838 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Endophytic Bacterial Populations From Chinese Traditional Medicinal Plant Licorice and Characterization of the Bioactive Secondary Metabolites Produced by Bacillus atrophaeus Against Verticillium dahliae

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    Endophytic bacteria associated with medicinal plants possess unique strategies that enhance growth and suvival of host plants, many of which are mediated by distinctive secondary metabolites. These bacteria and their secondary metabolites are important subjects for both basic and applied research aimed at sustainable agriculture. In the present study, 114 endophytic strains isolated from the wild ethnomedicinal plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis (licorice) were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activities against common fungal pathogens of tomato (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp., Fulvia fulva, Alternaria solani), cotton (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vesinfectum, Verticillium dahliae), pomegranite (Ceratocystis fimbriata), Cymbidinium (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), and Tsao-ko (Pestalotiopsis microspora and Fusarium graminearum) and the common bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella enteritidis, and Escherichia coli. Several Bacillus strains, particularly Bacillus atrophaeus and Bacillus mojavensis, had a broad spectrum of antifungal and antibacterial activity. A total of 16 strains, selected based on broad antimicrobial activity, were shown to contain at least one putative secondary metabolite-encoding gene (i.e., polyketide synthase or non-ribosomal peptide synthetase) and/or one lytic enzyme (i.e., protease, cellulase, lipase, chitinase), which may be important mediators of antagonistic activity against pathogens. Five strains, representing Bacillus atrophaeus and Bacillus mojavensis, were selected for plant growth chamber experiments based on strong in vitro antifungal activities. All five strains significantly reduced disease severity in Arabidopsis thaliana plants challenged with V. dahlia infection. Gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry analysis of cell-free extracts of Bacillus atrophaeus strain XEGI50 showed that at least 13 compounds were produced only during co-cultivation with V. dahlia, including putative compounds known to have antimicrobial activity, such as 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-methylpropyl) ester; 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, methyl ester; 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (E)-; and decanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report that bacteria isolated from G. uralensis have biocontrol abilities. Our findings provide new insights into the antimicrobial activities of natural endophytes, particularly B. atrophaeus, and suggest this species may a promising candidate as a biocontrol agent to confer resistance to Verticillium wilt disease and other phytopathogens in cotton and other crops

    Identification of miRNAs and their target genes in developing soybean seeds by deep sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression by mediating gene silencing at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels in higher plants. miRNAs and related target genes have been widely studied in model plants such as <it>Arabidopsis </it>and rice; however, the number of identified miRNAs in soybean (<it>Glycine max</it>) is limited, and global identification of the related miRNA targets has not been reported in previous research.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In our study, a small RNA library and a degradome library were constructed from developing soybean seeds for deep sequencing. We identified 26 new miRNAs in soybean by bioinformatic analysis and further confirmed their expression by stem-loop RT-PCR. The miRNA star sequences of 38 known miRNAs and 8 new miRNAs were also discovered, providing additional evidence for the existence of miRNAs. Through degradome sequencing, 145 and 25 genes were identified as targets of annotated miRNAs and new miRNAs, respectively. GO analysis indicated that many of the identified miRNA targets may function in soybean seed development. Additionally, a soybean homolog of Arabidopsis SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SLIENCING 3 (<it>AtSGS3</it>) was detected as a target of the newly identified miRNA Soy_25, suggesting the presence of feedback control of miRNA biogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have identified large numbers of miRNAs and their related target genes through deep sequencing of a small RNA library and a degradome library. Our study provides more information about the regulatory network of miRNAs in soybean and advances our understanding of miRNA functions during seed development.</p

    Diverse Roles of Ethylene in Regulating Agronomic Traits in Rice

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    Gaseous hormone ethylene has diverse effects in various plant processes. These processes include seed germination, plant growth, senescence, fruit ripening, biotic and abiotic stresses responses, and many other aspects. The biosynthesis and signaling of ethylene have been extensively studied in model Arabidopsis in the past two decades. However, knowledge about the ethylene signaling mechanism in crops and roles of ethylene in regulation of crop agronomic traits are still limited. Our recent findings demonstrate that rice possesses both conserved and diverged mechanism for ethylene signaling compared with Arabidopsis. Here, we mainly focused on the recent advances in ethylene regulation of important agronomic traits. Of special emphasis is its impact on rice growth, flowering, grain filling, and grain size control. Similarly, the influence of ethylene on other relevant crops will be compared. Additionally, interactions of ethylene with other hormones will also be discussed in terms of crop growth and development. Increasing insights into the roles and mechanisms of ethylene in regulating agronomic traits will contribute to improvement of crop production through precise manipulation of ethylene actions in crops


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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system that involves many other systems. Cognitive impairment is one of the major presentations of non-motor symptoms of PD. Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD-MCI), a predictive factor of the transformation of PD to dementia is a common cognitive defect in PD patients. The effects of traditional Chinese Medicine on cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease were valued at home and abroad. Traditional Chinese Medicine has less toxic and side effects, treatment based on syndrome differentiation, and adjustment the balance of Yin and Yang for patients. Combination of Chinese and western medicine treatment could not only reduce the amount of dopamine agents but also counteract the toxic and side effects induced by dopamine agents. Meanwhile, combination of Chinese and western medicine treatment could delay the occurrence and development of cognitive impairment, and has broad application prospect.帕金森病(PD)是一种累及多系统的中枢神经系统变性病。认知功能障碍是PD非运动症状的重要表现形式,大多数PD患者均伴有认知功能损害并最终发展成为痴呆。中医药在帕金森病治疗中的作用越来越受到国内外的重视。中药具有毒副作用小且通过辨证论治、从整体调节患者阴阳平衡的特点,中西医结合治疗既能减少多巴胺制剂用量,又能有效拮抗和治疗西药所引起的毒副作用,延缓认知障碍的发生和发展,具有广阔应用前景

    Extremely thin perfect absorber by generalized multipole bianisotropic effect

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    Symmetry breaking plays a crucial role in understanding the fundamental physics underlying numerous physical phenomena, including the electromagnetic response in resonators, giving rise to intriguing effects such as directional light scattering, supercavity lasing, and topologically protected states. In this work, we demonstrate that adding a small fraction of lossy metal (as low as 1×1061\times10^{-6} in volume), to a lossless dielectric resonator breaks inversion symmetry thereby lifting its degeneracy, leading to a strong bianisotropic response. In the case of the metasurface composed of such resonators, this effect leads to unidirectional perfect absorption while maintaining nearly perfect reflection from the opposite direction. We have developed more general Onsager-Casimir relations for the polarizabilities of particle arrays, taking into account the contributions of quadrupoles, which shows that bianisotropy is not solely due to dipoles, but also involves high-order multipoles. Our experimental validation demonstrates an extremely thin terahertz-perfect absorber with a wavelength-to-thickness ratio of up to 25,000, where the material thickness is only 2% of the theoretical minimum thickness dictated by the fundamental limit. Our findings have significant implications for a variety of applications, including energy harvesting, thermal management, single-photon detection, and low-power directional emission

    Soybean GmPHD-Type Transcription Regulators Improve Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is one of the most important crops for oil and protein resource. Improvement of stress tolerance will be beneficial for soybean seed production.Six GmPHD genes encoding Alfin1-type PHD finger protein were identified and their expressions differentially responded to drought, salt, cold and ABA treatments. The six GmPHDs were nuclear proteins and showed ability to bind the cis-element "GTGGAG". The N-terminal domain of GmPHD played a major role in DNA binding. Using a protoplast assay system, we find that GmPHD1 to GmPHD5 had transcriptional suppression activity whereas GmPHD6 did not have. In yeast assay, the GmPHD6 can form homodimer and heterodimer with the other GmPHDs except GmPHD2. The N-terminal plus the variable regions but not the PHD-finger is required for the dimerization. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing the GmPHD2 showed salt tolerance when compared with the wild type plants. This tolerance was likely achieved by diminishing the oxidative stress through regulation of downstream genes.These results provide important clues for soybean stress tolerance through manipulation of PHD-type transcription regulator