15,970 research outputs found

    Confronting expansion distances of planetary nebulae with Gaia DR2 measurements

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    Individual distances to planetary nebulae are of the utmost relevance for our understanding of post-asymptotic giant-branch evolution because they allow a precise determination of stellar and nebular properties. Also, objects with individual distances serve as calibrators for the so-called statistical distances based on secondary nebular properties. With independently known distances, it is possible to check empirically our understanding of the formation and evolution of planetary nebulae as suggested by existing hydrodynamical simulations. We compared the expansion parallaxes that have recently been determined for a number of planetary nebulae with the trigonometric parallaxes provided by the Gaia Data Release 2. Except for two out of 11 nebulae, we found good agreement between the expansion and the Gaia trigonometric parallaxes without any systematic trend with distance. Therefore, the Gaia measurements also prove that the correction factors necessary to convert proper motions of shocks into Doppler velocities cannot be ignored. Rather, the size of these correction factors and their evolution with time as predicted by 1-D hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae is basically validated. These correction factors are generally greater than unity and are different for the outer shell and the inner bright rim of a planetary nebula. The Gaia measurements also confirm earlier findings that spectroscopic methods often lead to an overestimation of the distance. They also show that even modelling of the entire system of star and nebula by means of sophisticated photoionization modeling may not always provide reliable results. The Gaia measurements confirm the basic correctness of the present radiation-hydrodynamics models, which predict that both the shell and the rim of a planetary nebula are two independently expanding entities.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Evaluating local correlation tracking using CO5BOLD simulations of solar granulation

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    Flows on the solar surface are linked to solar activity, and LCT is one of the standard techniques for capturing the dynamics of these processes by cross-correlating solar images. However, the link between contrast variations in successive images to the underlying plasma motions has to be quantitatively confirmed. Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of solar granulation (e.g.,CO5BOLD) provide access to both the wavelength-integrated, emergent continuum intensity and the 3D velocity field at various heights in the solar atmosphere. Thus, applying LCT to continuum images yields horizontal proper motions, which are then compared to the velocity field of the simulated (non-magnetic) granulation. In this study, we evaluate the performance of an LCT algorithm previously developed for bulk-processing Hinode G-band images, establish it as a quantitative tool for measuring horizontal proper motions, and clearly work out the limitations of LCT or similar techniques designed to track optical flows. Horizontal flow maps and frequency distributions of the flow speed were computed for a variety of LCT input parameters including the spatial resolution, the width of the sampling window, the time cadence of successive images, and the averaging time used to determine persistent flow properties. Smoothed velocity fields from the hydrodynamics simulation at three atmospheric layers (log tau=-1,0,and +1) served as a point of reference for the LCT results. LCT recovers many of the granulation properties, e.g.,the shape of the flow speed distributions, the relationship between mean flow speed and averaging time, and also--with significant smoothing of the simulated velocity field--morphological features of the flow and divergence maps. However, the horizontal proper motions are grossly underestimated by as much as a factor of three. The LCT flows match best the flows deeper in the atmosphere at log tau=+1.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Optimal decision making for sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise

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    For navigation, microscopic agents such as biological cells rely on noisy sensory input. In cells performing chemotaxis, such noise arises from the stochastic binding of signaling molecules at low concentrations. Using chemotaxis of sperm cells as application example, we address the classic problem of chemotaxis towards a single target. We reveal a fundamental relationship between the speed of chemotactic steering and the strength of directional fluctuations that result from the amplification of noise in the chemical input signal. This relation implies a trade-off between slow, but reliable, and fast, but less reliable, steering. By formulating the problem of optimal navigation in the presence of noise as a Markov decision process, we show that dynamic switching between reliable and fast steering substantially increases the probability to find a target, such as the egg. Intriguingly, this decision making would provide no benefit in the absence of noise. Instead, decision making is most beneficial, if chemical signals are above detection threshold, yet signal-to-noise ratios of gradient measurements are low. This situation generically arises at intermediate distances from a target, where signaling molecules emitted by the target are diluted, thus defining a `noise zone' that cells have to cross. Our work addresses the intermediate case between well-studied perfect chemotaxis at high signal-to-noise ratios close to a target, and random search strategies in the absence of navigation cues, e.g. far away from a target. Our specific results provide a rational for the surprising observation of decision making in recent experiments on sea urchin sperm chemotaxis. The general theory demonstrates how decision making enables chemotactic agents to cope with high levels of noise in gradient measurements by dynamically adjusting the persistence length of a biased persistent random walk.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    ER-mitochondria contacts: Actin dynamics at the ER control mitochondrial fission via calcium release.

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    The formin-like protein INF2 is an important player in the polymerization of actin filaments. In this issue, Chakrabarti et al. (2018. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201709111) demonstrate that INF2 mediates actin polymerization at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), resulting in increased ER-mitochondria contacts, calcium uptake by mitochondria, and mitochondrial division

    The evolution of planetary nebulae. VIII. True expansion rates and visibility times

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    The visibility time of planetary nebulae (PNe) in stellar systems is an essential quantity for estimating the size of a PN population in the context of general population studies. For instance, it enters directly into the PN death rate determination. The basic ingredient for determining visibility times is the typical nebular expansion velocity, as a suited average over all PN sizes of a PN population within a certain volume or stellar system. The true expansion speed of the outer nebular edge of a PN is, however, not accessible by spectroscopy -- a difficulty that we surmount by radiation-hydrodynamics modelling. We find a mean true expansion velocity of 42 km/s, i.e. nearly twice as high as the commonly adopted value to date. Accordingly, the time for a PN to expand to a radius of, say 0.9 pc, is only 21000 +/- 5000 years. This visibility time of a PN holds for all central star masses since a nebula does not become extinct as the central star fades. There is, however, a dependence on metallicity in the sense that the visibility time becomes shorter for lower nebular metal content. With the higher expansion rate of PNe derived here we determined their local death-rate density as (1.4 +/- 0.5) x E-12 PN pc^{-3} yr^{-1}, using the local PN density advocated by Frew (2008).Comment: 20 pages, 10 Figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics / Note added in proo
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