2,025 research outputs found

    Effective equilibrium picture in xy−xy-model with exponentially correlated noise

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    We study the effect of exponentially correlated noise on xy−xy-model in the limit of small correlation time discussing the order-disorder transition in mean-field and the topological transition in two dimensions. We map the steady states of the non-equilibrium dynamics into an effective equilibrium theory. In mean-field, the critical temperature increases with the noise correlation time τ\tau indicating that memory effects promote ordering. This finding is confirmed by numerical simulations. The topological transition temperature in two dimensions remains untouched. However, finite size effects induce a crossover in the vortices proliferation that is confirmed by numerical simulations

    Pressure and surface tension of an active simple liquid: a comparison between kinetic, mechanical and free-energy based approaches

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    We discuss different definitions of pressure for a system of active spherical particles driven by a non-thermal coloured noise. We show that mechanical, kinetic and free-energy based approaches lead to the same result up to first order in the non-equilibrium expansion parameter. The first prescription is based on a generalisation of the kinetic mesoscopic virial equation and expresses the pressure exerted on the walls in terms of the average of the virial of the inter-particle forces. In the second approach, the pressure and the surface tension are identified with the volume and area derivatives, respectively, of the partition function associated with the known stationary non-equilibrium distribution of the model. The third method is a mechanical approach and is related to the work necessary to deform the system. The pressure is obtained by comparing the expression of the work in terms of local stress and strain with the corresponding expression in terms of microscopic distribution. This is determined from the force balance encoded in the Born-Green-Yvon equation. Such a method has the advantage of giving a formula for the local pressure tensor and the surface tension even in inhomogeneous situations. By direct inspection, we show that the three procedures lead to the same values of the pressure, and give support to the idea that the partition function, obtained via the unified coloured noise approximation, is more than a formal property of the system, but determines the stationary non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the model

    Effective potential method for active particles

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    We investigate the steady state properties of an active fluid modeled as an assembly of soft repulsive spheres subjected to Gaussian colored noise. Such a noise captures one of the salient aspects of active particles, namely the persistence of their motion and determines a variety of novel features with respect to familiar passive fluids. We show that within the so-called multidimensional unified colored noise approximation, recently introduced in the field of active matter, the model can be treated by methods similar to those employed in the study of standard molecular fluids. The system shows a tendency of the particles to aggregate even in the presence of purely repulsive forces because the combined action of colored noise and interactions enhances the the effective friction between nearby particles. We also discuss whether an effective two-body potential approach, which would allow to employ methods similar to those of density functional theory, is appropriate. The limits of such an approximation are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures in Molecular Physics, 11 march 2016. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:cond-mat/0605094 by other author

    Heat, temperature and Clausius inequality in a model for active brownian particles

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    Methods of stochastic thermodynamics and hydrodynamics are applied to the a recently introduced model of active particles. The model consists of an overdamped particle subject to Gaussian coloured noise. Inspired by stochastic thermodynamics, we derive from the system's Fokker-Planck equation the average exchanges of heat and work with the active bath and the associated entropy production. We show that a Clausius inequality holds, with the local (non-uniform) temperature of the active bath replacing the uniform temperature usually encountered in equilibrium systems. Furthermore, by restricting the dynamical space to the first velocity moments of the local distribution function we derive a hydrodynamic description where local pressure, kinetic temperature and internal heat fluxes appear and are consistent with the previous thermodynamic analysis. The procedure also shows under which conditions one obtains the unified coloured noise approximation (UCNA): such an approximation neglects the fast relaxation to the active bath and therefore yields detailed balance and zero entropy production. In the last part, by using multiple time-scale analysis, we provide a constructive method (alternative to UCNA) to determine the solution of the Kramers equation and go beyond the detailed balance condition determining negative entropy production.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Major changes in the text. 1 figure has been replace

    Multidimensional Stationary Probability Distribution for Interacting Active Particles

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    We derive the stationary probability distribution for a non-equilibrium system composed by an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom that are subject to Gaussian colored noise and a conservative potential. This is based on a multidimensional version of the Unified Colored Noise Approximation. By comparing theory with numerical simulations we demonstrate that the theoretical probability density quantitatively describes the accumulation of active particles around repulsive obstacles. In particular, for two particles with repulsive interactions, the probability of close contact decreases when one of the two particle is pinned. Moreover, in the case of isotropic confining potentials, the radial density profile shows a non trivial scaling with radius. Finally we show that the theory well approximates the "pressure" generated by the active particles allowing to derive an equation of state for a system of non-interacting colored noise-driven particles.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Pressure in an exactly solvable model of active fluid

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    We consider the pressure in the steady-state regime of three stochastic models characterized by self-propulsion and persistent motion and widely employed to describe the behavior of active particles, namely the Active Brownian particle (ABP) model, the Gaussian colored noise (GCN) model and the unified colored noise model (UCNA). Whereas in the limit of short but finite persistence time the pressure in the UCNA model can be obtained by different methods which have an analog in equilibrium systems, in the remaining two models only the virial route is, in general, possible. According to this method, notwithstanding each model obeys its own specific microscopic law of evolution, the pressure displays a certain universal behavior. For generic interparticle and confining potentials, we derive a formula which establishes a correspondence between the GCN and the UCNA pressures. In order to provide explicit formulas and examples, we specialize the discussion to the case of an assembly of elastic dumbbells confined to a parabolic well. By employing the UCNA we find that, for this model, the pressure determined by the thermodynamic method coincides with the pressures obtained by the virial and mechanical methods. The three methods when applied to the GCN give a pressure identical to that obtained via the UCNA. Finally, we find that the ABP virial pressure exactly agrees with the UCNA and GCN result.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure Submitted for publication 23rd of January 2017 The introduction has been modifie

    Collective effects in confined Active Brownian Particles

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    We investigate a two-dimensional system of active particles confined to a narrow annular domain. Despite the absence of explicit interactions among the velocities or the active forces of different particles, the system displays a transition from a disordered and stuck state to an ordered state of global collective motion where the particles rotate persistently clockwise or anticlockwise. We describe this behavior by introducing a suitable order parameter, the velocity polarization, measuring the global alignment of the particles' velocities along the tangential direction of the ring. We also measure the spatial velocity correlation function and its correlation length to characterize the two states. In the rotating phase, the velocity correlation displays an algebraic decay that is analytically predicted together with its correlation length while in the stuck regime the velocity correlation decays exponentially with a correlation length that increases with the persistence time. In the first case, the correlation (and, in particular, its correlation length) does not depend on the active force but the system size only. The global collective motion, an effect caused by the interplay between finite-size, periodicity, and persistent active forces, disappears as the size of the ring becomes infinite, suggesting that this phenomenon does not correspond to a phase transition in the usual thermodynamic sense

    Activity-controlled clogging and unclogging of micro-channels

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    We propose a mechanism to control the formation of stable obstructions in two-dimensional micro-channels of variable sections taking advantage of the peculiar clustering property of active systems. Under the activation of the self-propulsion by external stimuli, the system behaves as a switch according to the following principle: by turning-on the self-propulsion the particles become active and even at very low densities stick to the walls and form growing layers eventually blocking the channel bottleneck, while the obstruction dissolves when the self-propulsion is turned off. We construct the phase diagram distinguishing clogged and open states in terms of density and bottleneck width. The study of the average clogging time, as a function of density and bottleneck width, reveals the marked efficiency of the active clogging that swiftly responds to the self-propulsion turning on. The resulting picture shows a profound difference with respect to the clogging obtained through the slow diffusive dynamics of attractive passive Brownian disks. This numerical work suggests a novel method to use particles with externally tunable self-propulsion to create or destroy plugs in micro-channels

    Effective equilibrium states in the colored-noise model for active matter II. A unified framework for phase equilibria, structure and mechanical properties

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    Active particles driven by colored noise can be approximately mapped onto a system that obeys detailed balance. The effective interactions which can be derived for such a system allow the description of the structure and phase behavior of the active fluid by means of an effective free energy. In this paper we explain why the related thermodynamic results for pressure and interfacial tension do not represent the results one would measure mechanically. We derive a dynamical density functional theory, which in the steady state simultaneously validates the use of effective interactions and provides access to mechanical quantities. Our calculations suggest that in the colored-noise model the mechanical pressure in the coexisting phases might be unequal and the interfacial tension can become negative
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