29 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Protein Lernaea Cyprinacea Dengan Metode Elektroforesis SDS-PAGE [Characterization of Protein Lernaea Cyprinacea by Using SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Method]

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    One of the diseases that often attack are fish is parasitic disease caused by Lernaea cyprinacea, called Lernaeosis. This ectoparasites could be detected on skin, gill, eyes, fin or inside of mouth and nostril of fishes. The aim of the study was to know the character is tic of L.cyprinacea protein based on molecular weight using SDS-PAGE. The results of this study were expected as Lernaeosis vaccine candidate. The experiment used SDS-PAGE with 12% separating gel, 3% stacking gel, voltage 110 volts 28 A and gel staining using coomassie blue. The result showed that, there were eight protein bands with molecular weight 82.3, 73.3, 66.6, 60.5, 54.9, 27.5, 23.1 and 19.8 kDa. Among them, the bands with molecular weight 27.5, 23.1 and 19.8 kDa were thicker and clearer than the others

    Efektifitas Perendaman Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio L.) dalam Larutan Perasan Daun Api-api (Avicennia Marina) terhadap Penurunan Jumlah Trichodina SP

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    Penyakit akibat infeksi Trichodina sp. menjadi salah satu ancaman keberhasilan akuakultur, sehingga perlu dicari alternatif pengobatan dengan bahan alami. Api-api memiliki senyawa metabolit yang berpotensi cukup tinggi sebagai obat untuk trichodiniasis. karena mengandung senyawa polar seperti flavonoid, tannin dan saponin yang telah diketahui mampu mengendalikan perkembangan Trichodina sp. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat efektifitas ekstrak daun api-api terhadap perkembangan populasi Trichodina sp. yang menyerang benih ikan mas, dengan metode perendaman selama 4 jam. Dengan konsentrasi 20%; 10%; 5%; 2,5% dan kontrol. Analisa data statistik menggunakan ANOVA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa perasan larutan daun api-api berpengaruh dalam mengendalikan perkembangan Trichodina sp. sehingga dilanjutkan dengan uji TUKEY dan didapatkan hasil bahwa perlakuan antar konsentrasi tidak berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pengamatan leukosit ikan mas mengalami penurunan pada sel limfosit dan peningkatan pada sel eosinofil, dan neutrofil

    Gambaran Leukosit Darah Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) Yang Terinfestasi Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis Pada Derajat Infestasi Yang Berbeda Dengan Metode Kohabitasi [Leukocyte Profil of Koi Fish (Cyprinus Carpio) Which Infested by Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis on the Different Infestation Degree with Cohabitation Methode]

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    Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) is one type of ornamental fresh water, which much liked because of its beauty such as have shape, colour and beautiful patern, so many people depend on their life from culturing and marketing koi fish. The main obstacle in koi fish culture is disease attack. The disease caused by interaction between host, pathogen and environment (Fisheries and Marine Department, 2005). Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (I. multifiliis) is one of parasite which can cause fish ichtyopthiriasis. According Durborow (1998) said, that clinical sign of koi fish who affected by I. multifiliis had a white spot. I. multifiliis is a parasite that eat blood cells (Dogiel et al., 1970). According Macdonald et al., (2001) in Saptanto (2004) explain, that parasite infestation also could increase eosinophile. Total of monocyte increases if there are a foreign substantion in tissue or blood circulation and neutrophile are phagocyte which could migration in the other tissue to eat bacteria (Moyle and Chech, 2004). Meyer and Harvey (1998) in Salasia (2001) assert, that blood test also useful to help disease diagnose, examining immune system and to determine fish health status. The method was used in this field research is experimental method by cohabitation method. This research is expected to provide information and knowledge about leucocyte component which infested by I. multifiliis at different infestation level with cohabitation method. This research was done July 26, 2010 until December 31, 2010 at Klepon Village, District of Garum, Blitar, East Java and in the Laboratory of Education Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Fisheries, Airlangga University, Surabaya. I. multifiliis infestation level are classified based on the total of I. multifiliis who infestation koi fish total of low: 1–5 parasites/slide, medium: 6–10 parasites/slide, High: more than 11 parasites/slide (Margolis et al., 1982 in Akter dkk., 2007). The result of research showed that chages of leucocyte blood profil of the amount the total each leucocyte component (lymphocyte, neutrophile, monocyte, eosinophile) koi fish who infested by I. multifiliis, there is a declining in average percentage of total lymphocyte in low infestation 86.20%, medium infestation 79.40% and heavy infestation 75.20%. The average percentages of total monocyte was increasing in low infestation 5.40%, medium infestation 5.60% and heavy infestation 6.60%. The average percentages of total neutrophile also increasing in low infestation 6.40%, medium infestation 11.20% and heavy infestation 11.60%. The average percentages of total eosinophile also increasing in low infestation 2.00%, medium infestation 3.60% and heavy infestation 5.60%. water oquality measured during research, the average of temperature 24-26C and pH cohabitation 8

    Potensi Antagonistik Bakteri Lactobacillus Plantarum Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Aeromonas Salmonicida Secara in Vitro [the Potential Antagonistic Bacterium Lactobacillus Plantarum Against Bacterial Pathogens Aeromonas Salmonicida by in Vitro]

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    Problems were often experienced by fish farmers is bacterial pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida which causes furunculosis disease in fish. The way to control the growth of this pathogenic bacteria was using antagonist bacteria of Lactobacillus plantarum. Growth of L. plantarum may inhibit contamination of pathogenic bacterial because of its ability to produce bacteriocins, produce lactic, moreover that these bacteria can produce hydrogen peroxide which can function as an antibacterial. This research aimed to provide information on the use of bacterial antagonists L. plantarum in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida on In Vitro. This research was conducted on October 2012 until January 2013 at dry laboratory in Fisheries and Marine Faculty of Airlangga University Surabaya. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications. Bacteria L. plantarum with 0 concentration for control (A), 106 (B), 107 (C), 108 (D), 109 (E) tested challenge by paper disc method with 106 concentrate of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida in vitro. The results showed that L. plantarum with a concentration of 109 CFU/ml (E) was a treatment that produced average of obstacle on the distribution of A. salmonicida amounted to 12,375 mm. Then the treatment with a concentration of 108 CFU/ml (D) with the average of obstacle 8,95 mm. While treatment with a concentration of 107 CFU/ml (C) and 106 CFU/ml (B) was having average of obstacle 6.8 mm and 6 mm was not significantly different from the control (A) which had an average 6 mm obstacle. So it could be concluded that bacteria L. plantarum had antagonistic potential against bacterial pathogens A.salmonicida which indicated by the obstacle produced by L. plantarum on growth of pathogenic bacteria A.salmonicida

    Perubahan Histopatologi Kulit Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) Yang Terinfestasi Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis Secara Kohabitasi [Skin Histopathology Alteration of Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) with Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis Infested Accordance Cohabitation]

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    Koi (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most famous freshwater ornamental fish which offers financial advantage. There are a lot of factors which have to be face when we're trying to cultivate or culture Koi, one of those factors is the disease. Parasite which always in freshwater fishes is Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. I. multifiliis penetrated through skin causing destruction ephitelium cells by cilia and by consequent causing a histopathological changing. The objectives of this research was to determine alteration of Koi (Cyprinus carpio) skin histopathology which infested by I. multifiliis through cohabotation. Cohabitation was done during 4 days with mixing 7 fishes infected with white spot disease to 100 healthy fishes. Koi that had been infested observing of pathology changes. And than slicing the skin organ to prepare histopatology slide from 3 sample in every level infestation. To detect the level infestation, parasite was divide into 3 level respectivelly are low level (1-5 parasite/slide), the medium level (6-10 parasites/slide) and the heavy level (more than 11 parasites/slide). Furthermore, damage level determination by histopatology was decided by scoring. Data analyzed with descriptive based on clinical simptom, and than, the skin histopatology which had been attacked was done by scoring. The results would be analyzed statistical with Kruskal Wallis test. If it is show the significant defference, the test would be continued with Z test 5% (Siegel, 1986). The research showed that the fish skin Koi infestation by I. multifiliis there was histopatology changed shaped respectivelly epidermis proliferation, infiltration of inflammation cell and ephithel erosion. Based on histopatological changed skoring caused by I. multifiliis infestation from various infestation grade, there were 62.2% of Koi fish skin was epidermis proliferasi, 73.3% of one was infiltration of inflammation cell and 28.9% ephithel erosion. Water quality measurement showed that temperature and acidity in normal condition, respectively otemperature between 24–26 C dan pH 8

    Perubahan Patologi Kulit Ikan Gurami (Osphronemu Gouramy) Akibat Infestasi Lernaea Cyprinacea Pada Derajat Infestasi Yang Berbeda [the Pathology Alteration of Gouramy (Osphronemus Gouramy) Integument Infested by Lernaea Cyprinacea at Different Degress of Infestation]

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    The development of fish consumption in Indonesia was promising increasingly and growing very rapidly. One of the priority commodities in the development of aquaculture subsector was the gourami (Osphronemus gouramy). Many factors must be faced in the cultivation of gouramy, including the problem of fish diseases caused by Lernaea cyprinacea. The aim of this research is to find out the description of anatomic pathology and histopathology of gouramy which infested by L. cyprinacea at different degrees of infestation. This research uses descriptive method. The research showed that the gouramy integument which infested by L. cyprinacea at low, moderate and heavy infestation cause moderate until heavy defect with 2.48; 2.42 and 2.32 in reaverage scoring. Hence, accordance with pathological anatomy, L. cyprinacea infestation caused necrotic nodules, lesion which covered by exudate and haemorrhage. While the histopathology of the integument changes found were inflammatory cell infiltration, congestion and haemorrhage in the low, moderate and heavy infestation

    Identifikasi dan Intensitas Ektoparasit pada Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Stadia Kepiting Muda di Pertambakan Kepiting, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian tentang jenis dan intensitas ektoparasit pada kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) stadia kepiting muda di pertambakan kepiting, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2012 dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis ektoparasit dan penghitungan intensitas ektoparasit yang menyerang karapaks, kaki jalan, kaki renang dan insang Scylla serrata stadia kepiting muda di pertambakan kepiting, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Sampel Scylla serrata muda diambil di pertambakan kepiting, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo pada hari kesepuluh setelah tebar Scylla serrata muda. Sampel Scylla serrata muda yang diambil sebanyak 150 ekor. Hasil pengamatan diperoleh 4 spesies Protozoa yaitu Zoothamnium sp., Carchesium sp., Epistylis sp. dan Vorticella sp. serta 1 spesies Arthropoda yaitu Octolasmis sp. Intensitas serangan ektoparasit pada karapaks 12.066 %, kaki renang 11.534 %, kaki jalan 11.139 % dan insang 65.259 %. Intensitas total serangan Zoothamnium sp., Epistylis sp., Vorticella sp., Carchesium sp. dan Octolasmis sp. sebesar 72.654

    Derajat Infestasi Dan Intensitas Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis Pada Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) Dengan Metode Kohabitasi [Degrees Infestation and Intensity Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis on Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) with Cohabitation Method]

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    Marine and fisheries sector is one of the mainstay in the development of fisheries resources in Indonesia. Based on the fishery habitat fishery is divided into sea water, brackish water and freshwater. One result of freshwater fisheries potential that koi (C. carpio). Many of the obstacles that often harm the koi fish farming in producing a quality product. One of the obstacles which have a negative impact is a disease of fish. One type of disease most often a constraint due to the temperature of water in the koi fish is Ichthyophthiriasis. Parasiter disease in fish is caused by ectoparasites attack I. multifiliis. Artificial mode of transmission can be done to transmit I. multifiliis is by cohabitation which is an effort to pass the sick fish to healthy fish in a spot of maintenance. The existence of infestation I. multifiliis of fish will show clinical symptoms, degree of infestation and different intensity. This study aims to determine the degree of infestation and intensity I.multifiliis in fish koi (C. carpio) by the cohabitation method. The research method used was experiments method in the field carried out for cohabitation. Experimental method is a way to find a causal relationship (clause relations) between the two factors are intentionally inflicted by the researchers to eliminate or reduce and set aside other factors that could interfere (Arikunto, 2002). The results of this study indicate that the degree of infestation I.multifiliis on koi (C. carpio) during cohabitation indicate a mild degree of infestation, the degree of infestation and degree of infestation is heavy because the fish have different chances of infestation. Intensity I. multifiliis from day to day during the study experienced an increase ranging from 5,3 to 8,5 fish parasites every fish parasites

    Efektivitas Vaksinasi Crude Dan Soluble Protein Spora Myxobolus Koi Terhadap Tingkat Kerusakan Usus Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio Koi) [ the Effectivety Crude and Soluble Protein of Myxobolus Koi Spore Againts Intestine Different Degrees in Koi (Cyprinus Carpio Koi)]

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    Myxobolus koi is one species of Myxobolus sp that can cause parasitic diseases in fish called Myxobolusis. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No: KEP.03/MEN/2010 that Myxobolus koi in the list of Fish Quarantine Pests group I. Myxosporean diseases are most numerous in the water can cause Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD) and Whirling Disease (WD). The aim of this research is to finding, analyzing and determining the protein of spores Myxobolus koi that can effectively reduce the level of damage to the intestinal organs as well as for the prevention myxobolusis on Koi's. Then for finding, analyzing and determining the protein of spores Myxobolus koi do isolation of spore proteins. The study consisted of three phases examination to preparation and identification of spores, isolation and analyze of crude and soluble protein spores for obtain dose and molecular weight each protein and histopathological test. This research uses descriptive method. The data presented may be narratives, images, tables or charts for each group. Intestinal histopathology test results of research carried scoring Koi's were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed a profile crude protein and soluble proteins from spores Myxobolus koi showed that the molecular weight of crude protein Myxobolus koi in this study was 150 kDa and 72 kDa and for soluble protein was 73 kDa. Results scoring the degree of infection caused by exposure to Myxobolus koi then statistically processed with an average yield of scoring in a sequence of 0; 1.6; 0.64 and 0.32. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in the treatment of K + with crude protein, and K + with soluble proteins. Statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences in treatment with K+ and K-, K- with soluble protein and crude protein and soluble protein. Histopathological changes in the intestine in the form of inflammatory cell infiltration, necrosis and haemorag