464 research outputs found

    Hashimoto encephalopathy: Neurological and psychiatric perspective

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    Hashimoto encephalopathy (HE) is an autoimmune disease with neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations and elevated titers of antithyroid antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Patients are mostly women. Age varies from 8 to 86 years. Prevalence of HE is estimated to be 2.1/100,000. Neurological and/or psychiatric symptoms and signs constitute the clinical picture. The disease responds well to corticosteroid therapy, but sometimes other immunomodulatory therapies must be applied. Autoimmune mechanisms with antibodies against antigens in the brain cortex are suspected. The course of the disease can be acute, subacute, chronic, or relapsing/remitting. Some patients improve spontaneously, but a few died in spite of adequate therapy

    The neuropsychology of hallucinations

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    Hallucinations are a psychopathological phenomenon with neuropsychological, neuroanatomical and pathophysiological correlates in specific brain areas. They can affect any of the senses, but auditory and visual hallucinations predominate. Verbal hallucinations reveal no gross organic lesions while visual hallucinations are connected to defined brain lesions. Functional neuroimaging shows impairments in modality specific sensory systems with the hyperactivity of the surrounding cerebral cortex. Disinhibition and expansion of the inner speech was noted with impaired internal monitoring in auditory verbal hallucinations. The subcortical areas and modal-specific associative cortex and cingulate cortex are essential for the occurrence of hallucinations

    Molecular diagnosis of phenylketonuria: From defective protein to disease-causing gene mutation

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    Fenilketonurija (PKU) najčeŔći je urođeni metabolički poremećaj u populaciji belaca (1/10000). Fenilketonurija nastaje kao posledica viÅ”e od 500 mutacija u genu za fenilalanin hidroksilazu (PAH) koje dovode do deficijencije u aktivnosti enzima fenilalanin hidroksilaze (PAH). Pomoću in vitro ekspresione analize mutiranog enzima PAH i genotip-fenotip korelacije procenjuje se težina mutacija. Pokazano je da postoji značajna korelacija između genotipova u kojima su prisutni mutirani aleligena PAH i fenotipa PKU. Zbog toga je detekcija mutacija u genu za fenilalanin hidroksilazu sastavni deo moderne dijagnostike PKU. Studija molekularne osnove fenilketonu rije u Srbiji obuhvatila je identifikaciju spektra i frekvencije mutacija PAH i analizu korelacije genotipa i fenotipa pacijenata. Kombinovanjem metoda, PCR-RFLP, DGGE Å”irokog spektra i DNK sekvenciranja, postignut je nivo detekcije mutacija od 97%. Na taj način je u Srbiji postavljena osnova za molekularnu dijagnostiku, genetsko savetovanje i odabir pacijenata sa fenilketonurijom kojima bi BH4 terapija bila od koristi.Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most common inborn error of amino acid metabolism, with an average incidence of 1/10000 in Caucasians. PKU is caused by more than 500 mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene (PAH) which result in phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) enzyme deficiency. Two approaches, in vitro expression analysis of mutant PAH and genotypephenotype correlation study, are used for the assessment of severity of PAH mutations. It has been shown that there is a significant correlation between mutant PAH genotypes and PKU phenotypes. As a result, the molecular diagnosis is completely shifted toward the detection of mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. The study of the molecular basis of PKU in Serbia included identification of the spectrum and frequency of PAH mutations in Serbian PKU patients and genotype-phenotype correlation analysis. By using both PCR-RFLP and 'broad range' DGGE/DNA sequencing analysis, the mutation detection rate reached 97%. Thus, the base for molecular diagnosis, genetic counseling and selection of BH4-responsive PKU patients in Serbia was created

    Organizational career management practices : The role of the relationship between HRM and trade unions

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    Purpose ā€“ Organizations profoundly create development paths of individualā€™s careers. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to gain understanding about how organizational context (shaped by the complex relationship between trade union strength and HRM strength) influences the application of organizational career management (OCM) practices seen through the lens of the theory of cooperation and competition (Deutsch, 1949; Tjosvold, 1984). Design/methodology/approach ā€“ Inferential statistical analyses (Kruskalā€“Wallis and Mannā€“Whitney tests) were applied to test the CRANET survey data collected from 92 large-sized private-sector organizations within an EU country characterized by a medium to high-trade union density. Findings ā€“ Results offered consistent empirical evidence that a comprehensive set of OCM practices are applied differently across four distinctive modalities of the union-HRM relationship. Specifically, the ā€œunion-HRM synergyā€ relationship (high-HRM/high-unionization) has been recognized as the most promising for adopting such developmental practices, providing an evidence of complementarities between trade unions and HRM professionalism. Practical implications ā€“ The research suggests that synergistic collaboration between trade unions and HRM might provide employees with even more career development opportunities than when organizations pursue the asynchronous single-sided ā€œTotal HRM strategy.ā€ Originality/value ā€“ This study rejuvenate a traditional career management research agenda by introducing a new theoretical lens for studying the interplay between trade unions and HRM and have put an emphasis on how their strength is related to the incidence of OCM practices


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    Razvojem weba i web tehnologija, potreba za spremanjem velike količine podataka postala je prioritetna. Relacijske baze podataka ne mogu se nositi s teretom stalnog izmjenjivanja, nadograđivanja i novim poslovnim zahtjevima. NoSQL tehnologije sadrže novi pristup u manipuliranju podacima. Jedna od takvih tehnologija opisana je u ovome radu ā€“ MongoDB. Jednostavnost, skalabilnost, dostupnost i dinamička shema samo su neke od karakteristika koja ova baza podataka pruža. Ovaj rad se osvrnuo na relacijski model baza podataka, njegove karakteristike i mane i NoSQL modele koji su detaljnije opisani. Na kraju je predstavljena i napravljena MongoDB baza podataka koja na primjerima prikazuje njegove najbitnije karakteristike.With the development of the web and web technologies, the need to store great amounts of information and data has become a priority. Relational databases are not able to function with the constant need to edit, update and the needs of new business requests. NoSQL technologies have a new way of manipulating the data. One of those technologies is mentioned in this paper- MongoDB. Simplicity, scalability, availability and dynamic scheme are just a few of the many great characteristics that this kind of database offers. This paper explains the relational database model, itā€™s characteristics and disadvantages. Also, the NoSQL models are explained more elaborately. In the end the MongoDB database has been presented and created for exemplary purpose which shows itā€™s most noticeable and important characteristics


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    Razvojem weba i web tehnologija, potreba za spremanjem velike količine podataka postala je prioritetna. Relacijske baze podataka ne mogu se nositi s teretom stalnog izmjenjivanja, nadograđivanja i novim poslovnim zahtjevima. NoSQL tehnologije sadrže novi pristup u manipuliranju podacima. Jedna od takvih tehnologija opisana je u ovome radu ā€“ MongoDB. Jednostavnost, skalabilnost, dostupnost i dinamička shema samo su neke od karakteristika koja ova baza podataka pruža. Ovaj rad se osvrnuo na relacijski model baza podataka, njegove karakteristike i mane i NoSQL modele koji su detaljnije opisani. Na kraju je predstavljena i napravljena MongoDB baza podataka koja na primjerima prikazuje njegove najbitnije karakteristike.With the development of the web and web technologies, the need to store great amounts of information and data has become a priority. Relational databases are not able to function with the constant need to edit, update and the needs of new business requests. NoSQL technologies have a new way of manipulating the data. One of those technologies is mentioned in this paper- MongoDB. Simplicity, scalability, availability and dynamic scheme are just a few of the many great characteristics that this kind of database offers. This paper explains the relational database model, itā€™s characteristics and disadvantages. Also, the NoSQL models are explained more elaborately. In the end the MongoDB database has been presented and created for exemplary purpose which shows itā€™s most noticeable and important characteristics

    Molecular genetic markers as a basis for personalized medicine

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    Genetika i genomika su danas potpuno integrisane u medicinsku praksu. Personalizovana medicina, poznata i kao medicina zasnovana na genomu, koristi znanja o genetičkoj osnovi bolesti da bi se individualizovalo lečenje svakog pacijenta. Veliki broj genetičkih varijanti, molekularno-genetičkih markera, već se koristi u kliničkoj praksi za dijagnozu, prognozu i praćenje bolesti (monogenska nasledna oboljenja, fuzioni geni i rearanžmani u pedijatrijskim i adultnim leukemijama) i presimptomatsku procenu rizika od obolevanja (BRCA1/2 za kancer dojke). Osim toga, primena farmakogenomike u kliničkoj praksi značajno je doprinela individualizaciji terapije u skladu sa genotipom i profilom ekspresije gena pacijenta. Genetičko testiranje za nekoliko farmakogenomičkih markera (TPMT, UGT1A1, CYP2C9, VKORC1) obavezno je ili se preporučuje pre započinjanja terapije. Najvažniji doprinos medicine zasnovane na genomu je ciljana molekularna terapija, prilagođena genetskom profilu bolesti. Testiranje genetičkih varijanti u malignim oboljenjima (BCR-ABL, PML/RARa, RAS, BCL-2, KIT, PDGFR, EGF) doprinosi tačnijoj stratifikaciji različitih kancera i adekvatnom izboru terapije. Krajnji cilj medicinske nauke je da primeni gensku terapiju koja bi eliminisala uzrok bolesti ili prevenirala bolest, ciljajući genetički defekt koji leži u osnovi bolesti. Tehnologija koja prati gensku terapiju veoma se brzo razvija i već se uspeÅ”no primenjuje. Iako je medicina oduvek suÅ”tinski bila "personalizovana", prilagođena svakom pacijentu, personalizovana medicina danas koristi modernu tehnologiju i znanja iz oblasti molekularne genetike i genomike, omogućujući stepen personalizacije koji vodi ka značajnom napretku medicinske prakse.Nowadays, genetics and genomics are fully integrated into medical practice. Personalized medicine, also called genome-based medicine, uses the knowledge of the genetic basis of disease to individualize treatment for each patient. A number of genetic variants, molecular genetic markers, are already in use in medical practice for the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of diseases (monogenic hereditary disorders, fusion genes and rearrangements in pediatric and adult leukemia) and presymptomatic risk assessment (BRCA 1/2 for breast cancer). Additionally, the application of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice has significantly contributed to the individualization of therapy in accordance with the patient's genotype and gene expression profile. Genetic testing for several pharmacogenomic markers (TPMT, UGT1A1, CYP2C9, VKORC1) is mandatory or recommended prior to the initiation of therapy. The most important achievement of genome-based medicine is molecular-targeted therapy, tailored to the genetic profile of a disease. Testing for gene variants in cancer (BCR-ABL, PML/RARa, RAS, BCL-2) is part of the recommended evaluation for different cancers, in order to achieve better management of the disease. The ultimate goal of medical science is to develop gene therapy which will fight or prevent a disease by targeting the disease-causing genetic defect. Gene therapy technology is rapidly developing, and has already been used with success. Although medicine has always been essentially "personal" to each patient, personalized medicine today uses modern technology and knowledge in the field of molecular genetics and genomics, enabling a level of personalization which leads to significant improvement in health care

    Mehanohemijska sinteza nikal i nikal-cink feritnih prahova sa Nicolson-Ross analizom absorpcionih koeficijenata

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    The interest in finding new methods for the preparation of nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) and nickel-zinc ferrite (NixZn1-xFe2O4) powders has recently increased, because the physical and chemical properties of these soft magnetic materials depend strongly on the preparation conditions. In this study, powder samples of ferrites were obtained by: 1) a classic sintering procedure (NixZn1-xFe2O4, x = 0.9) and 2) planetary mill synthesis (both NiFe2O4 and the NixZn1-xFe2O4). The mechano-chemical reaction leading to the formation of the spinel phase of NixZn1-xFe2O4 (x = 1 or 0.9) was monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity and permeability were measured for the obtained nickel and nickel-zinc ferrite samples in the 7-12 GHz frequency range. Based on the obtained results, the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) absorption coefficients were calculated for all three types of sample. It was concluded that the method of preparation and the final particle size influence the EMR absorption coefficient of nickel and nickel-zinc ferrites.U novije vreme povećan je interes za pronalaženje novih metoda za sintezu nikal-ferita (NiFe2O4) i nikal-cink-feritnih (NixZn1-xFe2O4) prahova, zbog činjenice da fizička i hemijska svojstva ovih 'mekih' magnetnih materijala u mnogome zavise od uslova pripreme. Dobijeni feritni prahovi, opisani u ovom radu, sintetisani su: 1) klasičnom procedurom sinterovanja (NixZn1-xFe2O4, x = 0,9 ili 2) sintezom u planetarnom mlinu (NiFe2O4 i NixZn1-xFe2O4). Prosečna veličina čestica dobijenih prvom metodom iznosi 3-5 Ī¼m, dok druga metoda daje čestice veličine 10-12 nm. Karakterizacija uzoraka praćena je skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (TEM), kao i difrakcionom analizom X-zracima (XRD). Realni i imaginarni delovi koeficijenata permitivnosti i permeabilnosti su mereni na dobijenim uzorcima nikal i nikal-cink-ferita u frekventnom opsegu 7-12 GHz. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, izračunati su EMR apsorpcioni koeficijenti za sve dobijene uzorke. Zaključeno je da je način pripreme, kao i dobijena veličina čestica, utiču na EMR apsorpcione koeficijente nikal i nikal-cink-ferita
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