1,718 research outputs found

    Smartphones, time-lapse and responsible use in the school laboratory

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    Reports how observing and recording simple biological phenomena over an extended timescale could be enhanced by digital technology, the journey took surprising turns and twists into questions relating to ethics, child protection and reviewing acceptable use policies on information and communication technology

    Rendering PostScript<sup>TM</sup> fonts on FPGAs

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    This paper describes how custom computing machines can be used to implement a simple outline font processor. An FPGA based co-processor is used to accelerate the compute intensive portions of font rendering. The font processor builds on several PostScript components previously presented by the authors to produce a system that can rapidly render fonts. A prototype implementation is described followed by an explanation of how this could be extended to build a complete system

    Notes on 208 cases of scurvy treated in the Victoria hospital, Lovedale, South Africa: during the 12 months Nov. 1927 – Nov. 1928

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    (1) That the normal diet of the natives of this area is so poor in Anti-scorbutic elements that they live in a state of mild latent scurvy. This tends to make them less physically and mentally fit than they would otherwise be. It also lessens their resistance to other diseases Tuberculosis, Enteric Fever etc. (2) Drought deprives them of practically all the Antiscorbutic factor that exists in that diet, viz: - milk and green food -stuffs. (3) The greatest sufferers are (1) the adult men, who, most of them, are at work in labour centres and (2) the newly weaned children (1 - 3 yrs) who undergo a sudden change from a mildly Anti - scorbutic diet (breast milk) to an absolutely scorbutic one. (4) The deaths that occurred were all among children and all save one in the class 1 - 3 yrs. Heart failure was the ultimate cause of death in every case. (5) There was a conspicuous absence of cases amongst adolescents; no cases at all occurring between the ages of 14 and 18, and only 2 between 12 and 20 years. (6) Physical exertion precipitates the symptoms. A man may be apparently well and pains and swelling come on as soon as he starts heavy work. (7) Some points that I have not found mentioned in textbooks are as follows: - (a) In untreated cases among adults and older children fibrosis of the muscles and around joints takes place after haemorrhages by the natural process of healing. This causes crippling. (b) In parturient women scurvy tends to cause prolongation of labour and postpartum haemorrhage. (c) In small children with marked oedema the destruction of large areas of epidermis (in some as large as the palm of the hand) is common, raw septic surfaces being produced. (d) In small male children the extreme oedema of the external genitals is of fairly frequent occurrence. The prepuce is so swollen that difficulty of micturition results and even absolute retention in some cases. (8) That lemon juice half ari ounce three times a day will cure any adult case in the course of 2 to 4 weeks. But the larger the amount of lemon juice given the more rapid the cure. (9) Hot fomentations applied to the haemorrhagic swellings in adult cases and rubbing with Ung. Pot. Iod. after the swelling has gone down, prevents fibrosis and the resultant crippling

    Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Aid in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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    Multiplicative Invariance for a Class of Subsets of the Complex Plane

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    Multiplicative invariance is a well-studied property of subsets of the unit interval. The theory in the complex plane is less developed. This paper introduces an analogous definition for multiplicative invariance in the complex plane coinciding with a more general definition concerning subsets of attractors of iterated function systems satisfying the strong separation condition. We establish similar results to those of Furstenberg's in the unit interval. Namely, that the Hausdorff and box-counting dimensions of a multiplicatively invariant set are equal and, furthermore, are equal to the normalized topological entropy of an underlying subshift. We also extend results concerning the box-counting dimension of intersections of base-bb restricted digit sets with their translates where bb is a suitably chosen Gaussian integer.Comment: 29 page

    What About the Camp Followers – and their Children?

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    UN Security Council Resolution 2396 (2017) on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (Returnees and Relocators) urges nations to improve information and evidence sharing while developing tailored prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies; including programs addressing radicalization in children associated with “Foreign Terrorist Fighters.” The need for such programs has gained urgency since the collapse of Islamic State (IS)/Daesh, with the detainment of IS family members in overcrowded camps in Syria, and their uncertain fate following the Turkish military Operation PEACE SPRING, in October 2019. Approximately 2 million children underwent Daesh indoctrination June 2014 – 2019, and this process continues to be led by women in many detention camps. The heightened sense of vulnerability to terrorist attacks in Western nations has led many nations to refuse the return of children to their home country, or initial entry - fearing that their past radicalization will lead to future terrorism. Such decisions contravene, among other instruments, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Convention on Refugees (1951), Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC 1989), and the Optional Protocol to the CRC on Children in Armed Conflict (OPAC, 2000). This paper examines emotional traumas experienced by Daesh “camp followers,” particularly the children, and the psychological rehabilitation and social reintegration challenges they face as they grow to adulthood. This paper argues that the psychosocial support needed for rehabilitation and reintegration is better found in Western societies than in refugee camps, which are often incubators for future terrorists

    Effectiveness of training peer tutors to scaffold instruction

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    The present study examined the effects of training child-tutors to scaffold instruction. Scaffolding is a metaphorical structure which teachers implement to provide temporary support aiding children to learn new skills. Grade seven and eight tutors were taught to apply the contingent shift rule (the CS rule) of giving more support when their grade five tutees failed and less support when tutees succeeded. Tutors were randomly assigned to one of three training groups: (1) an experimental group trained to use the CS rule, (2) a control group trained to consistently use moderate levels of support and (3) a control group given practice with long-division but no tutor training. There were eight tutor-tutee pairs in each of the three conditions. In the first session, tutors and tutees were administered various pretests including an audiotaped pretest of spontaneous tutor scaffolding. The second and third sessions consisted of training tutors by group and training individual tutors as they worked with their tutees. The third session was followed by affect posttests. In the final sessions, posttests were administered to both tutees and tutors. Results indicated that contingently trained tutors found the strategy difficult to apply and did not, in fact, follow the contingency rule any more frequently at the posttest than the other tutors. Not surprisingly, the contingently trained groups showed no evidence of generalization of these skills. Although child-tutors did not learn to employ the complete CS rule more frequently in this study, their ability to acquire the strategy cannot be discounted. It may be that tutoring practice and feedback sessions would have been more effective in teaching the tutors the CS rule if tutee need for task assistance was greater and/or if more training sessions were administered. Nevertheless, all tutees, regardless of group tended to show improved long-division skills after the tutoring experience. In addition, contingently trained tutors felt more positive about themselves as teachers than did untrained tutors. As well, tutors taught by contingently trained tutors were more positive about the tutoring experience than tutees taught by untrained tutors. Overall, the general ideas of scaffolding based on Vygotskian principles, and described by Wood et al. and others, were consistently supported by the patterns observed across groups

    Syphilis complicating pregnancy

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