1,352 research outputs found

    Interleukin-2 promoter activation in T-cells expressing activated Ha-ras.

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    Antigen triggering of the T-cell receptor results in an accumulation of activated GTP-bound p21ras protein. To assess the role of ras protein in T-cell activation we have cotransfected the murine thymoma line EL4 with a construct capable of expressing a constitutively active, oncogenic form of Ha-ras and a reporter construct containing the human interleukin-2 promoter fused upstream of the bacterial gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. We show that the ras oncoprotein contributes to interleukin-2 promoter activation. Its pattern of synergism with a calcium ionophore or the lymphokine interleukin-1 indicates that it replaces a signal mediated by protein kinase C. Interleukin-2 promoter activity in the presence of ras oncoprotein was inhibited by H7, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C, but not by HA1004, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase, suggesting that protein kinase C mediates the ras effect. In addition, we show that in these cells, expression of activated ras results in activation of a synthetic promoter containing several copies of an NF kappa B binding site

    Assessment of gold bio-functionalization for wide-interface biosensing platforms

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    The continuous improvement of the technical potential of bioelectronic devices for biosensing applications will provide clinicians with a reliable tool for biomarker quantification down to the single molecule. Eventually, physicians will be able to identify the very moment at which the illness state begins, with a terrific impact on the quality of life along with a reduction of health care expenses. However, in clinical practice, to gather enough information to formulate a diagnosis, multiple biomarkers are normally quantified from the same biological sample simultaneously. Therefore, it is critically important to translate lab-based bioelectronic devices based on electrolyte gated thin-film transistor technology into a cost-effective portable multiplexing array prototype. In this perspective, the assessment of cost-effective manufacturability represents a crucial step, with specific regard to the optimization of the bio-functionalization protocol of the transistor gate module. Hence, we have assessed, using surface plasmon resonance technique, a sustainable and reliable cost-effective process to successfully bio-functionalize a gold surface, suitable as gate electrode for wide-field bioelectronic sensors. The bio-functionalization process herein investigated allows to reduce the biorecognition element concentration to one-tenth, drastically impacting the manufacturing costs while retaining high analytical performance

    Multianalytical non-invasive characterization of ‘Mater Boni Consilii’ iconography oil painting

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    This paper presents the results of non-invasive diagnostic investigations performed on the canvas oil painting depicting the Marian iconography “Mater Boni Consilii”. The painting, whose author and origin are unknown, was found in an old shop in Florence following the overflowing of the Arno River in 1966. In order to define the importance of the artwork, a multianalytical analysis was performed on the painting, using multispectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) for the definition of materials, with a particular focus on the identification of pigments. The results allowed for the drawing up of a color palette, composed mainly of ochre and earth pigments, cinnabar, lithopone, lead white, and ultramarine pigments. After cross-referencing the acquired information with other findings, it was possible to place the painting in the period between the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth centuries

    Effectiveness of Lactobacillus-containing vaginal tablets in the treatment of symptomatic bacterial vaginosis

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Lactobacillus-containing vaginal tablets in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) and in the restoration of a healthy vaginal flora. Thirty-nine women with BV were enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients received either one Lactobacillus-containing tablet or placebo daily for 7 days. Clinical criteria, vaginal Gram stain scores and symptoms were compared with those at the initial visit and those at completion of therapy and 2 weeks later. After completion of therapy, all of the patients in the Lactobacillus-treated group (n = 18) were free of BV, showing a normal (83%) or intermediate (17%) vaginal flora, as compared with only two patients free of BV with intermediate flora (12%) from among the 16 placebo-treated women (p <0.001). Two weeks after completion of therapy, treatment was successful (score <7) in 61% of Lactobacillus-treated patients as compared with 19% of those in the placebo group (p <0.05). In the treatment group, the total number of symptomatic patients and the intensity of their symptoms, in particular vaginal malodour, were significantly reduced at both follow-up visits. The data indicate that intravaginal administration of exogenous selected strains of lactobacilli can restore a normal vaginal microbiota and be used in treating bacterial vaginosis