accurate experimental measurement to date.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures,changed conten