200 research outputs found

    A new comprehensive study of the 3D random-field Ising model via sampling the density of states in dominant energy subspaces

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    The three-dimensional bimodal random-field Ising model is studied via a new finite temperature numerical approach. The methods of Wang-Landau sampling and broad histogram are implemented in a unified algorithm by using the N-fold version of the Wang-Landau algorithm. The simulations are performed in dominant energy subspaces, determined by the recently developed critical minimum energy subspace technique. The random fields are obtained from a bimodal distribution, that is we consider the discrete (±Δ)(\pm\Delta) case and the model is studied on cubic lattices with sizes 4≤L≤204\leq L \leq 20. In order to extract information for the relevant probability distributions of the specific heat and susceptibility peaks, large samples of random field realizations are generated. The general aspects of the model's scaling behavior are discussed and the process of averaging finite-size anomalies in random systems is re-examined under the prism of the lack of self-averaging of the specific heat and susceptibility of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, presented at the third NEXT Sigma Phi International Conference, Kolymbari, Greece (2005

    Monte Carlo studies of the square Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions

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    We apply a new entropic scheme to study the critical behavior of the square-lattice Ising model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions. Estimates of the present scheme are compared with those of the Metropolis algorithm. We consider interactions in the range where superantiferromagnetic (SAF) order appears at low temperatures. A recent prediction of a first-order transition along a certain range (0.5-1.2) of the interaction ratio (R=Jnnn/Jnn)(R=J_{nnn}/J_{nn}) is examined by generating accurate data for large lattices at a particular value of the ratio (R=1)(R=1). Our study does not support a first-order transition and a convincing finite-size scaling analysis of the model is presented, yielding accurate estimates for all critical exponents for R=1 . The magnetic exponents are found to obey ``weak universality'' in accordance with a previous conjecture.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of the third NEXT Sigma Phi International Conference, kolymbari, Greece (2005

    Critical behavior of hard-core lattice gases: Wang-Landau sampling with adaptive windows

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    Critical properties of lattice gases with nearest-neighbor exclusion are investigated via the adaptive-window Wang-Landau algorithm on the square and simple cubic lattices, for which the model is known to exhibit an Ising-like phase transition. We study the particle density, order parameter, compressibility, Binder cumulant and susceptibility. Our results show that it is possible to estimate critical exponents using Wang-Landau sampling with adaptive windows. Finite-size-scaling analysis leads to results in fair agreement with exact values (in two dimensions) and numerical estimates (in three dimensions).Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Universality aspects of the d=3 random-bond Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the universality aspects of the simple cubic lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied numerically in both its first- and second-order phase transition regimes by a comprehensive finite-size scaling analysis. We find that our data for the second-order phase transition, emerging under random bonds from the second-order regime of the pure model, are compatible with the universality class of the 3d random Ising model. Furthermore, we find evidence that, the second-order transition emerging under bond randomness from the first-order regime of the pure model, belongs to a new and distinctive universality class. The first finding reinforces the scenario of a single universality class for the 3d Ising model with the three well-known types of quenched uncorrelated disorder (bond randomness, site- and bond-dilution). The second, amounts to a strong violation of universality principle of critical phenomena. For this case of the ex-first-order 3d Blume-Capel model, we find sharp differences from the critical behaviors, emerging under randomness, in the cases of the ex-first-order transitions of the corresponding weak and strong first-order transitions in the 3d three-state and four-state Potts models.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Criticality in the randomness-induced second-order phase transition of the triangular Ising antiferromagnet with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions

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    Using a Wang-Landau entropic sampling scheme, we investigate the effects of quenched bond randomness on a particular case of a triangular Ising model with nearest- (JnnJ_{nn}) and next-nearest-neighbor (JnnnJ_{nnn}) antiferromagnetic interactions. We consider the case R=Jnnn/Jnn=1R=J_{nnn}/J_{nn}=1, for which the pure model is known to have a columnar ground state where rows of nearest-neighbor spins up and down alternate and undergoes a weak first-order phase transition from the ordered to the paramagnetic state. With the introduction of quenched bond randomness we observe the effects signaling the expected conversion of the first-order phase transition to a second-order phase transition and using the Lee-Kosterlitz method, we quantitatively verify this conversion. The emerging, under random bonds, continuous transition shows a strongly saturating specific heat behavior, corresponding to a negative exponent α\alpha, and belongs to a new distinctive universality class with ν=1.135(11)\nu=1.135(11), γ/ν=1.744(9)\gamma/\nu=1.744(9), and β/ν=0.124(8)\beta/\nu=0.124(8). Thus, our results for the critical exponents support an extensive but weak universality and the emerged continuous transition has the same magnetic critical exponent (but a different thermal critical exponent) as a wide variety of two-dimensional (2d) systems without and with quenched disorder.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    Uncovering the secrets of the 2d random-bond Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the ground-state structure, phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel (BC) model are discussed. The calculation of ground states at strong disorder and large values of the crystal field is carried out by mapping the system onto a network and we search for a minimum cut by a maximum flow method. In finite temperatures the system is studied by an efficient two-stage Wang-Landau (WL) method for several values of the crystal field, including both the first- and second-order phase transition regimes of the pure model. We attempt to explain the enhancement of ferromagnetic order and we discuss the critical behavior of the random-bond model. Our results provide evidence for a strong violation of universality along the second-order phase transition line of the random-bond version.Comment: 6 LATEX pages, 3 EPS figures, Presented by AM at the symposium "Trajectories and Friends" in honor of Nihat Berker, MIT, October 200

    Wang-Landau study of the critical behaviour of the bimodal 3D-Random Field Ising Model

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    We apply the Wang-Landau method to the study of the critical behaviour of the three dimensional Random Field Ising Model with a bimodal probability distribution. Our results show that for high values of the random field intensity the transition is first order, characterized by a double-peaked energy probability distribution at the transition temperature. On the other hand, the transition looks continuous for low values of the field intensity. In spite of the large sample to sample fluctuations observed, the double peak in the probability distribution is always present for high field

    Phase Diagram of the 3D Bimodal Random-Field Ising Model

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    The one-parametric Wang-Landau (WL) method is implemented together with an extrapolation scheme to yield approximations of the two-dimensional (exchange-energy, field-energy) density of states (DOS) of the 3D bimodal random-field Ising model (RFIM). The present approach generalizes our earlier WL implementations, by handling the final stage of the WL process as an entropic sampling scheme, appropriate for the recording of the required two-parametric histograms. We test the accuracy of the proposed extrapolation scheme and then apply it to study the size-shift behavior of the phase diagram of the 3D bimodal RFIM. We present a finite-size converging approach and a well-behaved sequence of estimates for the critical disorder strength. Their asymptotic shift-behavior yields the critical disorder strength and the associated correlation length's exponent, in agreement with previous estimates from ground-state studies of the model.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
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