44 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Etanol dan Metanol Batang Pisang Mauli 100%

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    Background: North Hulu Sungai Banjarmasin people are using banana stem mauli to accelerate wound healing in the skin. Mauli banana stem extract contains antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Need the development of traditional plants that can be used as a topical antiseptic drug in the oral cavity. Purpose: to determine the anti fungal affectivity of methanolextract of 100% mauli banana stem compared with the ethanol extract of 100% mauli banana stem. Methods and materials: pure laboratory experimental research with the completely randomized design using 3 treatments with 9 replications. Making 100% banana mauli stem extract by maceration method using the solution of ethanol and methanol. The sample was a pure culture of Candida albicans. Saboroud agar petridish were contained Candida albicans that have given filter paper soaked for 3 hours with100% methanol extract of mauli banana stem, 100% ethanol extract of mauli banana stem, and 0,2% Clorhexidine gluconate. Inhibition zone diameter of three treatments was compared after doing incubation for 1 day. It using the diffusion method. Results: Kruskal Wallis test of the three treatment resulted p value=0.00(p <0.05) that H0 was rejected, so it could be concluded that there were significant differences between the three treatments. Mann Whitney test resulted that the treatment of 100% ethanol was compared with100% methanol resulted p = 0.00 (p <0.05).There was a significant difference between the treatment of 100% ethanol and 100% methanol to the growthness of Candida albicans. Conclusion: The results of the study it appears that the banana stem mauli have antimicrobial activity. Methanol extract of banana stem mauli has a total flavonoids was higher than the ethanol extract of banana stem mauli. This makes methanol extracts had higher antifungal activity than the ethanol extract


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    ABSTRACTBackground: The important role of coastal communities is not directly in line with their living conditions, which are mostly poor. Dental caries is basically a disease that is also suffered by the general public in Indonesia, even in the world. RISKESDAS 2018 shows the prevalence of caries in Indonesia is 88.8%. Dental caries is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus mutans. People who live in coastal areas are at risk of suffering from dental caries. Brushing behavior also has a relationship with the incidence of dental caries. Method: All articles reviewed were obtained from Pubmed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar with a period of 10 years in full text. using the keywords behavior, caries, and coastal area.Result: Based on reviews from several journals, it was found that the brushing behavior of coastal communities was good, but the frequency of brushing teeth was not appropriate and the behavior of using drinking water had no known fluoride content. There are variations in the category of dental caries at the age level of people in coastal areas.Conclusion: Knowledge and healthy behavior can reduce the risk of dental caries related to the behavior of coastal communities, so that life productivity can be much better than ever


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    Jenis frak~ur yang paling ban yak terjadi adalah pada tulang alveolaris, baik pada ranang atas atau rahang bawah. Jenis penanganan fraktur yang terbanyak adalah dengan arch bar baik dengan IMF ataupun tidak. Pada umumnya kasus fraktur rahang yang ditangani dengan reduksi tertutup lebih banyak dilakukan daripada reduksi terbuka. khususnya untuk penanganan fraktur mandibula


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    Background: Oral disease is a condition that causes lesions in the oral cavity, which can be influenced by age, gender, and level of education. Oral health is still becoming a problem in society that needs attention. According to basic health research 2018, the prevalence of oral disease in Indonesia remains considerably high reaching 57.6%. Oral diseases have practically been observed in Banjarmasin, yet no research has presented the prevalence of oral diseases in Ulin General Hospital, Banjarmasin. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral disease in Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin in 2017-2019Method: This research is a descriptive study using secondary data from medical record. Sampling method was carried out by total population sampling of oral disease patients who were treated at Oral and Dental Clinic, Ulin Hospital in 2017-2019Result: It showed that out of 102 oral disease patients, there were 78 patients suffering from recurrent aphthous stomatitis (76.5%), 8 patients from oral candidiasis (7.8%), 7 patients from oral squamous cell carcinoma (6.9%), 4 patients from oral submucous fibrosis (3.9%), 3 patients from burning mouth syndrome (2.9%), and 2 patients from allergic stomatitis (2%). Oral diseases were mostly found in over-45-years age group (54.9%), with the highest gender proportion is female reaching of 64.7%. Approximately 31.4% patients had completed high school education. Medical management was given to 60,8% patients with oral diseases.Conclusion: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis was the most common oral disease in Ulin Hospital, in 2017-2019, followed by oral candidiasis and oral squamous cell carcinoma

    The social resilience of fishermen to oral diseases during the covid-19 pandemic in puger jember east java

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    Background: Puger fishermen are able to survive and develop (resilience) in carrying out their activities in the form of natural disturbances and various diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral diseases are the lowest of the seven diseases recorded at the Puger Health Center. This disease can make patients exposed to COVID-19 worse, but the Puger area is included in the green zone. The Purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of knowledge, behavior and health services to the social resilience ability of Puger fishermen.Method: It used a quantitative approach with the method of structural equation modelling (SEM). Confirmatory factor analysis tests and path analysis were conducted to analyze the effect among variables according to the research purpose. Questionnaires were distributed to fishermen who were sampled as respondents. Respondents amounted to 111 people. It used is simple random sampling.Result: The knowledge has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.001 p: 0.314>0.05), behavior has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resiliance with a significance level (β= 0.005 p: 0.649>0.05) and Health service has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.003 p: 0.218>0.05).Conclusion: Puger Fishermen has social resilience ability to oral diseases underpinned by knowledge, behavior as well as health service. These variables have a positive correlation with resilience. Yet the level is not quite significant


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    Objective: Since mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can differentiate into bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament, they can be used to treat aggressiveperiodontitis. The limited number of MSCs requires replenishment of growth factor in the cell culture process. Since growth factor is quite expensive,an alternative material is needed. Mauli banana stem has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. Methanol extract of Mauli banana stem isknown to be toxic toward MSCs; therefore, another solvent with a non-toxic effect is needed, such as a water solvent. We analyzed the toxicity of Maulibanana stem water extract on MSC in vitro.Methods: In this laboratory experimental (true experimental) study with a Post-test Only Control Group Design, MSC cultures were treated withMauli banana stem water extract at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mg/mL dosages. One group without any treatment served as a control group and onewas a media control group. Each group was incubated for 24 h and then was given 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromidereagent and analyzed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reader.Results: One-way analysis of variance showed a significant difference.Conclusion: Mauli banana stem water extracts at 10, 20, 40, and 60 mg/mL were not toxic toward MSC in vitro, while dosages of 80 and 100 mg/mLdosage were toxic