2 research outputs found

    Decission making process in taking care of children/adults - differences in attitudes among medical employeers

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    Cilj istraživanja: • Ispitati stavove zdravstvenih djelatnika o procesu donošenja odluka u vezi s njegom djece/odraslih osoba. • Ispitati postoje li razlike s obzirom na dob, spol, mjesto boravka, obrazovanje i socijalno stanje. Ustroj studije: presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 93 ispitanika. Ispitanike su činile dvije skupine: medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za pedijatriju (51,6 %) i medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za kirurgiju (48,4 %). Prikupljanje se odvijalo putem anketnog upitnika. Anketa je u potpunosti bila anonimna i u njoj su ispitanici isključivo dobrovoljno sudjelovali. Rezultati: istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji povezanost između spola i mišljenja je li lakše donositi odluke za odrasle pacijente. Dokazano je kako su muškarci naklonjeniji mišljenju da je lakše donositi odluke vezane za odrasle pacijente, nego žene. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako su mlađi djelatnici daleko emotivnije vezani za pacijente te na njih bol i patnja pacijenta daleko više utječu nego na starije zdravstvene djelatnike. Također, istraživanje je pokazalo da su zdravstveni djelatnici koji žive u gradu ili prigradskim naseljima skloniji tvrdnji da nakon smrti pacijenta ne razmišljaju što bi bilo da su drugačije postupili, dok su zdravstveni djelatnici koji žive na selu skloniji razmišljanju nakon smrti pacijenta jesu li mogli drugačije postupiti. Zaključak: zaključno se može reći kako postoje određene statističke razlike u stavovima zdravstvenih djelatnika o procesu donošenja odluka u vezi s njegom djece/odraslih osoba i to s obzirom na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, obrazovanje, zanimanje, mjesečne prihode, radni staž te radno mjesto.Research Objective: • Examine the attitudes of healthcare professionals about the decision-making process related to the care of children / adults. • Examine the differences between health professionals in terms of age, gender, place of residence, education, and social status. Study structure: Term study. Subjects and methods: The survey was conducted on a sample of 93 examinees. The examinees were divided into two groups: Nurses / technicians of the Paediatric Clinic (51.6%) and nurses / technicians of the Surgery Clinic (48.4%). The survey was used for data collection. The survey was completely anonymous and the subjects participated voluntarily. Results: The research has shown that there is a correlation between gender and the opinion about whether it is easier to make decisions for adult patients. It has been shown that men are more inclined to think that it is easier to make decisions regarding adult patients. The research has shown that younger health care workers are far more emotional towards the patients and the pain and suffering of the patient affects them more than it affects older health workers. Also, the research has shown that health care professionals living in the city or in suburban areas are more inclined to say that they do not think about what would have happened if they had made a different decision, while healthcare workers living in the village are more inclined to think that they could have acted differently. Conclusion: There are certain statistical differences in the attitudes of healthcare professionals about the decision-making process regarding the care for children / adults, with regard to gender, age, place of residence, education, occupation, monthly income, working time, and workplace

    Decission making process in taking care of children/adults - differences in attitudes among medical employeers

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    Cilj istraživanja: • Ispitati stavove zdravstvenih djelatnika o procesu donošenja odluka u vezi s njegom djece/odraslih osoba. • Ispitati postoje li razlike s obzirom na dob, spol, mjesto boravka, obrazovanje i socijalno stanje. Ustroj studije: presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 93 ispitanika. Ispitanike su činile dvije skupine: medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za pedijatriju (51,6 %) i medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za kirurgiju (48,4 %). Prikupljanje se odvijalo putem anketnog upitnika. Anketa je u potpunosti bila anonimna i u njoj su ispitanici isključivo dobrovoljno sudjelovali. Rezultati: istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji povezanost između spola i mišljenja je li lakše donositi odluke za odrasle pacijente. Dokazano je kako su muškarci naklonjeniji mišljenju da je lakše donositi odluke vezane za odrasle pacijente, nego žene. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako su mlađi djelatnici daleko emotivnije vezani za pacijente te na njih bol i patnja pacijenta daleko više utječu nego na starije zdravstvene djelatnike. Također, istraživanje je pokazalo da su zdravstveni djelatnici koji žive u gradu ili prigradskim naseljima skloniji tvrdnji da nakon smrti pacijenta ne razmišljaju što bi bilo da su drugačije postupili, dok su zdravstveni djelatnici koji žive na selu skloniji razmišljanju nakon smrti pacijenta jesu li mogli drugačije postupiti. Zaključak: zaključno se može reći kako postoje određene statističke razlike u stavovima zdravstvenih djelatnika o procesu donošenja odluka u vezi s njegom djece/odraslih osoba i to s obzirom na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, obrazovanje, zanimanje, mjesečne prihode, radni staž te radno mjesto.Research Objective: • Examine the attitudes of healthcare professionals about the decision-making process related to the care of children / adults. • Examine the differences between health professionals in terms of age, gender, place of residence, education, and social status. Study structure: Term study. Subjects and methods: The survey was conducted on a sample of 93 examinees. The examinees were divided into two groups: Nurses / technicians of the Paediatric Clinic (51.6%) and nurses / technicians of the Surgery Clinic (48.4%). The survey was used for data collection. The survey was completely anonymous and the subjects participated voluntarily. Results: The research has shown that there is a correlation between gender and the opinion about whether it is easier to make decisions for adult patients. It has been shown that men are more inclined to think that it is easier to make decisions regarding adult patients. The research has shown that younger health care workers are far more emotional towards the patients and the pain and suffering of the patient affects them more than it affects older health workers. Also, the research has shown that health care professionals living in the city or in suburban areas are more inclined to say that they do not think about what would have happened if they had made a different decision, while healthcare workers living in the village are more inclined to think that they could have acted differently. Conclusion: There are certain statistical differences in the attitudes of healthcare professionals about the decision-making process regarding the care for children / adults, with regard to gender, age, place of residence, education, occupation, monthly income, working time, and workplace