5,764 research outputs found

    Derek Mahon's Seascapes Mediated through Greece: Antiquity in Modernity, Nature in Abstraction.

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    The article investigates various approaches to seascape in selected poems of the contemporary Irish poet, Derek Mahon, set against the background of references to Michael Longley, Seamus Heaney or Odysseus Elytis. The sea provides a perspective that cannot be overestimated in trying to get an insight into the communication and the clash between the culture of the South and the North. The two nations have often glimpsed at their reflection in the mirror of the surrounding seas, their history and mentality determined by their geographical position and largely insular experience. Elements such as the isolation from the mainland; the perception of the sea as a personification of the force ruling over life and death, as a threat and a promise; or the focus on some characteristic natural phenomena such as light or surface dominate the seascape imagery both in Greek and Irish literature. The sea often constitutes a border of antagonistic and complementary worlds: dream and reality, light and darkness, male and female, the real world and the underworld – and the vantage point of the poet changes accordingly. Some poems under discussion also explore a series of myths linked with the sea, the best known of which, the Odyssey, has remained a frame of reference for numerous contemporary Greek and Irish poets. Elytis's Cyclades or Longley's Mayo provide us with examples of 'private homelands'. As Longley once observed, “his part of Mayo” reminds him of Ithaca (sandy and remote) and of Greece in general: “I’ve often thought that that part of Ireland . . . looks like Greece. Or Greece looks like a dust-bowl version of Ireland,” which triggers further deliberations on seascape as the common ground for the two countries. Just as Elytis's Cyclades or Longley's Mayo, Mahon’s Cyclades provide us with examples of 'private homelands'. The focus of this article is Derek Mahon’s seascapes: purely Greek (‘Aphrodite’s Pool’), Irish seen through the prism of the Greek ones (‘Achill’) and purely Irish (‘Recalling Aran’). The level of abstraction in the last category is compared with Odysseus Elytis’s imagery of the Cyclades, while the first poem demystifies a practice which I termed as ‘myth trading’, one of consumerist tourism techniques

    CRIDE: the survey you love to hate

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    Many of you will have been involved in completing the CRIDE Survey over the past three years. Some of you will have done so with enthusiasm – thank you! some with reluctance - sorry! and some may even have declined to participate, followed by a Freedom of Information Act application being applied – we really needed the information! We are genuinely appreciative of all the time and effort you have taken to send in your CRIDE surveys

    Interobserver Reliability in Describing Radiographic Lung Changes After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

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    Purpose Radiographic lung changes after stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) vary widely between patients. Standardized descriptions of acute (≤6 months after treatment) and late (\u3e6 months after treatment) benign lung changes have been proposed but the reliable application of these classification systems has not been demonstrated. Herein, we examine the interobserver reliability of classifying acute and late lung changes after SBRT. Methods and materials A total of 280 follow-up computed tomography scans at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment were analyzed in 100 patients undergoing thoracic SBRT. Standardized descriptions of acute lung changes (3- and 6-month scans) include diffuse consolidation, patchy consolidation and ground glass opacity (GGO), diffuse GGO, patchy GGO, and no change. Late lung change classifications (12-month scans) include modified conventional pattern, mass-like pattern, scar-like pattern, and no change. Five physicians scored the images independently in a blinded fashion. Fleiss\u27 kappa scores quantified the interobserver agreement. Results The Kappa scores were 0.30 at 3 months, 0.20 at 6 months, and 0.25 at 12 months. The proportion of patients in each category at 3 and 6 months was as follows: Diffuse consolidation 11% and 21%; patchy consolidation and GGO 15% and 28%; diffuse GGO 10% and 11%; patchy GGO 15% and 15%; and no change 49% and 25%, respectively. The percentage of patients in each category at 12 months was as follows: Modified conventional 46%; mass-like 16%; scar-like 26%; and no change 12%. Uniform scoring between the observers occurred in 26, 8, and 14 cases at 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. Conclusions Interobserver reliability scores indicate a fair agreement to classify radiographic lung changes after SBRT. Qualitative descriptions are insufficient to categorize these findings because most patient scans do not fit clearly into a single classification. Categorization at 6 months may be the most difficult because late and acute lung changes can arise at that time

    Report of the workshop on assessing governance in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-30 October, 2014

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    The objective of the workshop was to begin a structured discussion on regional governance in the BOBLME, drawing on lessons from a region with similar issues, the Carribean. Conclusions were made about principles, regional governance arrangements, national-regional interface and national science-policy interfaces. Future work was also planned

    Do children enhance phonetic contrasts in speech directed to a hearing-impaired peer?

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    This study examines whether normal-hearing (NH) children enhance phonetic contrasts when speaking to a hearing-impaired (HI) peer. A problem-solving ‘Grid’ task was developed to elicit frequent repetitions of /p/-/b/, /s/-/S/ and /i/-/I/ segmental contrasts and point vowels in communicative spontaneous speech. Eighteen NH children between 9 and 15 years old performed the task once with a NH friend and once with a HI friend. Both category means and within-speaker variability were analysed. Results suggest that although HI interlocutors are likely to find the phonetic contrasts difficult to produce and perceive, children’s HI-directed speech contains little evidence of phonetic category enhancement

    Children's acoustic and linguistic adaptations of peers with hearing impairment

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the clear speaking strategies used by older children when interacting with a peer with hearing loss, focusing on both acoustic and linguistic adaptations in speech. Method: The Grid task, a problem-solving task developed to elicit spontaneous interactive speech, was used to obtain a range of global acoustic and linguistic measures. Eighteen 9- to 14-year-old children with normal-hearing (NH) performed the task in pairs, once with a friend with NH, and once with a friend with a hearing-impairment (HI). Results: In HI-directed speech, children increased their fundamental frequency range and mid-frequency intensity, decreased the number of words per phrase, and expanded their vowel space area by increasing F1 and F2 range, relative to NH-directed speech. However, participants did not appear to make changes to their articulation rate, the lexical frequency of content words, or to lexical diversity, when talking to their friend with HI compared to their friend with NH. Conclusions: Older children show evidence of listener-oriented adaptations to their speech production; although their speech production systems are still developing, they are able to make speech adaptations to benefit the needs of a peer with HI, even without being given specific instruction to do so

    Using Pre-Lecture Activities to Enhance Learner Engagement in a Large Group Setting

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    The disadvantage to students of beginning a module with no prior knowledge or inaccurate knowledge is well documented. For learners, the development of the necessary prior knowledge to facilitate their learning is essential. The use of screencasts, whether prior to or during class, is becoming more widespread. There is a need, however, to better understand how these are used and whether or not there is any impact on overall learner engagement and academic achievement when a component with instantaneous feedback (such as a multiple choice quiz) is embedded into the pre-lecture screencast activity. In this study, pre-learning activities consisting of screencasts and multiple choice quizzes were introduced to improve student engagement with the topic, gauge common misconceptions and give timely feedback to the students. An examination of screencast usage indicated that students did not predominantly nor exclusively employ the resources as originally intended, that is, in advance of lectures. Rather, students continued to access the activities across the module and often after the associated lecture. Implications are discussed with an acknowledgement of the importance of taking into account how learners prefer to use resources when designing and introducing new activities to modules. Keywords large group teaching, learner engagement, multiple choice quizzes, prior knowledge, screencasts Identifying and enhancing learner prior knowledge – what do learners know already and how can this help them?[AQ1] To find ways to support student learning, educators are increasingly turning their attention to the very roots of the learning experience, that is, to the knowledge, skills, environments and processes already possessed and encountered by the learner before the new, to-be-learned material is introduced (Coppola and Krajcik, 2014). Although such awareness of the importance of prior knowledge is not a recent emergence (Ausubel, 1968), interest in what learners know in advance

    Glycomacromolecules: Addressing challenges in drug delivery and therapeutic development

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    Carbohydrate-based materials offer exciting opportunities for drug delivery. They present readily available, biocompatible components for the construction of macromolecular systems which can be loaded with cargo, and can enable targeting of a payload to particular cell types through carbohydrate recognition events established in biological systems. These systems can additionally be engineered to respond to environmental stimuli, enabling triggered release of payload, to encompass multiple modes of therapeutic action, or to simultaneously fulfil a secondary function such as enabling imaging of target tissue. Here, we will explore the use of glycomacromolecules to deliver therapeutic benefits to address key health challenges, and suggest future directions for development of next-generation systems

    Learning intrinsic excitability in medium spiny neurons

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    We present an unsupervised, local activation-dependent learning rule for intrinsic plasticity (IP) which affects the composition of ion channel conductances for single neurons in a use-dependent way. We use a single-compartment conductance-based model for medium spiny striatal neurons in order to show the effects of parametrization of individual ion channels on the neuronal activation function. We show that parameter changes within the physiological ranges are sufficient to create an ensemble of neurons with significantly different activation functions. We emphasize that the effects of intrinsic neuronal variability on spiking behavior require a distributed mode of synaptic input and can be eliminated by strongly correlated input. We show how variability and adaptivity in ion channel conductances can be utilized to store patterns without an additional contribution by synaptic plasticity (SP). The adaptation of the spike response may result in either "positive" or "negative" pattern learning. However, read-out of stored information depends on a distributed pattern of synaptic activity to let intrinsic variability determine spike response. We briefly discuss the implications of this conditional memory on learning and addiction.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure