6 research outputs found

    Порівняльний аналіз деяких систем ПРО/ППО за допомогою теорії нечітких множин

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    The article is devoted to the problem of using air defense / missile defense systems to protect critical and military infrastructure during hostilities. Attention is drawn to the fact that these systems can be attacked and damaged, which can lead to significant losses of critical infrastructure. To prevent (or reduce) these losses, this paper proposes to use information that can be obtained on the basis of a comparative analysis of the performance characteristics of the used air defense / missile defense systems. In particular, on the example of five such systems, it is demonstrated how this comparative analysis can be carried out using the theory of fuzzy sets (for this, the work considered inclusion operations, dominance relations, calculated the so-called linear and quadratic fuzzy indices, and also constructed various sets of α-levels). Pages of the article in the issue: 116 - 122 Language of the article: UkrainianСтаття присвячена проблемі використання систем ПРО/ППО для захисту критичної та військової інфраструктури під час військових дій. Звертається увага на те, що ці системи можуть піддаватися атакам та пошкодженням, що може призводити до значних втрат критичної інфраструктури. Для запобігання (або зменшення) цих втрат у даній роботі пропонується використовувати інформацію, яку можна одержати на основі порівняльного аналізу тактико-технічних характеристик використовуваних систем ПРО/ППО. Зокрема, на прикладі п’яти систем ПРО/ППО продемонстровано як можна здійснювати цей порівняльний аналіз за допомогою теорії нечітких множин

    The investigation of quasi-characteristic radiation of electrons channeled along the charged axes in the crystals of zinc blende

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    For slight relativistic electrons moving along the main charged [100] and [110] axes in the crystals of zinc blende there was made a numerical calculation of the transverse energy levels and corresponding wave functions. It was done the calculation and the comparison of quasi-characteristic radiation spectra for these axe

    The investigation of quasi-characteristic radiation of electrons channeled along the charged axes in the crystals of zinc blende

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    For slight relativistic electrons moving along the main charged [100] and [110] axes in the crystals of zinc blende there was made a numerical calculation of the transverse energy levels and corresponding wave functions. It was done the calculation and the comparison of quasi-characteristic radiation spectra for these axe


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    Adequate treatment of the burned is not always possible by traditional local conservative methods. Combustologists face considerable difficulties when the patients have non-healing wounds against the background of concomitant diseases or there is a shortage of donor resources for critically burned patients. Results of using wound coverings «Suprasorb» are analyzed in patients with superficial and deep wounds. The clinical course of the wound process, pains during bandage and the dynamics of microbial dissemination of the wounds are assessed

    Automatic Operations in Quantitative Analysis

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