156 research outputs found
Background: The program covered all persons who had not been in contact with a physician for two years or had failed to
notice symptoms themselves or to timely respond to the symptoms observed. The aim of the present study was to analyze the results of
the program and try to draw conclusions regarding the necessity further implementation.
Subjects and methods: This paper analyzes data on a cohort of 1375 subjects aged 45+, collected on preventive examinations by
family physicians during the 2009-2013 period.
Results: Results show 24.4% smokers and 15.5% former smokers. Up to three alcoholic drinks per week consumed 18.5%
respondents (27.8% male and 11.2% female). Overweight (body mass index 25-30) was recorded in 50.6% and 38.6%, obesity (body
mass index >30) in 30.1% and 29.4%, hypertension in 14.6% and 11.8%, isolated systolic hypertension in 20.5% and 17.4%, and
isolated diastolic hypertension in 3.3% and 3.0% of male and female subjects, respectively. Suspicion of one or more newly
diagnosed disease was recorded in 52.9% (95% CI 50.2-55.5) of study subjects. Fifty-four subjects (7.4%; 95% CI 5.5-9.3) were
suspected to have neoplasm and they were immediately referred for further diagnostic evaluation.
Conclusions: Timely manner suspicion of malignant disease is of crucial influence on the course of treatment and outcome of the
disease. The study results confirm the importance of continuing the implementation of prevention programs
Fleksibilni radni aranžmani i organizacijska uspjeÅ”nost ā razlika u primjeni praksi koje pretežno koriste poslodavcima odnosno zaposlenicima
Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) enable flexibility in the work
design of employees and, consequently, can improve work-life
balance and enhance organizational performance. Based on the
disparate nature of previous findings and social exchange theory,
we defined the two research questions with an aim to explore the
impact of FWAs on organizational performance measured by
both financial and non-financial indicators, while taking into
account the employer versus employee-driven perspective of
FWA application. The data on 12 different FWA practices was
collected in 171 large-sized Croatian organizations by a
questionnaire survey using CRANET methodology. Our findings
suggest that organizational performance was higher in the
employee-driven group of FWA practices. On the other hand,
several employer-driven practices were found to be significantly,
but negatively related to organizational performance. The main
contribution of the paper is revealing the importance of work-life
balance arrangements in achieving success and competitive
advantageFleksibilni radni aranžmani (FRA) omoguÄuju fleksibilnost u
dizajnu posla zaposlenika te, posljediÄno, bolju ravnotežu
izmeÄu poslovnoga i privatnoga života za zaposlenike te
poboljÅ”anje uspjeÅ”nosti organizacije. IstraživaÄka pitanja
definirana su na temelju analize dosadaŔnjih istraživanja i
teorije socijalne razmjene, uz primjenu nove perspektive
bazirane na kljuÄnoj interesnoj skupini koja ima koristi od
pojedinih aranžmana. Na temelju toga, razliÄito se
promatraju prakse koje primarno koriste zaposlenicima
odnosno poslodavcima. Podaci o 12 fleksibilnih aranžmana
prikupljeni su na uzorku od 171 velikog poduzeÄa u
Hrvatskoj uz pomoÄ CRANET metodologije. Rezultati
istraživanja pokazuju da je organizacijska uspjeÅ”nost veÄa za
prakse koje primarno koriste zaposlenicima. S druge strane,
prakse koje su primarno korisne poslodavcima znaÄajno su,
ali negativno, povezane s indikatorima organizacijske
uspjeÅ”nosti. Glavni doprinos rada oÄituje se u isticanju
važnosti aranžmana povezanih s ravnotežom rada i života u
postizanju uspjeha organizacije i konkurentske prednosti
The Influence of Hydrocolloid Addition and Storage on Phenolic and Aromatic Compounds in Wine Cream
Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati utjecaj dodatka hidrokoloida na aromatiÄne i fenolne spojeve u kremi od vina. U tu svrhu pripravljena je krema od crnog vina Cabernet Sauvignon s dodatkom hidrokoloida guara, karboksimetilceluloze ili ksantana. U uzorcima je odreÄen sadržaj fenolnih i aromatiÄnih spojeva, a dobiveni rezultati su usporeÄeni meÄusobno i s netretiranim vinom te s vinom kuhanim bez dodataka. Uzorci su skladiÅ”teni na temperaturi od 25 Ā°C kroz tri mjeseca te se u istima takoÄer odredio sadržaj fenolnih i aromatiÄnih spojeva. Polifenoli, antocijani i antioksidacijska aktivnost odreÄeni su spektrofotometrijski, a odreÄivanje kvantitativnog udjela aromatiÄnih sastojaka provedeno je na plinskom kromatografu tvrtke Agilent 5890B s maseno-selektivnim detektorom Agilent 5971A. Za uzorkovanje koriÅ”tena je metoda mikroekstrakcije na Ävrstoj fazi (SPME).The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of hydrocolloid addition on aroma and phenolic compounds in wine cream filling. For this purpose, Cabernet Sauvignon red wine cream filling was prepared with the addition of hydrocolloids guar, carboxymethylcellulose or xanthan. Phenolic and aroma compounds in samples were determined and compared mutually, to the untreated wine and to the wine cooked without additives. The samples were stored at 25 Ā°C for three months and phenolic and aroma compounds were determined again. Polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity have been determined spectrophotometrically and the quantitative determination of aroma compounds was carried out on Agilent 5890B gas chromatograph with an Agilent 5971A mass-selective detector. For sampling, solid phase microextraction (SPME) method was used
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