18 research outputs found

    Research on Lightweight Design Knowledge Manage System of Loader

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    在全球资源日益紧张的今天,结构轻量化研究得到越来越多的关注,我国从20世纪90年代将轻量化设计技术引入工程机械领域,随着轻量化技术的不断发展,国内各高校和企业在减少材料消耗、减少环境污染、提高材料利用率、提升工程机械性能以及提高利润和国际竞争力等方面取得了很好的成果。目前,国内的轻量化设计主要是以几何模型为主的传统CAD优化设计,在设计过程中缺乏对轻量化设计知识和经验的有效归纳和整理,没有实现知识的共享和重用等,导致产品发展较慢、缺少核心竞争力。因此,基于知识重用的轻量化设计方法对于提高工程机械产品的轻量化设计水平具有重要的意义。 本文从解决工程机械轻量化设计知识管理的难题出发,分析了轻量化...As the globule resource becoming increasingly tight, we take more and more attention on the research on structure lightweight design. Our country introduce the lightweight design technology into the field of construction machinery since 1990s, with the continuous development of lightweight technology, domestic university and enterprise has achieved very good results in reducing material consumptio...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械设计及理论学号:1992010115276

    The CMS Trigger Supervisor: Control and Hardware Monitoring System of the CMS Level-1 Trigger at CERN

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    The experiments CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) and ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) at the LargeHadron Collider (LHC) are the greatest exponents of the rising complexity in High Energy Physics (HEP) datahandling instrumentation. Tens of millions of readout channels, tens of thousands of hardware boards and thesame order of connections are figures of merit. However, the hardware volume is not the only complexitydimension, the unprecedented large number of research institutes and scientists that form the internationalcollaborations, and the long design, development, commissioning and operational phases are additional factorsthat must be taken into account.The Level-1 (L1) trigger decision loop is an excellent example of these difficulties. This system is based on apipelined logic destined to analyze without deadtime the data from each LHC bunch crossing occurring every25_ns, using special coarsely segmented trigger data from the detectors. The L1 trigger is responsible forreducing the rate of accepted crossings to below 100 kHz. While the L1 trigger is taking its decision the fullhigh-precision data of all detector channels are stored in the detector front-end buffers, which are only read out ifthe event is accepted. The Level-1 Accept (L1A) decision is communicated to the sub-detectors through theTiming, Trigger and Control (TTC) system. The L1 decision loop hardware system was built by more than tenresearch institutes with a development and construction period of nearly ten years, featuring more than fiftyVME crates, and thousands of boards and connections.In this context, it is mandatory to provide software tools that ease integration and the short, medium and longterm operation of the experiment. This research work proposes solutions, based on web services technologies, tosimplify the implementation and operation of software control systems to manage hardware devices for HEPexperiments. The main contribution of this work is the design and development of a hardware managementsystem intended to enable the operation and integration of the L1 decision loop of the CMS experiment (CMSTrigger Supervisor, TS).The TS conceptual design proposes a hierarchical distributed system which fits the web services based model ofthe CMS Online SoftWare Infrastructure (OSWI) well. The functional scope of this system covers theconfiguration, testing and monitoring of the L1 decision loop hardware, and its interaction with the overall CMSexperiment control system and the rest of the experiment. Together with the technical design aspects, the projectorganization strategy is discussed.The main topic follows an initial investigation about the usage of the eXtended Markup Language (XML) asuniform data representation format for a software environment to implement hardware management systems forHEP experiments. This model extends the usage of XML beyond the boundaries of the control and monitoringrelated data and proposes its usage also for the code. This effort, carried out in the context of the CMS Triggerand Data Acquisition project, improved the overall team knowledge on XML technologies, created a pool ofideas and helped to anticipate the main TS requirements and architectural concepts.VISUAL SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................... IICONTENTS.........................................................................................................................................................IIIACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................................... VIICHAPTER 12) An interpreted, run-time extensible, high-level control language for these sequences that providesindependence from specific hosts and interconnect systems to which devices are attached.This model, as compared to other approaches [40], enforces the uniform use of XML syntax to describeconfiguration data, device specifications, and control sequences for configuration and control of hardwaredevices. This means that control sequences can be treated as data, making it easy to write scripts that manipulateother scripts and embed them into other XML documents. In addition, the unified model makes it possible to usethe same concepts, tools, and persistency mechanisms, which simplifies the software configuration managementof large projects7.turn is a descendant of the xdaq::Application class. The fact that a sub-system cell is a XDAQ applicationallows the sub-system cell to be added to a XDAQ partition, then making it browsable through the XDAQHTTP/CGI interface. The XDAQ SOAP Remote Procedure Calls (RPC’s) interface is also available to the subsystem cell. The RPC interface, implemented in the CellAbstract class, allows a remote usage of the celloperations and commands. The CellAbstract class is also responsible for the dynamic creation ofcommunication channels between the cell and external services also known as “xhannels”. The xhannel run-timesetup is done according to a XML file known as “xhannel list”. The CellAbstract class implements a GUIaccessible through the XDAQ HTTP/CGI interface which can be extended with custom graphical setups called“control panels”.among all instances of CellObject in a given cell, in particular for all CellCommand and CellOperationinstances. The CellAbstractContext provides access to the factories and to the xhannels. Through a dynamic-xhannels-factoriescontext). In some cases, the sub-system cell context gives access to a sub-system hardware driver. Therefore, allCellCommand and CellOperation instances can control the hardware. The CellObject interface facilitates alsoaccess to the logging infrastructure through the logger object. Each CellCommand or CellOperation object has aCellWarning object.The CellCommand has one public method named run(). When this method is called, a sequence of three virtualmethods is executed. These virtual methods have to be implemented in the specific CellSubsystemCommandclass: 1) the Init() method initializes those objects that will be used in the precondition() and code()methods (Section 4.3.2); 2) the precondition() method checks the necessary conditions to execute thecommand; and 3) the code() method defines the functionality of the command. The warning message and levelcan be read or written within any of these methods. Finally, the run() method returns the reply SOAP messagewhich embeds a serialized version in XML of the code() method result and warning objects.method.1CellAbstractContextCellPannel+addCommand()+addOperation()+addChannel()default() virtual method of the xdaq::Application class. This method parses the input HTTP/CGI requestwhich is available as a Cgicc input argument (Section The HTTP/CGI response is written into theCgicc output argument at the end of the default() method and is sent back by the executive to the browser. TheTS GUI is presented in Section guiResponse(xoap::MessageReference msg)()+xoap::MessageReference command(xoap::MessageReference msg)()+void Default(xgi::Input* in, xgi::Output* out)()«uses»SubsystemCellAjaxellis added using the CellAbstract::addCommand() method.All SOAP commands are served by the same callback method CellAbstract::command(). This method uses theCommandFactory object to create a CellCommand object and executes the command public methodCellCommand::run() (Section The SOAP message object returned by the run() method is forwardedby the executive to the controller. Section discusses in more detail the implementation of the synchronousand asynchronous interaction with the controller and the Appendix A presents the SOAP API from the controllerpoint of view.+addCommand()+addOperation()+addChannel()object and then executes the method CellCommand::run() which returns the SOAP reply message (Section4.4.4.2). In the synchronous case, the CellCommand::run() method returns just after executing the code()method. In the asynchronous case, the CellCommand::run() method returns immediately after starting theexecution of the code() method which continues running in a dedicated thread. The asynchronous SOAP replymessage is sent back to the controller by this thread when the code() method finishes. The thread is facilitatedby the cell command inheritance from the toolbox::lang::class class. Figure 4-12 shows a simplifiedsequence diagram of the interaction between a controller and a cell using synchronous and asynchronous SOAPmessage protocols.method builds the reply message with the warning level equal to 3000 (Appendix A) and the warning messagespecifying the software exception. When the command or operation transition method is executed after anasynchronous request, all possible exceptions are caught in the same thread where the code() methods runs. Inthis second case, the thread itself builds the reply message with the adequate warning information.In case the cell dies during the execution of a given synchronous request, this will be detected on the client sidebecause the socket connection between the client and cell would be broken. If the request is sent in asynchronousmode, the request message is sent through a socket which is closed just after receiving the acknowledgemessage. In this case, the reply message is sent through a second socket opened by the cell. Therefore, the clientis not automatically informed if the cell dies, and it is the client’s responsibility to implement a time-out or aperiodic “ping” routine to check that the cell is still alive.library. This is an out-of-the-box solution which does not require any additional development by the subsystems. Figure 4-16 shows the TS GUI. It provides several controls: i) to execute cell commands; ii) toinitialize, operate, and kill cell operations; iii) to visualize monitoring information retrieved from a monitorcollector; iv) to access to the logging record for audit trials and postmortem analysis; v) to populate the L1trigger configuration database; vi) to request support; and vii) to download documentation.The cell web interface fulfills the requirement of automating the generation of a graphical user interface (Section4.2.2). The default TS GUI can be extended with “control panels”. A control panel is a sub-system specificgraphical setup, normally intended for expert operations of the sub-system hardware. The control panelinfrastructure allows developing expert tools with the TS framework. This possibility opens the door for themigration of existing standalone tools (Section 1.4.4) to control panels, and therefore contributes to theharmonization of the underlying technologies for both the expert tools and the TS. This homogeneoustechnological approach has the following benefits: i) smoothing the learning curve of the operators, ii)simplification of the overall L1 trigger OSWI maintenance, and iii) enhancing the sharing of code andexperience.The implementation of a sub-system control panel is equivalent to develop a SubsystemPanel class whichinherits from the CellPanel class (Figure 4-6). This development consists of defining theSubsystemPanel::layout() method following the guidelines of the TS framework user’s guide and using thewidgets of the Ajaxell library [90]. The example of the Global Trigger control panel is presented in Section6.5.1.11Prepare cell context: The cell context, presented in Section, is a shared object among allCellObject objects that forms a given cell. The CellAbstractContext object contains the Logger, thexhannels and the factories. The cell context can be extended in order to store sub-system specific sharedobjects like a hardware driver. To extend the cell context it is necessary to define a class descendant ofCellAbstractContext (e.g. SubsystemContext in Figure 4-6). The cell context object has to be created inthe cell constructor and assigned to the context_ attribute. The cell context attribute can be accessed fromany CellObject object, for instance a cell command or operation.Prepare xhannel list file: The preparation of the xhannel list consists of defining the external web serviceproviders that will be used by the cell: other cells, Tstore application to access the configuration database orany other XDAQ application (Section Once the cell is running, the xhannels are accessible throughthe cell context object

    Connectivity inference from neural recording data: Challenges, mathematical bases and research directions

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    This article presents a review of computational methods for connectivity inference from neural activity data derived from multi-electrode recordings or fluorescence imaging. We first identify biophysical and technical challenges in connectivity inference along the data processing pipeline. We then review connectivity inference methods based on two major mathematical foundations, namely, descriptive model-free approaches and generative model-based approaches. We investigate representative studies in both categories and clarify which challenges have been addressed by which method. We further identify critical open issues and possible research directions

    Concept of the CMS Trigger Supervisor

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    The Trigger Supervisor is an online software system designed for the CMS experiment at CERN. Its purpose is to provide a framework to set up, test, operate and monitor the trigger components on one hand and to manage their interplay and the information exchange with the run control part of the data acquisition system on the other. The Trigger Supervisor is conceived to provide a simple and homogeneous client interface to the online software infrastructure of the trigger subsystems. This document specifies the functional and non-functional requirements, design and operational details, and the components that will be delivered in order to facilitate a smooth integration of the trigger software in the context of CMS