18 research outputs found

    Localizing lesion locations to predict extent of aphasia recovery

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    Extensive research has related specific lesion locations to language impairment in aphasia. However, far less work has focused on the patterns of brain damage that predict prognosis in aphasia. The current study examined brain damage as a predictor of language recovery in acute patients with aphasia caused by stroke. Damage to the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG) and left pars triangularis predicted poor recovery of speech production and MTG damage predicted less recovery of speech comprehension. These findings suggest that brain changes associated with language recovery rely on preservation and recruitment of the aforementioned areas in the left hemisphere

    Allocentric neglect strongly associated with egocentric neglect.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.Following brain injury, many patients experience egocentric spatial neglect, where they fail to respond to stimuli on the contralesional side of their body. On the other hand, allocentric, object-based neglect refers to the symptom of ignoring the contralesional side of objects, regardless of the objects' egocentric position. There is an established tradition for considering these two phenomena as both behaviorally and anatomically dissociable. However, several studies and some theoretical work have suggested that these rather reflect two aspects of a unitary underlying disorder. Furthermore, in a recent large study Yue et al. [Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 93 (2012) 156] reported that acute allocentric neglect is only observed in cases where substantial egocentric neglect is also present. In a new sample of right hemisphere stroke patients, we attempted to control for potential confounds by using a novel continuous measure for allocentric neglect (in addition to a recently developed continuous measure for egocentric neglect). Our findings suggest a strong association between egocentric and allocentric neglect. Consistent with the work of Yue et al. (2012), we found allocentric behavioral deficits only in conjunction with egocentric deficits as well as a large corresponding overlap for the anatomical regions associated with egocentric and with allocentric neglect. We discuss how different anatomical and behavioral findings can be explained in a unified physiologically plausible framework, whereby allocentric and egocentric effects interact.National Institutes of Health NS054266 DC009571 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft KA 1258/10-1 HA 5839/3-1 PAK 270/

    Et friområde i Laugarnes

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    Ekvint herpesvirus-1, en litteraturstudie

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    Ekvint herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) er ubikvitært i hestepopulasjonen globalt, og gir store konsekvenser for hestevelferd og økonomi i hestenæringa på grunn av sine kliniske manifestasjoner. I dette litteraturstudiet har målet vært å samle informasjon fra publisert litteratur og vitenskapelige studier som omhandler virusets egenskaper, utbruddshåndtering og vaksinering. Vi har også tatt for oss sentrale temaer som virologi, immunologi, patologi, og kliniske manifestasjoner. EHV-1 er spesielt vanskelig å håndtere da det ikke finnes noen kurativ behandling og smitte- reservoaret utgjøres hovedsakelig av latent infiserte hester. Viruset kan reaktiveres på et senere tidspunkt, og hesten vil da kunne skille ut infektive viruspartikler. Det finnes flere ulike stammer av EHV-1 med varierende virulens, patogenese og kliniske manifestasjoner. Noen stammer skiller seg ut som spesielt nevropatogene, og har potensiale til å utvikle ekvin herpes myeloencefalopati (EHM). EHV-1 har utviklet effektive metoder for overlevelse og spredning blant mottakelige verter, samt mekanismer for å unngå vertens immunforsvar. Disse spesielle egenskapene i kombinasjon med den komplekse immunologien har gjort det vanskelig å utvikle effektive vaksiner som gir tilstrekkelig beskyttelse mot de ulike manifestasjonene. Videre kartlegging av immunresponsen som oppstår in vivo, samt identifisering av virale antiger som kan benyttes som epitoper er derfor essensielt for kunne utvikle effektive vaksiner. Særlig den nervøse formen for EHV-1, samt viremi, har foreløpig ikke vært mulig å beskytte med immunprofylakse. I land med store stutterier har utbrudd med EHV-1 ført til såkalte «abortstormer», hvor en stor andel av hoppene aborterer. I disse tilfellene har hoppene ofte vært vaksinert mot EHV-1 etter produsentens anbefalinger. Hestesporten er populær i Norge, og mange reiser utenlands for å delta på større internasjonale stevner og løp. Lange transporter, nye staller, høyt smittepress på stevneplassen og konkurransen i seg selv utsetter hesten for mye stress, og dette kan potensielt resultere i reaktivering av virus. Dette er en risiko hesteeiere må forholde seg til, også de som eier hobbyhester oppstallet på større staller. Med kunnskap er det mulig å begrense smitte, eksempelvis ved å isolere affiserte hester, og ved å legge restriksjoner på stallen inntil tre uker etter at hestene har sluttet å vise symptomer

    Equin herpesvirus-1

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    Ekvint herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) er ubikvitært i hestepopulasjonen globalt, og gir store konsekvenser for hestevelferd og økonomi i hestenæringa på grunn av sine kliniske manifestasjoner. I dette litteraturstudiet har målet vært å samle informasjon fra publisert litteratur og vitenskapelige studier som omhandler virusets egenskaper, utbruddshåndtering og vaksinering. Vi har også tatt for oss sentrale temaer som virologi, immunologi, patologi, og kliniske manifestasjoner. EHV-1 er spesielt vanskelig å håndtere da det ikke finnes noen kurativ behandling og smitte- reservoaret utgjøres hovedsakelig av latent infiserte hester. Viruset kan reaktiveres på et senere tidspunkt, og hesten vil da kunne skille ut infektive viruspartikler. Det finnes flere ulike stammer av EHV-1 med varierende virulens, patogenese og kliniske manifestasjoner. Noen stammer skiller seg ut som spesielt nevropatogene, og har potensiale til å utvikle ekvin herpes myeloencefalopati (EHM). EHV-1 har utviklet effektive metoder for overlevelse og spredning blant mottakelige verter, samt mekanismer for å unngå vertens immunforsvar. Disse spesielle egenskapene i kombinasjon med den komplekse immunologien har gjort det vanskelig å utvikle effektive vaksiner som gir tilstrekkelig beskyttelse mot de ulike manifestasjonene. Videre kartlegging av immunresponsen som oppstår in vivo, samt identifisering av virale antiger som kan benyttes som epitoper er derfor essensielt for kunne utvikle effektive vaksiner. Særlig den nervøse formen for EHV-1, samt viremi, har foreløpig ikke vært mulig å beskytte med immunprofylakse. I land med store stutterier har utbrudd med EHV-1 ført til såkalte «abortstormer», hvor en stor andel av hoppene aborterer. I disse tilfellene har hoppene ofte vært vaksinert mot EHV-1 etter produsentens anbefalinger. Hestesporten er populær i Norge, og mange reiser utenlands for å delta på større internasjonale stevner og løp. Lange transporter, nye staller, høyt smittepress på stevneplassen og konkurransen i seg selv utsetter hesten for mye stress, og dette kan potensielt resultere i reaktivering av virus. Dette er en risiko hesteeiere må forholde seg til, også de som eier hobbyhester oppstallet på større staller. Med kunnskap er det mulig å begrense smitte, eksempelvis ved å isolere affiserte hester, og ved å legge restriksjoner på stallen inntil tre uker etter at hestene har sluttet å vise symptomer.VE

    Persistent organochlorines, sedentary occupation, obesity and human male subfertility

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    BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that the quality of human semen has been declining over recent decades, presumably because of lifestyle or environmental factors. METHODS: Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides were analysed in the plasma of 25 men with poor semen quality, 20 men with normal semen quality and idiopathic subfertility and 27 men with normal semen quality and female factor subfertility. Samples of seminal fluid were also analysed to assess the relationship between the levels in blood and semen. RESULTS: The results indicate no difference in the levels of organochlorines between the groups. The levels of organochlorines in seminal fluid were proportional to the levels in plasma, but approximately 40 times lower. Men with poor semen quality were three times more likely to be obese than men with normal semen quality. There was also a significant negative correlation between semen quality parameters and body mass index among men with normal semen quality. The prevalence of sedentary work was lowest among men with the best semen quality. CONCLUSIONS: Poor semen quality was found to be associated with sedentary work and obesity but not with plasma levels of persistent organochlorines. More research is needed to assess whether sedentary lifestyle and obesity are causal factors in the decline of semen quality

    Hypoxia in the pulmonary vein increases pulmonary vascular resistance independently of oxygen in the pulmonary artery

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    Abstract Introduction Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) can be a challenging clinical problem. It is not fully elucidated where in the circulation the regulation of resistance takes place. It is often referred to as if it is in the arteries, but we hypothesized that it is in the venous side of the pulmonary circulation. Methods In an open thorax model, pigs were treated with a veno-venous extra corporeal membrane oxygenator to either oxygenate or deoxygenate blood passing through the pulmonary vessels. At the same time the lungs were ventilated with extreme variations of inspired air from 5% to 100% oxygen, making it possible to make combinations of high and low oxygen content through the pulmonary circulation. A flow probe was inserted around the main pulmonary artery and catheters in the pulmonary artery and in the left atrium were used for pressure monitoring and blood tests. Under different combinations of oxygenation, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was calculated. Results With unchanged level of oxygen in the pulmonary artery and reduced inspired oxygen fraction lowering oxygen tension from 29 to 6.7?kPa in the pulmonary vein, PVR was doubled. With more extreme hypoxia PVR suddenly decreased. Combinations with low oxygenation in the pulmonary artery did not systematic influence PVR if there was enough oxygen in the inspired air and in the pulmonary veins. Discussion The impact of hypoxia occurs from the alveolar level and forward with the blood flow. The experiments indicated that the regulation of PVR is mediated from the venous side.Introduction: Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) can be a challenging clinical problem. It is not fully elucidated where in the circulation the regulation of resistance takes place. It is often referred to as if it is in the arteries, but we hypothesized that it is in the venous side of the pulmonary circulation. Methods: In an open thorax model, pigs were treated with a veno-venous extra corporeal membrane oxygenator to either oxygenate or deoxygenate blood passing through the pulmonary vessels. At the same time the lungs were ventilated with extreme variations of inspired air from 5% to 100% oxygen, making it possible to make combinations of high and low oxygen content through the pulmonary circulation. A flow probe was inserted around the main pulmonary artery and catheters in the pulmonary artery and in the left atrium were used for pressure monitoring and blood tests. Under different combinations of oxygenation, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was calculated. Results: With unchanged level of oxygen in the pulmonary artery and reduced inspired oxygen fraction lowering oxygen tension from 29 to 6.7 kPa in the pulmonary vein, PVR was doubled. With more extreme hypoxia PVR suddenly decreased. Combinations with low oxygenation in the pulmonary artery did not systematic influence PVR if there was enough oxygen in the inspired air and in the pulmonary veins. Discussion: The impact of hypoxia occurs from the alveolar level and forward with the blood flow. The experiments indicated that the regulation of PVR is mediated from the venous side.</p