
Perubahan Patologi Kulit Ikan Gurami (Osphronemu Gouramy) Akibat Infestasi Lernaea Cyprinacea Pada Derajat Infestasi Yang Berbeda [the Pathology Alteration of Gouramy (Osphronemus Gouramy) Integument Infested by Lernaea Cyprinacea at Different Degress of Infestation]


The development of fish consumption in Indonesia was promising increasingly and growing very rapidly. One of the priority commodities in the development of aquaculture subsector was the gourami (Osphronemus gouramy). Many factors must be faced in the cultivation of gouramy, including the problem of fish diseases caused by Lernaea cyprinacea. The aim of this research is to find out the description of anatomic pathology and histopathology of gouramy which infested by L. cyprinacea at different degrees of infestation. This research uses descriptive method. The research showed that the gouramy integument which infested by L. cyprinacea at low, moderate and heavy infestation cause moderate until heavy defect with 2.48; 2.42 and 2.32 in reaverage scoring. Hence, accordance with pathological anatomy, L. cyprinacea infestation caused necrotic nodules, lesion which covered by exudate and haemorrhage. While the histopathology of the integument changes found were inflammatory cell infiltration, congestion and haemorrhage in the low, moderate and heavy infestation

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    Last time updated on 07/12/2019