15,022 research outputs found

    Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino

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    The KamLAND and Borexino experiments have observed, each at ~4 sigma level, signals of electron antineutrinos produced in the decay chains of thorium and uranium in the Earth's crust and mantle (Th and U geoneutrinos). Various pieces of geochemical and geophysical information allow an estimation of the crustal geoneutrino flux components with relatively small uncertainties. The mantle component may then be inferred by subtracting the estimated crustal flux from the measured total flux. To this purpose, we analyze in detail the experimental Th and U geoneutrino event rates in KamLAND and Borexino, including neutrino oscillation effects. We estimate the crustal flux at the two detector sites, using state-of-the-art information about the Th and U distribution on global and local scales. We find that crust-subtracted signals show hints of a residual mantle component, emerging at ~2.4 sigma level by combining the KamLAND and Borexino data. The inferred mantle flux slightly favors scenarios with relatively high Th and U abundances, within +-1 sigma uncertainties comparable to the spread of predictions from recent mantle models.Comment: Slight changes and improvements in the text & figures. Results unchanged. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pemikiran Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (Hamka) Tentang Partisipasi Politik Perempuan Di Indonesia Tahun (1949 – 1963)

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    Since Mary Wollstonecraft demanded equal rights for women in all fields and denounced all forms of discrimination in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792, feminist movements began to emerge and demand the same thing, including the right to participate in politics. Indonesia, which was still called the archipelago, then had given right to women to participate in politics. The motivation of political participation of women in Indonesia was different from that of the Westerners. The motivation of the former was based on a religious spirit, not the spirit of feminism as stated by Hamka in his book Tjemburu (Ghirah). Based on this, this research focuses on Hamka's thought on Indonesian women political participation. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze Hamka's thoughts, and construct them, and then associate them with the current Indonesian women political participation. This research is qualitative, based on library research, and done by reviewing, tracking, and analyzing data from the books and newspaper archives. This study uses historical and philosophical. The research data are derived from primary and secondary data sources. The primary data ones are divided into two: first, the primary data sources from Hamka's books that tell about women and women's political participation in general, and, second, the primary data sources from Hamka's books that specifically discuss about Indonesian women's political participation. Analysis of data uses deductive and reflective methods. Based on the results of this research, we can conclude that Hamka had underlined his political thought construction by making the divine revelation as the supreme law. Hamka strengthened the construction of his thought on women's political participation with the element of unity of I'tiqad. This I'tiqad unity was not only in women but also in men, so that they could work together to build a religious Muslim community. Hamka himself basically allowed women (especially a muslim woman) to participate in politics as long as they had religious understanding, knowledge, and high Islamic morale, did not forget their main tasks as wives and mothers, were critical, and dare. Then it could be found as well, the two types of Indonesian women's political participation Hamka's thought, they were based on motivation and activities

    An observational study of children interacting with an augmented story book

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    We present findings of an observational study investigating how young children interact with augmented reality story books. Children aged between 6 and 7 read and interacted with one of two story books aimed at early literacy education. The books pages were augmented using animated virtual 3D characters, sound, and interactive tasks. Introducing novel media to young children requires system and story designers to consider not only technological issues but also questions arising from story design and the design of interactive sequences. We discuss findings of our study and implications regarding the implementation of augmented story books

    Análise econômica de lâminas de água e doses de nitrogênio, para cultura de milho, utilizando o modelo ceres-maize.

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    Para a simulacao dos dados necessarios nas analises do presente trabalho, utilizou-se o modelo CERES-MAIZE, que esta inserido no pacote DSSAT 3.0. Nas simulacoes, realizadas para o municipio de Janauba - MG, utilizou-se o cultivar de milho BR-201, desenvolvido na EMBRAPA Milho e Sorgo, que ocupa entre 5 a 7% da area de plantio da cultura no Brasil. Foram simulados os dados de produtividade do cultivar BR-201, em tres epocas de plantio (15.05, 15.10 e 15.11), com ou sem irrigacao, com as seguintes laminas d'agua 4,8,12,16,20,24,30 e 36mm, aplicadas em um turno de rega de 7 dias. As laminas de agua foram combinadas com as seguintes doses de nitrogenio 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 e 210 kg/ha 4. Os dados foram simulados utilizando-se dados climaticos de 18 anos, de 1977 a 1995. Verifica-se que o plantio de maio proporcionou maior retorno economico, indicando grande potencialidade do modelo para estudos de analise de producao. Recomendam-se simulacoes com outros cultivares mais adaptados ao plantio irrigado
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