226 research outputs found

    Estrategias de la mirada superiores en jugadores de bádminton de élite y la importancia de las condiciones naturales de investigación

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    Gaze behavior and performance of internationally ranked players and “near”-expert players were investigated under field conditions for the game situation service-return in badminton. According to the literature, it was assumed that expert players focus more frequently on the racket arm, wrist, and racket of the opponent, while less experienced players focus on the shuttle. Thus, gaze strategy would have an influence on performance. The results contradicted the initial hypotheses: the higher the performance level of the athletes, the more frequently they directed their gaze to the shuttle. Non-professional players were found to focus more often on the upper body and face. To improve gaze behavior in the service situation, on-court drills with focusing on the shuttle region are assumed to be advantageous for athletes of all skill levels. Our research showed that players use other visual search strategies when observing a real opponent then when confronted with a two-dimensional stimulus.La conducta de la mirada y el desempeño de jugadores de categoría internacional y “casi” expertos fueron investigados en condiciones de campo para la situación de juego servicio-devolución en bádminton. Según la literatura, se asumía que los jugadores expertos se enfocan con más frecuencia en el brazo de la raqueta, la muñeca y la raqueta del oponente, mientras que los jugadores menos experimentados se enfocan en el volante. Por tanto, la estrategia de la mirada tendría una influencia en el desempeño. Los resultados contradicen las hipótesis iniciales: entre más alto sea el nivel de desempeño de los atletas, más dirigen la mirada al volante. Los jugadores no profesionales se enfocaron más en la parte superior del cuerpo y el rostro. Se supone que los ejercicios en campo enfocados en el área del volante sirven para mejorar la conducta de la mirada en la situación de servicio en los atletas de todos los niveles de habilidad. Nuestra investigación demuestra que los jugadores usan unas estrategias de búsqueda visual al observar a un oponente real diferentes a las que usan con un estímulo de dos dimensiones

    Entwicklung eines Medizinproduktes zur vereinfachten Applikation von Surfactant bei Frühgeborenen mit Atemnotsyndrom - Von der Idee bis zur klinischen Machbarkeitsprüfung

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    Hintergrund: Das Atemnotsyndrom stellt eines der häufigsten Krankheitsbilder in der Behandlung von Frühgeborenen dar. In den letzten Jahren werden betroffene Frühgeborene zunehmend nur noch mittels CPAP-Atemunterstützung versorgt. Bei erhöhtem Sauerstoff-Bedarf erhalten diese Kinder Surfactant, der minimal-invasiv intratracheal verabreicht wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Medizinprodukt entwickelt, welches die minimal-invasive Gabe von Surfactant unter CPAP-Atemunterstützung erleichtern soll. Ausgehend von einem Katalog an Zielen, die das neue Medizinprodukt erreichen sollte (u.a. Verzicht auf die Verwendung einer Magillzange, einfache Möglichkeit zur Bewegung der Sonde, Verwendung von weichteilschonendem Material), wurden erste Schritte der Entwicklung und Prüfung dieses Medizinproduktes durchgeführt, die die Grundlage dieser Arbeit sind. Methoden: Die entwickelte Applikationshilfe (QuickSF) wurde während dieser Arbeit in zwei Erprobungsphasen am Mannequin von neonatologisch tätigen Ärzten erprobt und im Anschluss anonym in einem Fragebogen beurteilt. Primäre Zielvariable der Erprobungsphasen war der erfolgreiche Einsatz der Applikationshilfe am Mannequin. Dieser wurde definiert als erfolgreiche Intubation der Trachea des Mannequins mit der in die Applikationshilfe eingelegten Magensonde, innerhalb von 30 Sekunden. Als sekundäre Zielvariablen wurde die Dauer der Manipulation am Mannequin, die Einsatzdauer des Laryngoskops im Rachenraum des Mannequins und die Zufriedenheit der Probanden im Umgang mit der Applikationshilfe erhoben. Als Vergleich für die sekundären Endpunkte wurde die am Zentrum übliche und nasal modifizierte Methode zur Surfactantgabe nach Kribs et al. herangezogen. Die Arbeit endet mit dem Entwurf eines Prüfplans für die klinische Machbarkeitsprüfung an Frühgeborenen mit Atemnotsyndrom. Ergebnis: Als Ergebnis zeigte der erste Prototyp in der Erprobungsphase I eine Erfolgsquote von 90.9% (30 von 33 Messungen). Die durchschnittliche Intubationszeit betrug 13,5 ± 5,7 Sek. (Median 12,6 Sek.). Nach Weiterentwicklung der Applikationshilfe, zeigte diese in der Erprobungsphase II eine Erfolgsquote von 100% (27 Messungen). Es wurden keine Probleme beim Umgang mit dem Produkt beobachtet. Die durchschnittliche Intubationszeit des Endproduktes lag bei 11,0 ± 4,3 Sek. (Median 9,5 Sek.). Diese Ergebnisse wurden bereits in der Fachzeitschrift „Neonatology“ veröffentlicht (61). Schlussfolgerung: Das entwickelte Medizinprodukt stellt eine potentielle neue Behandlungsmöglichkeit für Neonatologen bei der Applikation von Surfactant in die kindliche Lunge dar. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zur Anwendung ist geplant und soll dieser Arbeit folgen. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser Machbarkeitsstudie soll eine Studie die Überlegenheit der Surfactant-Applikation mit dem neuen Medizinprodukt gegenüber dem klinischen Standard prüfen

    Evaluación de una raqueta con sensor disponible comercialmente como herramienta de diagnóstico y entrenamiento para bádminton de élite

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    To avoid the drawbacks of optical video-based motion capture systems and due to the ongoing miniaturization of integrated sensors, an increasing variety of sensor-based systems has been used for motion capture in sports. Meanwhile, there are ready-made, commercially available solutions that claim to be capable of recording reliable kinematic data. This research project focuses on the question of whether a commercially available badminton racket with an integrated sensor device (Oliver® Plasma TX 5) provides meaningful data for diagnostic and training purposes in elite sports. Therefore, 16 elite badminton players executed jump smashes using this sensor racket while the kinematics of the stroke technique were recorded using a high speed video-based system. Bland-Altman plots were applied to analyze the agreement between the two systems. The plots revealed a systematic bias and 95% limits of agreement ranging from 6% to 23%: The detection of stroke techniques showed a 42% rate of success. These data show that the measurement accuracy of the sensor racket is not sufficient for use in diagnostics or training. Future development of the sensor racket could include a method to calibrate the system prior to a measurement, in addition to correcting the underlying algorithm to reduce the bias.Para evitar las desventajas de los sistemas ópticos de captura de movimiento basados en video y debido a la continua miniaturización de los sensores integrados, una creciente variedad de sistemas basados en sensores se ha usado para la captura de movimiento en deportes. Entretanto, existen soluciones ya terminadas y comercialmente disponibles que afirman ser capaces de registrar datos cinemáticos confiables. Este proyecto de investigación se enfoca en la pregunta de si una raqueta de bádminton disponible comercialmente con un sensor integrado (Oliver® Plasma TX 5) proporciona datos relevantes para el diagnóstico y entrenamiento en deportes de élite. Por tanto, 16 jugadores de bádminton de élite ejecutaron remates en salto usando la raqueta con sensor mientras la cinemática de la técnica del golpe era grabada con un sistema de alta velocidad basado en video. Los gráficos de Bland-Altman se usaron para analizar la concordancia entre los dos sistemas. Los gráficos revelaron un sesgo sistemático y límites de concordancia del 95% entre 6% y 23%. La detección de las técnicas del golpe evidenció una tasa de éxito del 42%. Estos datos demuestran que la precisión en la medición de la raqueta con sensor no es suficiente para usarla en diagnóstico o entrenamiento. El desarrollo futuro de la raqueta con sensor podría incluir un método para calibrar el sistema antes de hacer una medición, además de corregir el algoritmo subyacente para reducir el sesgo

    Evaluación de una raqueta con sensor disponible comercialmente como herramienta de diagnóstico y entrenamiento para bádminton de élite

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    To avoid the drawbacks of optical video-based motion capture systems and due to the ongoing miniaturization of integrated sensors, an increasing variety of sensor-based systems has been used for motion capture in sports. Meanwhile, there are ready-made, commercially available solutions that claim to be capable of recording reliable kinematic data. This research project focuses on the question of whether a commercially available badminton racket with an integrated sensor device (Oliver® Plasma TX 5) provides meaningful data for diagnostic and training purposes in elite sports. Therefore, 16 elite badminton players executed jump smashes using this sensor racket while the kinematics of the stroke technique were recorded using a high speed video-based system. Bland-Altman plots were applied to analyze the agreement between the two systems. The plots revealed a systematic bias and 95% limits of agreement ranging from 6% to 23%: The detection of stroke techniques showed a 42% rate of success. These data show that the measurement accuracy of the sensor racket is not sufficient for use in diagnostics or training. Future development of the sensor racket could include a method to calibrate the system prior to a measurement, in addition to correcting the underlying algorithm to reduce the bias.Para evitar las desventajas de los sistemas ópticos de captura de movimiento basados en video y debido a la continua miniaturización de los sensores integrados, una creciente variedad de sistemas basados en sensores se ha usado para la captura de movimiento en deportes. Entretanto, existen soluciones ya terminadas y comercialmente disponibles que afirman ser capaces de registrar datos cinemáticos confiables. Este proyecto de investigación se enfoca en la pregunta de si una raqueta de bádminton disponible comercialmente con un sensor integrado (Oliver® Plasma TX 5) proporciona datos relevantes para el diagnóstico y entrenamiento en deportes de élite. Por tanto, 16 jugadores de bádminton de élite ejecutaron remates en salto usando la raqueta con sensor mientras la cinemática de la técnica del golpe era grabada con un sistema de alta velocidad basado en video. Los gráficos de Bland-Altman se usaron para analizar la concordancia entre los dos sistemas. Los gráficos revelaron un sesgo sistemático y límites de concordancia del 95% entre 6% y 23%. La detección de las técnicas del golpe evidenció una tasa de éxito del 42%. Estos datos demuestran que la precisión en la medición de la raqueta con sensor no es suficiente para usarla en diagnóstico o entrenamiento. El desarrollo futuro de la raqueta con sensor podría incluir un método para calibrar el sistema antes de hacer una medición, además de corregir el algoritmo subyacente para reducir el sesgo

    Genetic Variations of Interleukin-23R (1143A>G) and BPI (A645G), but Not of NOD2, Are Associated with Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Transplantation

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes of the immune system predict for aGVHD and mortality after allo-SCT. We investigated the effect of SNPs in the NOD2, BPI, and IL-23R genes on posttransplantation outcome in a cohort of 304 patients. NOD2 patient and donor genotype and BPI recipient genotype were not associated with the occurrence of aGVHD. However, IL-23R-SNP in the donor was correlated with less aGVHD. This association could be confirmed in multivariate analysis (odds ratio [OR], 0.39; P = .039), which identified in vivo T cell depletion (OR, 0.32; P < .001) and multiagent GVHD prophylaxis (OR, 0.51; P = .031) as other independent factors predicting for less-severe aGVHD. This multivariate model also revealed a trend toward less aGVHD in patients receiving a BPI G allele transplant (OR, 0.60; P = .067) and in those receiving a transplant from an HLA-matched donor (OR, 0.57; P = .058). In contrast, relapse was more frequent in patients with NOD2-SNPs (46.2% for SNP vs 33.2% for wild-type; P = .020). This association was found to be of borderline significance in multivariate analysis. Neither BPI nor IL-23R genotype predicted for relapse, and none of the investigated SNPs was correlated with 5-year overall survival. In our analysis, NOD2 SNPs did not predict aGVHD, but IL-23R(1142A>G) and BPI(A645G) SNPs appeared to be promising markers in this regard. The importance of these markers in prediction models for GVHD and relapse remain to be defined in large prospective clinical trials

    Individual Interactions of the b Subunits within the Stator of the Escherichia coli ATP Synthase.

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    FOF1 ATP synthases are rotary nanomotors that couple proton translocation across biological membranes to the synthesis/hydrolysis of ATP. During catalysis, the peripheral stalk, composed of two b subunits and subunit δ in Escherichia coli, counteracts the torque generated by the rotation of the central stalk. Here we characterize individual interactions of the b subunits within the stator by use of monoclonal antibodies and nearest neighbor analyses via intersubunit disulfide bond formation. Antibody binding studies revealed that the C-terminal region of one of the two b subunits is principally involved in binding of subunit δ, while the other one is accessible to antibody binding without impact on the function of FOF1. Individually substituted cysteine pairs suitable for disulfide cross-linking between the b subunits and the other stator subunits b-α, b-β, b-δ, and b-a) were screened and combined with each other to discriminate between the two b subunits (i.e. bI and bII). The results show the b dimer to be located at a non-catalytic α/β cleft, with bI close to subunit α, whereas bII is proximal to subunit β. Furthermore, bI can be linked to subunit δ as well as to subunit a. Among the subcomplexes formed were a-bI-α, bII-β, α-bI-bII-β, and a-bI-δ. Taken together, the data obtained define the different positions of the two b subunits at a noncatalytic interface and imply that each b subunit has a different role in generating stability within the stator. We suggest that bI is functionally related to the single b subunit present in mitochondrial ATP synthase

    Forschend lernen - studentische Umsetzung eines kooperativen Forschungsprojekts in Eigenverantwortung

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    Das Forschende Lernen stellt für das Fach Forschungsmethoden einen höchst interessanten Ansatz dar, der Wissensermittlung, Wissenserfahrung und fächerübergreifende Kompetenzen miteinander vereint. Der Werkstattbericht beschäftigt sich mit der Erarbeitung und Umsetzung des Konzeptes des Forschenden Lernens in den Bewegungswissenschaften sowie dem Maschinenbau und dem Umweltengineering

    Development and use of Digital Twins for campuses in Dortmund and Bến Cát for climate adaptation measures

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    Climate Change is the leading cause for the warming of the atmosphere, land, and oceans. As a result, urban areas are particularly affected by the urban heat island phenomenon, which has a significant negative impact on human health, energy consumption and everyday life. To mitigate the effects on the environment and residents, researching new technologies such as Digital Twins in Smart Cities can be crucial. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the usage of Digital Twins for developing climate adaptation measures to mitigate urban heat island effects. A key element of this evaluation is analyzing the potentials and limitations of the Digital Twin technology, emphasizing the creation process of a Digital Twin as well as the application and its usage. A Digital Twin is created for a building on the campus of the TU Dortmund University and the Vietnamese- German University. The methods of laser scanning and 3D modeling serve as a foundation for the creation process of the Digital Twins. To analyze the effect of climate adaptation measures on built environment, microclimatic simulations are conducted. The results of the research including the 3D model and the microclimatic simulations are visualized in a geoinformation map. The evaluation process revealed multiple challenges in the development process and the usage of the Digital Twin technology. The main areas for improvement were identified in terms of data availability, data interoperability, and mesh creation. However, it is important to note that Digital Twin appears to have a significant potential for future urban development

    Capabilities of Gossamer-1 derived small spacecraft solar sails carrying MASCOT-derived nanolanders for in-situ surveying of NEAs

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    Any effort which intends to physically interact with specific asteroids requires understanding at least of the composition and multi-scale structure of the surface layers, sometimes also of the interior. Therefore, it is necessary first to characterize each target object sufficiently by a precursor mission to design the mission which then interacts with the object. In small solar system body (SSSB) science missions, this trend towards landing and sample-return missions is most apparent. It also has led to much interest in MASCOT-like landing modules and instrument carriers. They integrate at the instrument level to their mothership and by their size are compatible even with small interplanetary missions. The DLR-ESTEC Gossamer Roadmap NEA Science Working Groups‘ studies identified Multiple NEA Rendezvous (MNR) as one of the space science missions only feasible with solar sail propulsion. Parallel studies of Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) and Displaced L1 (DL1) space weather early warning missions studies outlined very lightweight sailcraft and the use of separable payload modules for operations close to Earth as well as the ability to access any inclination and a wide range of heliocentric distances. These and many other studies outline the unique capability of solar sails to provide access to all SSSB, at least within the orbit of Jupiter. Since the original MNR study, significant progress has been made to explore the performance envelope of near-term solar sails for multiple NEA rendezvous. However, although it is comparatively easy for solar sails to reach and rendezvous with objects in any inclination and in the complete range of semi-major axis and eccentricity relevant to NEOs and PHOs, it remains notoriously difficult for sailcraft to interact physically with a SSSB target object as e.g. the Hayabusa missions do. The German Aerospace Center, DLR, recently brought the Gossamer solar sail deployment technology to qualification status in the Gossamer-1 project. Development of closely related technologies is continued for very large deployable membrane-based photovoltaic arrays in the GoSolAr project. We expand the philosophy of the Gossamer solar sail concept of efficient multiple sub-spacecraft integration to also include landers for one-way in-situ investigations and sample-return missions. These are equally useful for planetary defence scenarios, SSSB science and NEO utilization. We outline the technological concept used to complete such missions and the synergetic integration and operation of sail and lander. We similarly extend the philosophy of MASCOT and use its characteristic features as well as the concept of Constraints-Driven Engineering for a wider range of operations

    Small Spacecraft Based Multiple Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous and Landing with Near-Term Solar Sails and ‘Now-Term‘ Technologies

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    Physical interaction with small solar system bodies (SSSB) is the next step in planetary science, planetary in-situ resource utilization (ISRU), and planetary defense (PD). It requires a broader understanding of the surface properties of the target objects, with particular interest focused on those near Earth. Knowledge of composition, multi-scale surface structure, thermal response, and interior structure is required to design, validate and operate missions addressing these three fields. The current level of understanding is occasionally simplified into the phrase, ”If you’ve seen one asteroid, you’ve seen one asteroid”, meaning that the in-situ characterization of SSSBs has yet to cross the threshold towards a robust and stable scheme of classification. This would enable generic features in spacecraft design, particularly for ISRU and science missions. Currently, it is necessary to characterize any potential target object sufficiently by a dedicated pre-cursor mission to design the mission which then interacts with the object in a complex fashion. To open up strategic approaches, much broader in-depth characterization of potential target objects would be highly desirable. In SSSB science missions, MASCOT-like nano-landers and instrument carriers which integrate at the instrument level to their mothership have met interest. By its size, MASCOT is compatible with small interplanetary missions. The DLR-ESTEC Gossamer Roadmap Science Working Groups‘ studies identified Multiple Near-Earth asteroid (NEA) Rendezvous (MNR) as one of the space science missions only feasible with solar sail propulsion. The Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) study showed the ability to access any inclination, theDisplaced-L1 (DL1) mission operates close to Earth, where objects of interest to PD and for ISRU reside. Other studies outline the unique capability of solar sails to provide access to all SSSB, at least within the orbit of Jupiter, and significant progress has been made to explore the performance envelope of near-term solar sails for MNR. However, it is difficult for sailcraft to interact physically with a SSSB. We expand and extend the philosophy of the recently qualified DLR Gossamer solar sail deployment technology using efficient multiple sub-spacecraft integration to also include landers for one-way in-situ investigations and sample-return missions by synergetic integration and operation of sail and lander. The MASCOT design concept and its characteristic features have created an ideal counterpart for thisand has already been adapted to the needs of the AIM spacecraft, former part of the NASA-ESA AIDA mission. Designing the combined spacecraft for piggy-back launch accommodation enables low-cost massively parallel access to the NEA population