1,287 research outputs found

    Natural zeolites and white wines from Campania region (Southern Italy): a new contribution for solving some oenological problems

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    The purpose of this research is to provide a new mixture of Campanian zeolitized tuffs for solving two specific problems in the production of white wines: the protein and tartaric stability. In fact, a very frequent cause of turbidity and formation of organic deposits in white wines is the occurrence of thermolabile and thermostable proteins colloidal suspensions which precipitate in time, especially in summertime and during the storage and transport. Normally, to mitigate this risk wine producers use organic and inorganic stabilizers and clarifiers. The best known treatment, recognized also by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) foresees the use of bentonite with a montmorillonite content not lower than 80%. The present paper aims at evaluating the use of two high zeolite grade Italian volcanoclastites such as the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) and the Yellow Facies of the Campanian Ignimbrite (YFCI), in the treatment of three peculiar white wines of the Campanian region (Southern Italy): Falanghina, Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo. Granulates were produced starting from tuff blocks as provided by quarries. Some grain size fractions have been prepared to investigate the zeolite content (phillipsite + chabazite + analcime) by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A 2-5 mm grain size fraction was chosen for NYT and a 5-10 mm for YFCI. Three Campanian monocultivar white wines were used for the test: the Falanghina 2006 vintage, the Fiano di Avellino DOCG 2007 vintage, and the Greco di Tufo DOCG 2008 vintage. 48 samples with mixture of the zeolitized tuffs, 1 sample with mixture of a synthetic zeolite A and 1 sample with mixture of a commercial sodium activated bentonite were prepared. ICP-OES analysis for the determination of ECEC, Ion Chromatography (IC) analyses for the determination of some major cations and Turbidimetric tests for the definition of the protein stabilization process before and after treatments were also carried out. It was evidenced that high zeolitized tuff/wine ratios enable the protein stabilization whereas a significant decrease of potassium ion after the treatment with a zeolite-rich powder improves the tartaric stability, a serious problem in all the wine productions. The results of these tests refer to a laboratory scale research. A transfer of the experiment to a pilot plant scale is in progress

    Geochemical characteristics and mantle sources of the Oligo-Miocene primitive basalts from Sardinia: The role of subduction components.

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    During the Oligo-Miocene, the Island of Sardinia was covered by the products of voluminous magmatic activity, with a typical subduction-related signature. The mafic rocks of the Montresta (north) and Arcuentu (south) volcanic districts include primitive high MgO basalts whose trace element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotope compositions constrain the nature and role of subduction-related components in the Tertiary Sardinian volcanism. The geochemical and isotopic data require an approximate degree of partial melting of 15% of a MORB-like depleted mantle prior to enrichment, and the input of two subduction components in the mantle wedge consisting of fluids from subducted oceanic crust (altered MORB) and fluids from subducted sediments. Ratios among trace elements which are variably compatible with fluid and melt phases (i.e. Th/Pb, Th/Nd and Sr/Nd) exclude the contribution of melts from the subducted slab. Models based on isotopic ratios indicate that the pre-subduction depleted mantle source of Sardinia magmas was enriched by 0.1-0.5% MORB fluid and less than 0.1% sediment fluid. The geochemical and isotopic compositions of the Montresta volcanic rocks are homogeneous, whereas those of the Arcuentu show quite heterogeneous characters, suggesting variations in mantle source over the long time-span (about 13 Ma) of volcanic activity in this district

    Local models for Galois deformation rings and applications

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    We construct projective varieties in mixed characteristic whose singularities model, in generic cases, those of tamely potentially crystalline Galois deformation rings for unramified extensions of Qp\mathbb{Q}_p with small regular Hodge-Tate weights. We establish several significant facts about their geometry including a unibranch property at special points and a representation theoretic description of the irreducible components of their special fibers. We derive from these geometric results a number of local and global consequences: the Breuil-M\'ezard conjecture in arbitrary dimension for tamely potentially crystalline deformation rings with small Hodge-Tate weights (with appropriate genericity conditions), the weight part of Serre's conjecture for U(n)U(n) as formulated by Herzig (for global Galois representations which satisfy the Taylor-Wiles hypotheses and are sufficiently generic at pp), and an unconditional formulation of the weight part of Serre's conjecture for wildly ramified representations

    optical coherence tomography angiography in optic nerve sheath meningioma

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    This study describes Spectral Domain-Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) features of Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma (ONSM).A 22-year-old woman, diagnosed with meningioma encircling the right optic nerve inside the intraorbital segment optic canal at the magnetic resonance imaging, showed a normal fundus examination.Instead, SD-OCT and OCTA revealed alterations in the neurostructure and microvascular network of the optic nerve.Despite fundoscopy and fluorescein angiography, SD-OCT and OCTA represent valid, non-invasive and reliable methods to evaluate neurostructural and vascular irregularities in this benign tumor of the optic nerve. Keywords: Optic nerve sheath meningioma, OCT angiography, SD-OC