3 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Dengan Pemasaran Relasional Sebagai Variabel Intervening : Studi Kasus Pada Dealer X Motor Yamaha Area Bogor
The purpose of this research is to find the influence of service quality and product quality to effect on customer loyalty with relationship marketing as a variable intervening (case study at dealer X on Bogor area). The research data collection uses the questioner spread to respondents. The population of this research is all customers of Dealer X Bogor area. The sampling method collection used in this research is non-probability sampling, with the collection technique is purposive sampling. The total sample of this research is 240 respondence. Calibration instrument to verify validity and reliability of each item. For each statement calculated with coefficient product-moment, and reliability calculated with coefficient alpha Cronbach. The analysis used in this research is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis technique. The results of this research show that service quality has an impact on relationship marketing, and product quality have an impact on relationship marketing. The conclusion is product quality has a higher value impact on relationship marketing than service quality. Service quality has an impact on customer loyalty, and product quality has an impact on customer loyalty. The conclusion is customer value has a higher value impact on customer loyalty than service quality. Purchase decisions have an impact on customer loyalty. As a whole viewed, which has the most impact on customer loyalty is relationship marketing. Based on this result of research, to increase customer loyalty need good service quality and good product quality so that improve relationship marketing between Dealer X and customer, and increase customer loyalty
Teknologi informasi yang berkembang sangat pesat dimanfaatkan oleh sektor usaha dan industry untuk meningkatkan produktifitas. Salah satu cara dengan menggunakan platform ecommerce, cara ini dinilai sangat potensial karena Indonesia merupakan salah satu market ecommerce terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Masyarakat atau pengguna internet kini lebih cenderung membeli ataupun review barang atau jasa secara on-line. Artinya preferensi pembelian sebagian masayarakat mulai mengalami perubahan, hal ini membuat pergeseran budaya pembelian dari konvensional menjadi secara on-line. Maka adanya pergeseran budaya dengan ditunjang penggunaan instrumen komunikasi pemasaran oleh sektor usaha, dapat diukur prespsi konsumen atas e-commerce yang kemudian apakah berimplikasi terhadap purchase decision. Obyek penelitian ini adalah pelanggan e-commerce di Jakarta lalu teknik penentuan sample adalah non probability sampling dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 120 responden. Metode analisis menggunakan Structural Equation Model berbasis variance atau Partial Least Square. Berdasarkan analisis jawaban angket responden didapati seluruh indikator dinyatakan valid dan reliable dan model yang diteliti dikategorikan marginal fit. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan seluruh variabel dimensi budaya berpengaruh terhadap presepsi konsumen sedangkan hanya variabel uncertainty avoidance yang berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision. Untuk dimensi komunikasi hanya variable advertising yang berpengaruh terhadap presepsi konsumen sedangkan seluruh variable dimensi komunikasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision. Kata Kunci: E-commerce, Dimensi Budaya, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Consumer Behaviou
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dengan Pemasaran Relasional sebagai Variabel Intervening : Studi Kasus pada Dealer X Motor Yamaha Area Bogor
The purpose of this research is to find the influence of service quality and product quality to effect on customer loyalty with relationship marketing as a variable intervening (case study at dealer X on Bogor area). The research data collection uses the questioner spread to respondents. The population of this research is all customers of Dealer X Bogor area. The sampling method collection used in this research is non-probability sampling, with the collection technique is purposive sampling. The total sample of this research is 240 respondence. Calibration instrument to verify validity and reliability of each item. For each statement calculated with coefficient product-moment, and reliability calculated with coefficient alpha Cronbach. The analysis used in this research is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis technique. The results of this research show that service quality has an impact on relationship marketing, and product quality have an impact on relationship marketing. The conclusion is product quality has a higher value impact on relationship marketing than service quality. Service quality has an impact on customer loyalty, and product quality has an impact on customer loyalty. The conclusion is customer value has a higher value impact on customer loyalty than service quality. Purchase decisions have an impact on customer loyalty. As a whole viewed, which has the most impact on customer loyalty is relationship marketing. Based on this result of research, to increase customer loyalty need good service quality and good product quality so that improve relationship marketing between Dealer X and customer, and increase customer loyalty