12 research outputs found

    Ecogeographical variation and new host plants of Pleurotus eryngii species complex in Turkey

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    In nature, Pleurotus eryngii species complex mushrooms are found associated with certain plant species of Compositae and Umbelliferae as facultative biotrophs. This complex species comprises var. eryngii (DC.:Fr) Quel, ferulae Lanzi, nebrodensis (Inzenga) Sacc, elaeoselini Venturella et al., tigitanus Lewinsohn et al. P. tuoliensis C.J.Mou, P. hadamardii Costantin and P. fossulatus (Cooke) Sacc. Turkish wild P. eryngii species complex were collected from different locations of Turkey in this study. Host plants association with Turkish wild P. eryngii species complex was identified. Associated host plants of Turkish P. eryngii species complex were Erynginum compastre L., Ferula communis var. communis L., Ferula orientalis L., Heracleum antasiaticum Maden, Prangos uechtritzii Boiss and Hausskn, Prangos ferulacea (L) Lindley, Ferula orientalis L., Heracleum antasiaticum Maden and Prangos uechtritzii Boiss and Hausskn were first record as a new host plants of P. eryngii species complex in the world. Three taxon belonging to P. eryngii species complex were determined. According to morphological data, these taxon were P. eryngii var. eryngii (DC.:Fr) Quel, P. eryngii ferulae Lanzi and P. nebrodensis (Inzenga) Sacc. © 2020 International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.The authors want to thank Agriculture and Forestry Ministry to support the project financially and Agriculture and forestry proficient Elfaz Ermi? and villagers to help to find materials during the field area research

    Ordu İli ve Çevresinde Yetişen Bazı Bitkilerin Etnobotanik Özellikleri

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    Türkiye, halk ilacı ve besin olarak kullanılabilecek bitkiler açısından zengin bir floraya sahiptir. Çalışmamızda Ordu ili ve çevresinde besin ve halk ilacı olarak kullanıldığı saptanan bitkiler araştırılmış bunlardan 35 tür latince adları, yöresel adları, kullanılan kısımları ve kullanım amaçları ile birlikte listelenmiştir