307 research outputs found

    On the completability of incomplete orthogonal Latin rectangles

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    We address the problem of completability for 2-row orthogonal Latin rectangles (OLR2). Our approach is to identify all pairs of incomplete 2-row Latin rectangles that are not com- pletable to an OLR2 and are minimal with respect to this property; i.e., we characterize all circuits of the independence system associated with OLR2. Since there can be no poly- time algorithm generating the clutter of circuits of an arbitrary independence system, our work adds to the few independence systems for which that clutter is fully described. The result has a direct polyhedral implication; it gives rise to inequalities that are valid for the polytope associated with orthogonal Latin squares and thus planar multi-dimensional assign- ment. A complexity result is also at hand: completing a set of (n - 1) incomplete MOLR2 is NP-complete

    Conjunctions of Among Constraints

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    Many existing global constraints can be encoded as a conjunction of among constraints. An among constraint holds if the number of the variables in its scope whose value belongs to a prespecified set, which we call its range, is within some given bounds. It is known that domain filtering algorithms can benefit from reasoning about the interaction of among constraints so that values can be filtered out taking into consideration several among constraints simultaneously. The present pa- per embarks into a systematic investigation on the circumstances under which it is possible to obtain efficient and complete domain filtering algorithms for conjunctions of among constraints. We start by observing that restrictions on both the scope and the range of the among constraints are necessary to obtain meaningful results. Then, we derive a domain flow-based filtering algorithm and present several applications. In particular, it is shown that the algorithm unifies and generalizes several previous existing results.Comment: 15 pages plus appendi

    Studies of Diffuse Interstellar Bands. V. Pairwise Correlations of Eight Strong DIBs and Neutral Hydrogen, Molecular Hydrogen, and Color Excess

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    We establish correlations between equivalent widths of eight diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs), and examine their correlations with atomic hydrogen, molecular hydrogen, and EB-V . The DIBs are centered at \lambda\lambda 5780.5, 6204.5, 6283.8, 6196.0, 6613.6, 5705.1, 5797.1, and 5487.7, in decreasing order of Pearson\^as correlation coefficient with N(H) (here defined as the column density of neutral hydrogen), ranging from 0.96 to 0.82. We find the equivalent width of \lambda 5780.5 is better correlated with column densities of H than with E(B-V) or H2, confirming earlier results based on smaller datasets. We show the same is true for six of the seven other DIBs presented here. Despite this similarity, the eight strong DIBs chosen are not well enough correlated with each other to suggest they come from the same carrier. We further conclude that these eight DIBs are more likely to be associated with H than with H2, and hence are not preferentially located in the densest, most UV shielded parts of interstellar clouds. We suggest they arise from different molecules found in diffuse H regions with very little H (molecular fraction f<0.01). Of the 133 stars with available data in our study, there are three with significantly weaker \lambda 5780.5 than our mean H-5780.5 relationship, all of which are in regions of high radiation fields, as previously noted by Herbig. The correlations will be useful in deriving interstellar parameters when direct methods are not available. For instance, with care, the value of N(H) can be derived from W{\lambda}(5780.5).Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 37 pages, 11 figures, 6 table

    The Rotational Excitation Temperature of the λ\lambda6614 Diffuse Interstellar Band Carrier

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    Analysis of high spectral resolution observations of the λ\lambda6614 diffuse interstellar band (DIB) line profile show systematic variations in the positions of the peaks in the substructure of the profile. These variations -- shown here for the first time -- can be understood most naturally in the framework of rotational contours of large molecules, where the variations are caused by changes in the rotational excitation temperature. We show that the rotational excitation temperature for the DIB carrier is likely significantly lower than the gas kinetic temperature -- indicating that for this particular DIB carrier angular momentum buildup is not very efficient.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters; 16 pages, 2 figure

    Vegetation-based landscape regions of Hungary.

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    he first version of the map of the Hungarian vegetation-based landscape regions were prepared at the scale of 1 : 200,000 (1 km or higher resolution). The primary goal of the map was to provide an exact background for the presentation and evaluation of the data of theMÉTA database. Secondly, we intended to give an up-to-date and detailed vegetation-based division of Hungary with a comprehensive nomenclature of the regions. Regions were primarily defined on the basis of their present zonal vegetation, or their dominant extrazonal or edaphic vegetation. Where this was not possible, abiotic factors that influence the potential vegetation, the flora were taken into consideration, thus, political and economical factors were ignored. All region borders were defined by local expert botanists, mainly based on their field knowledge. The map differs in many features from the currently used, country- wide, flora- or geography-based divisions in many features. We consider our map to be temporary (i.e. a work map), and we plan to refine and improve it after 5 years of testing

    A coincidence between a hydrocarbon plasma absorption spectrum and the lambda 5450 DIB

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    The aim of this work is to link the broad lambda 5450 diffuse interstellar band (DIB) to a laboratory spectrum recorded through an expanding acetylene plasma. Cavity ring-down direct absorption spectra and astronomical observations of HD 183143 with the HERMES spectrograph on the Mercator Telescope in La Palma and the McKellar spectrograph on the DAO 1.2 m Telescope are compared. In the 543-547 nm region a broad band is measured with a band maximum at 545 nm and FWHM of 1.03(0.1) nm coinciding with a well-known diffuse interstellar band at lambda 5450 with FWHM of 0.953 nm. A coincidence is found between the laboratory and the two independent observational studies obtained at higher spectral resolution. This result is important, as a match between a laboratory spectrum and a - potentially lifetime broadened - DIB is found. A series of additional experiments has been performed in order to unambiguously identify the laboratory carrier of this band. This has not been possible. The laboratory results, however, restrict the carrier to a molecular transient, consisting of carbon and hydrogen.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&
