101 research outputs found

    Itinerario di studi vichiani

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    Traducción del italiano por Alberto Mario Damiani.El trabajo da cuenta, breve y sintéticamente, de algunos estudios del Autor sobre la difusión del pensamiento de Vico en la cultura filosófica y política italiana de principios del siglo XIX.This work gives a brief account of some of the author's studies on the diffusion of Vico's thought in early Nineteenth Century Italian philosophical and political culture.Il contributo offre un resoconto breve e sintetico di alcuni studi dell'Autore sulla diffusiones del pensiero di Vico nella cultura filosofica e politica italiana del primo Ottocento

    Giambattista Vico a Milano: le interpretazioni di Francesco Predari e Giuseppe Ferrari

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    A new contribution is offered to the study of the interpretations of two well-known Vichian publishers, Francesco Predari and Giuseppe Ferrari, making reference on the one hand to some items drawn up for the «Nuova Enciclopedia Popolare» and, on the other, to the notes written by Ferrari for the edition of the New Science of 1725 (stopping here only on Book I), in which an original and important comparison is proposed with the themes of Universal Law

    Reflexiones en torno a la primera edición milanesa (1801) de la Ciencia Nueva de Giambattista Vico

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    La intención de este artículo es reconstruir –en la medida en que sea posible, dadas las lagunas existentes en la documentación– el significado y el papel, en el Milán de la República Cisalpina, de la primera edición de la Scienza Nuova de Vico, publicada por la “Colección de Clásicos Italianos” en 1801, por la “Tipografía de Clásicos Italianos” (sita en la calle del Bocchetto, nº 2536), donde trabajaba en calidad de director el joven Giovanni Silvestri. Estudios ahora consolidados han sacado a la luz la acción ejercida por las numerosas iniciativas editoriales emprendidas en ese período, algunas de ellas organizadas gracias a la contribución de los principales protagonistas de esa etapa (de Foscolo a Monti, de Lomonaco a Cuoco, por citar solo algunos nombres) los cuales, empeñados en la difícil búsqueda de una sintonía con el poder político, directa o indirectamente tuvieron un papel en el nacimiento y en la formación de una “moderna comisión estatal”.The aim of this article is to reconstruct—as far as possible, given the gaps in the scholarship—the mea ning and role, in the Milan of the Cisalpine Republic, of the first edition of Vico’s Scienza Nuova, published by the “Collection of Italian Classics” in 1801, by the “Typography of Italian Classics” (located at Carrer del Bocchetto, nº 2536), where the young Giovanni Silvestri worked as director. Consolidated studies have now brought into light the role accomplished by numerous editorial initiatives that were undertaken in that period, some of them organized thanks to the contribution of the main protagonists of the time (from Foscolo to Monti, from Lomonaco to Cuoco, to cite just a few names). While engaged in a difficult quest for harmony with political power, those characters had a direct or indiret role in the birth and formation of a “modern state commission”

    Itinerari di ricerca intorno a Vico e a Leopardi: potenza e limitatezza dell’umana conoscenza

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    Research paths around Vico and Leopardi: power and limits of human knowledge. This volume collects the papers presented at a seminar held in Potenza in November 2016 and constitutes the first outcome of a research project promoted by the Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno of the National Research Council, the Centro nazionale di studi leopardiani in Recanati, together with the National Library Vittorio Emanuele III in Naples and a network of Italian and foreign universities. The aim is to reflect on the relationship between Vico and Leopardi by reading jointly the Scienza nuova and the Zibaldone, without neglecting traces spread in other works, as well as the identification of the sources inside Vico’s and Leopardi’s libraries. The research bears witness to the fortune of the Scienza nuova in the early XIXth century and shows how Vico and Leopardi recapture in their works issues debated throughout Europe. Among them the relationship between philosophy and poetry, the analysis of the forms of knowledge (i.e., “poetical wisdom”, “fairy tale”, “myth”), the semantics of imagination, the relationship between civilization and barbarism, as well as language-related issues such as “origins of languages”, “symbolic language”, “language and thought”

    Building energy renovation for decarbonisation and Covid-19 recovery: A snapshot at regional level

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    Our society and economy are changing as our lifestyles shift in a world recovering from Covid-19. While the governments are working to face this challenge, new local and regional instances stand out. A sustainable recovery throughout Europe calls for a reduction of the existing gaps between regions. Energy efficiency qualifies as one of the sectors with a greater potential for the double dividend hypothesis, thus supporting economic recovery and decarbonisation simultaneously. Although recent years have witnessed the introduction of various regulatory mechanisms and incentives for efficiency, the energy saving potential of the European building stock is still very high, especially in the residential sector. To activate it, a thirty-year planning and short-term shock measures are required to unlock the efficiency process. This report provides a snapshot of the European building stock at local level, and identifies the most critical regions, taking into account buildings age, climatic conditions, some structural barriers and key economic indicators. Based on this information, we calculated the energy saving potential of extensive renovation of residential buildings, as well as the associated investment needs and the impact on employment. These indications and datasets can guide decision-makers in the definition of fine-tuned programmes for the refurbishment of existing buildings at European and national level.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    Scritti giornalistici 1801-1815

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    I volumi, il primo dei queli è preceduto da un'ampia introduzione di M. Martirano, raccolgono gli scritti giornalistici, mai editi, di Vincenzo Cuoco

    Filosofia, rivoluzione e storia. Saggio su Giuseppe Ferrari

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    Il volume analizza la complessa e articolata riflessione filosofica e storica di Giuseppe Ferrari, autore noto nella cultura italiana per le teorie politiche federalistiche. Attraverso l’indagine di alcuni dei principali plessi teorici che sono al centro dei suoi lavori (quali la distinzione-connessione tra filosofia della storia e storia della filosofia, tra storia ideale e storia positiva, tra psicologia e storia), si indaga l’apporto che l’opera ferrariana ha dato alla diffusione di una filosofia civile in Italia, la centralità, teorica e storica, del suo modello di storia d’Italia, l’originale posizione all’interno del dibattito sull’Oriente - che in quel giro di anni attraversava la storiografia europea -, individuando le modalità, teoriche e storico-politiche, con cui articolare il nesso tra teoria e prassi, normatività dei principi e storicità dei motivi empirici

    Latinità e germanesimo in alcuni momenti della cultura italiana tra XIX e XX secolo

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    Latinity and Germanism in some moments of Italian culture between 19th and 20th century · The essay analyzes some moments of the Italian historiographic debate, from unification to fascism, to highlight the changes and transformations that occurred in the use of the categories of Latinity and Germanism, which have marked the European debate for a long timeIl saggio analizza alcuni momenti del dibattito storiografico italiano, dall’unificazione al fascismo, per mettere in luce le modifiche e le trasformazioni intervenute nell’uso delle categorie di latinità e di germanesimo, le quali hanno contrassegnato la cultura europea per lungo temp