Symmetry breaking plays a crucial role in understanding the fundamental
physics underlying numerous physical phenomena, including the electromagnetic
response in resonators, giving rise to intriguing effects such as directional
light scattering, supercavity lasing, and topologically protected states. In
this work, we demonstrate that adding a small fraction of lossy metal (as low
as 1×10−6 in volume), to a lossless dielectric resonator breaks
inversion symmetry thereby lifting its degeneracy, leading to a strong
bianisotropic response. In the case of the metasurface composed of such
resonators, this effect leads to unidirectional perfect absorption while
maintaining nearly perfect reflection from the opposite direction. We have
developed more general Onsager-Casimir relations for the polarizabilities of
particle arrays, taking into account the contributions of quadrupoles, which
shows that bianisotropy is not solely due to dipoles, but also involves
high-order multipoles. Our experimental validation demonstrates an extremely
thin terahertz-perfect absorber with a wavelength-to-thickness ratio of up to
25,000, where the material thickness is only 2% of the theoretical minimum
thickness dictated by the fundamental limit. Our findings have significant
implications for a variety of applications, including energy harvesting,
thermal management, single-photon detection, and low-power directional