806 research outputs found

    Chandra Observation of the Globular Cluster NGC 6440 and the Nature of Cluster X-ray Luminosity Functions

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    As part of our campaign to determine the nature of the various source populations of the low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources, we have obtained a Chandra X-ray Observatory ACIS-S3 image of the globular cluster NGC 6440. We detect 24 sources to a limiting luminosity of ~2 times 10^31 erg/s (0.5-2.5keV) inside the cluster's half-mass radius, all of which lie within ~2 core radii of the cluster center. We also find excess emission in and around the core which could be due to unresolved point sources. Based upon X-ray luminosities and colors, we conclude that there are 4-5 likely quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries and that most of the other sources are cataclysmic variables. We compare these results to Chandra results from other globular clusters and find the X-ray luminosity functions differ among the clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ, minor changes, added table of clusters' physical parameter

    Classical Novae as a Probe of the Cataclysmic Variable Population

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    Classical Novae (CNe) are the brightest manifestation of mass transfer onto a white dwarf in a cataclysmic variable (CV). As such, they are probes of the mass transfer rate, Mdot, and WD mass, Mwd, in these interacting binaries. Our calculations of the dependence of the CN ignition mass, Mign, on Mdot and Mwd yields the recurrence times of these explosions. We show that the observed CNe orbital period distribution is consistent with the interrupted magnetic braking evolutionary scenario, where at orbital periods Porb > 3 hr mass transfer is driven by angular momentum loss via a wind from the companion star and at Porb < 3 hr by gravitational radiation. About 50% of CNe occur in binaries accreting at Mdot ~= 10^{-9} Msun/yr with Porb = 3-4 hr, with the remaining 50% split evenly between Porb longer (higher Mdot) and shorter (lower Mdot) than this. This resolution of the relative contribution to the CN rate from different CVs tells us that 3(9)x10^5 CVs with WD mass 1.0(0.6)Msun are needed to produce one CN per year. Using the K-band specific CN rate measured in external galaxies, we find a CV birthrate of 2(4)x10^{-4}/yr per 10^{10}Lsun,K, very similar to the luminosity specific Type Ia supernova rate in elliptical galaxies. Likewise, we predict that there should be 60-180 CVs for every 10^6Lsun,K in an old stellar population, similar to the number of X-ray identified CVs in the globular cluster 47 Tuc, showing no overabundance relative to the field. Using a two-component steady state model of CV evolution we show that the fraction of CVs which are magnetic (22%) implies a birthrate of 8% relative to non-magnetic CVs, similar to the fraction of strongly magnetic field WDs. (abridged)Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Newtonian nudging for a Richards equation-based distributed model

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    This report describes a series of simulations conducted with a hydrological model, CATHY, to test a recently implemented data assimilation technique, Newtonian nudging

    Identification of the LMXB and Faint X-ray Sources in NGC 6652

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    We have detected three new x-ray point sources, in addition to the known low-mass x-ray binary (LMXB) X1832-330, in the globular cluster NGC 6652 with a Chandra 1.6 ksec HRC-I exposure. Star 49 (M_{V}~4.7), suggested by Deutsch et al.(1998) as the optical candidate for the LMXB, is identified (<0.3") not with the LMXB, but with another, newly detected source (B). Using archival HST images, we identify (<0.3") the LMXB (A) and one of the remaining new sources (C) with blue variable optical counterparts at M_{V}~3.7 and 5.3 respectively. The other new source (D) remains unidentified in the crowded cluster core. In the 0.5-2.5 keV range, assuming a 5 keV thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum and N_{H}=5.5*10^{20}, source A has intrinsic luminosity L_{X}~5.3*10^{35} ergs/s. Assuming a 1 keV thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum, B has L_{X}~4.1*10^{33} ergs/s, while C and D have L_{X}~8*10^{32}$ ergs/s. Source B is probably a quiescent LMXB, while source C may be either a luminous CV or quiescent LMXB.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Another Faint UV Object Associated with a Globular Cluster X-Ray Source: The Case of M92

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    The core of the metal poor Galactic Globular Cluster M92 (NGC 6341) has been observed with WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope through visual, blue and mid-UV filters in a program devoted to study the evolved stellar population in a selected sample of Galactic Globular Clusters. In the UV (m255,m255−U)(m_{255}, m_{255}-U) color magnitude diagram we have discovered a faint `UV-dominant' object. This star lies within the error box of a Low Luminosity Globular Cluster X-ray source (LLGCX) recently found in the core of M92. The properties of the UV star discovered in M92 are very similar to those of other UV stars found in the core of some clusters (M13, 47 Tuc, M80, etc)---all of them are brighter in the UV than in the visible and are located in the vicinity of a LLGCX. We suggest that these stars are a new sub-class of cataclysmic variables.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Astrophysical journal in pres

    Research Report 2007 | 2008

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