10 research outputs found

    syringoma a review of twenty nine cases

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    The purpose of our study was to identify the clinical characteristics, epidemiologic data and histologic features in 29 cases of syringoma with a duration of lesions prior to the observation between 1 and 25 years. Only one patient complained of moderate itching. In two cases the lesion was solitary, in another the papules formed a lichenified plaque. In six patients only the eyelids were involved and in two patients a symmetrical localization on the forearms was observed. The other 18 patients showed generalized syringoma, 16 with an eruptive onset, 6 of which were familial. One of our cases showed lesions mimicking urticaria pigmentosa and two patients were affected by Down's syndrome. In two cases, histopathology showed association between syringoma and a melanocytic naevus and in one patient with a solitary lesion a clear cell syringoma was observed

    Nummular eczema in childhood: a retrospective study of 515 cases

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of the association between nummular eczema and atopic dermatitis (AD) in children, given that in adults nummular eczema is associated with AD in about 10% of cases. 5,700 children affected by eczema were referred to the Pediatric Unit of our Dermatology Department between 1992 and 2002. Of these, 515 (9%) presented nummular eczema. The patients consisted of 333 males (64.7%) and 182 females (35.3%). The patches of eczema were multiple in 477 (92.6%) cases, while the remaining 38 (7.4%) had only one lesion. The onset of clinical manifestations ranged between 40 days of life and 12 years; 420 (81.6%) patients were under 2 years. Allergologic tests and a follow-up of at least 6 months were available in 376 patients: 261 (69.4%) were affected by AD, 14 (3.7%) had contact dermatitis and in 101 (26.9%) cases a definitive cause could not be established. Our data show that the association between nummular eczema and AD is higher in children than in adult

    Eccezioni al contraddittorio e giusto processo. Un itinerario attraverso la giurisprudenza

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    Il volume, ormai a dieci anni dal varo della riforma costituzionale e a venti dall'entrata in vigore del codice del 1988, ricostruisce le trame applicative delle deroghe al contraddittorio alla luce della giurisprudenza e della prassi: la prima parte \ue8 dedicata alla messa a fuoco della dialettica regola-eccezioni nel prisma del principio del contraddittorio e a un'incursione nel terreno dell'esperienza di common law; seguono le ulteriori tre parti, dedicate alle implicazioni sistematiche e operative in tema di "consenso dell'imputato" (giudizio abbreviato, patteggiamento, procedimento per decreto e concordati sulla prova), di "accertata impossibilit\ue0 di natura oggettiva" (letture recuperatorie per impossibilit\ue0 di ripetizione ex artt. 512, 512-bis e 513 c.p.p., circolazione cartacea dei protocolli probatori aliunde formati) e di "provata condotta illecita" (il nervo scoperto dell'art. 500 commi 4 e 5 c.p.p. \ue8 scandagliato nei suoi percorsi storici, nella sua consistenza contenutistica e operativa attuale e nelle sue dimensioni applicative nei processi per fatti di criminalit\ue0 organizzata)