4 research outputs found

    Design, construction, programming and monitoring of a testbench for brushless motors

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    This document explains how to develop successfully a testbench for brushless motors connected wireless to a PC to analyze the data. This dissertation involves all the development and implementation of all the parts of the final prototype, including workarounds and redesigns. It also includes all the technical information to reproduce such prototype and all the software and source code necessary for the toolAquest document explica com desenvolupar satisfactoriament una bancada de proves per a motors de tipo brushless connectada sense fils a un PC per al analisi de dades. Aquesta memoria inclou tot el desenvolupament i la implementaci贸 de totes les parts del prototip final, incloent tots els workarounds i redissenys. Tamb茅 cont茅 tota la informaci贸 tecnica per reproduir el montatge del prototip i tot el codi font del software desenvolupat per a la eina de visualitzaci贸Este documento explica c贸mo desarrollar satisfactoriamente una bancada de pruebas para motores de tipo brushless conectada inal谩mbricamente a un PC para el an谩lisis de datos. Esta memoria incluye todo el desarrollo y la implementaci贸n de todas las partes del prototipo final, incluyendo todos los workarounds y redise帽os. Tambi茅n contiene toda la informaci贸n t茅cnica para reproducir el montaje del prototipo y todo el c贸digo fuente del software desarrollado para la herramienta de visualizaci贸

    Spatio-Temporal Context in Action Recognition for Collaborative Robotics

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    Trabajo fin de m谩ster presentado en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.--2021-09-22Collaborative robotics is becoming a reality due to the advances in deep learning. Nevertheless, the challenge of robust action recognition to ensure a safe and seamless robot-human collaboration is yet to be solved. In the context of a European project denoted by Sharework, this work presents the Human Task Recognition module. We consider a set of use cases listing tasks needed in the production chain to create a dataset that is trained by multiple competing deep-learning architectures. To tackle the inherent fluctuations in accuracy experienced when applying transfer learning to custom industry datasets, this dissertation describes a solution that enhances the prediction accuracy by adding spatio-temporal context in the form of objects detected in the environment and implementing a Hidden Markov Model with previous predictions. The temporal context enforces the order sequence of the tasks constrained by the target use case allowing an accuracy increase of up to 57% in certain cases. This work presents a production-ready Robotic Operating System wrapper of all the modules with a custom Docker image

    Design, construction, programming and monitoring of a testbench for brushless motors

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    This document explains how to develop successfully a testbench for brushless motors connected wireless to a PC to analyze the data. This dissertation involves all the development and implementation of all the parts of the final prototype, including workarounds and redesigns. It also includes all the technical information to reproduce such prototype and all the software and source code necessary for the toolAquest document explica com desenvolupar satisfactoriament una bancada de proves per a motors de tipo brushless connectada sense fils a un PC per al analisi de dades. Aquesta memoria inclou tot el desenvolupament i la implementaci贸 de totes les parts del prototip final, incloent tots els workarounds i redissenys. Tamb茅 cont茅 tota la informaci贸 tecnica per reproduir el montatge del prototip i tot el codi font del software desenvolupat per a la eina de visualitzaci贸Este documento explica c贸mo desarrollar satisfactoriamente una bancada de pruebas para motores de tipo brushless conectada inal谩mbricamente a un PC para el an谩lisis de datos. Esta memoria incluye todo el desarrollo y la implementaci贸n de todas las partes del prototipo final, incluyendo todos los workarounds y redise帽os. Tambi茅n contiene toda la informaci贸n t茅cnica para reproducir el montaje del prototipo y todo el c贸digo fuente del software desarrollado para la herramienta de visualizaci贸

    Design, construction, programming and monitoring of a testbench for brushless motors

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    This document explains how to develop successfully a testbench for brushless motors connected wireless to a PC to analyze the data. This dissertation involves all the development and implementation of all the parts of the final prototype, including workarounds and redesigns. It also includes all the technical information to reproduce such prototype and all the software and source code necessary for the toolAquest document explica com desenvolupar satisfactoriament una bancada de proves per a motors de tipo brushless connectada sense fils a un PC per al analisi de dades. Aquesta memoria inclou tot el desenvolupament i la implementaci贸 de totes les parts del prototip final, incloent tots els workarounds i redissenys. Tamb茅 cont茅 tota la informaci贸 tecnica per reproduir el montatge del prototip i tot el codi font del software desenvolupat per a la eina de visualitzaci贸Este documento explica c贸mo desarrollar satisfactoriamente una bancada de pruebas para motores de tipo brushless conectada inal谩mbricamente a un PC para el an谩lisis de datos. Esta memoria incluye todo el desarrollo y la implementaci贸n de todas las partes del prototipo final, incluyendo todos los workarounds y redise帽os. Tambi茅n contiene toda la informaci贸n t茅cnica para reproducir el montaje del prototipo y todo el c贸digo fuente del software desarrollado para la herramienta de visualizaci贸