4,825 research outputs found

    Some Observations on the Performance of the Most Recent Exchange-Correlation Functionals for the Large and Chemically Diverse GMTKN55 Benchmark

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    Benchmarks that span a broad swath of chemical space, such as GMTKN55, are very useful for assessing progress in the quest for more universal DFT functionals. We find that the WTMAD2 metrics for a great number of functionals show a clear "Jacob's Ladder hierarchy"; that the "combinatorial" development strategy of Head-Gordon and coworkers generates "best on rung" performers; that the quality of the nonlocal dispersion correction becomes more important as functionals become more accurate for nondispersion properties; that fitting against small, unrepresentative benchmark sets leads to underperforming functionals; and that {\omega}B97M(2) is currently the best DFT functional of any kind, but that revDSD-D4 functionals are able to reach similar performance using fewer parameters, and that revDOD-D4 in addition permits reduced-scaling algorithms. If one seeks a range-separated hybrid (RSH) GGA that also performs well for optical excitation energies, CAM-QTP-01 may be a viable option. The D4 dispersion model, with its partial charge dependence, appears to be clearly superior to D3BJ and even possibly NL. Should one require a double hybrid without dispersion model, noDispSD-SCAN is a viable option. Performance for the MOBH35 transition metal benchmark is different: the best double hybrids are competitive but not superior to {\omega}B97M-V, which offers the best performance compromise for mixed main group-transition metal problems.Comment: 5 pages (ICCMSE-2019 conference proceedings), AIP Conference Proceedings, in pres

    Self-Organized Dynamical Equilibrium in the Corrosion of Random Solids

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    Self-organized criticality is characterized by power law correlations in the non-equilibrium steady state of externally driven systems. A dynamical system proposed here self-organizes itself to a critical state with no characteristic size at ``dynamical equilibrium''. The system is a random solid in contact with an aqueous solution and the dynamics is the chemical reaction of corrosion or dissolution of the solid in the solution. The initial difference in chemical potential at the solid-liquid interface provides the driving force. During time evolution, the system undergoes two transitions, roughening and anti-percolation. Finally, the system evolves to a dynamical equilibrium state characterized by constant chemical potential and average cluster size. The cluster size distribution exhibits power law at the final equilibrium state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Does GLPT2 Offer Any Actual Benefit Over Conventional HF-MP2 In the Context of Double-Hybrid Density Functionals?

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    While the inclusion of the nonlocal correlation in fifth rung "double hybrid" functionals is definitely beneficial, one might rightfully ask whether its evaluation in the basis of Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals has additional value compared to the use of Hartree-Fock reference orbitals (in a type of multilevel scheme). We have investigated this question for a very large and chemically diverse dataset, GMTKN55. We conclude that KS reference orbitals are undoubtedly beneficial, but the benefit is not as large as one might intuitively expect.Comment: 4 pages, AIP Conference Proceedings, in press (ICCMSE-2021

    Performance of Localized-Orbital Coupled Cluster Approaches for the Conformational Energies of Longer n-alkane Chains

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    We report an update and enhancement of the ACONFL (conformer energies of large alkanes [Ehlert, S.; Grimme, S.; Hansen, A. J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, 126, 3521-3535]) dataset. For the ACONF12 (n-dodecane) subset, we report basis set limit canonical CCSD(T) reference data obtained from MP2-F12/cc-pV{T,Q}Z-F12 extrapolation, [CCSD(F12*)-MP2-F12]/aug-cc-pVTZ-F12, and a (T) correction from conventional CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV{D,T}Z calculations. Then we explored the performance of a variety of single and composite localized-orbital CCSD(T) approximations, ultimately finding an affordable LNO-CCSD(T)-based post-MP2 correction that agrees to 0.008 kcal/mol MAD (mean absolute deviation) with the revised canonical reference data. In tandem with canonical MP2-F12/CBS extrapolation, this was then used to re-evaluate the ACONF16 and ACONF20 subsets for n-hexadecane and n-icosane, respectively. A revised ACONFL set was thus obtained. It was then used to assess the performance of different localized-orbital coupled cluster approaches, such as PNO-LCCSD(T) as implemented in MOLPRO, DLPNO-CCSD (T1) as implemented in ORCA, and LNO-CCSD(T) as implemented in MRCC, at their various accuracy settings. A three-tier LNO-CCSD(T)-based composite scheme disagrees by only 0.02 kcal/mol from the revised ACONFL reference data. When extrapolated to the complete PNO space limit, DLPNO-CCSD(T1, Tight) and a composite method are the best picks among all the localized coupled cluster methods tested for the dodecane conformers. Dispersion-corrected dRPA-based double hybrids perform remarkably well for the ACONFL set. While the revised reference data do not affect any conclusions on the less accurate methods, they may upend orderings for more accurate methods with error statistics on the same order as the difference between reference datasets.Comment: 28 pages, submitte

    Coulombic Energy Transfer and Triple Ionization in Clusters

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    Using neon and its dimer as a specific example, it is shown that excited Auger decay channels that are electronically stable in the isolated monomer can relax in a cluster by electron emission. The decay mechanism, leading to the formation of a tricationic cluster, is based on an efficient energy-transfer process from the excited, dicationic monomer to a neighbor. The decay is ultrafast and expected to be relevant to numerous physical phenomena involving core holes in clusters and other forms of spatially extended atomic and molecular matter.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to be published in PR

    Investigation of the role of neutron transfer in the fusion of 32,34S with 197Au,208Pb using quasi-elastic scattering

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    Excitation functions for quasi-elastic scattering have been measured at backward angles for the systems 32,34S+197Au and 32,34S+208Pb for energies spanning the Coulomb barrier. Representative distributions, sensitive to the low energy part of the fusion barrier distribution, have been extracted from the data. For the fusion reactions of 32,34S with 197Au couplings related to the nuclear structure of 197Au appear to be dominant in shaping the low energy part of the barrier distibution. For the system 32S+208Pb the barrier distribution is broader and extends further to lower energies, than in the case of 34S+208Pb. This is consistent with the interpretation that the neutron pick-up channels are energetically more favoured in the 32S induced reaction and therefore couple more strongly to the relative motion. It may also be due to the increased collectivity of 32S, when compared with 34S.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    An Exchange-Based Diagnostic for Static Correlation

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    We propose here a DFT-based diagnostic for static correlation %TAEX[TPSS@HF - HF] which effectively measures how different the DFT and HF exchange energies for a given HF density are. This and %TAEcorr[TPSS] are two cost-effective a priori estimates for the adequacy of the importance of static correlation. %TAEX[TPSS@HF - HF] contains nearly the same information as the earlier A diagnostic, but may be more intuitive to understand. Principal component and variable clustering analysis of a large number of static correlation diagnostics reveals much of the variation is explained by just two components, and almost all of it by four; these are blocked by four variable clusters (single excitations; correlation entropy; double excitations; pragmatic energetics).Comment: 5 pages, AIP Conference Proceedings, in press (ICCMSE-2021

    Is explicitly correlated double hybrid DFT advantageous for vibrational frequencies?

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    We have investigated the effect of F12 geminals on the basis set convergence of harmonic frequencies calculated using two representative double-hybrid density functionals, namely B2GP-PLYP and revDSD-PBEP86-D4. Like previously found for energetics [N. Mehta and J. M. L. Martin, \textit{J. Chem. Theor. Comput.} \textbf{18}, 5978--5991 (2022)] one sees an acceleration by two zeta steps, such that even the cc-pVDZ-F12 basis set is quite close to the complete basis set (CBS) limit. However, the basis set convergence problem is not as acute as for energetics, and compared to experimental harmonic frequencies, conventional orbital calculations with augmented triple zeta quality basis set are acceptably close to the CBS limit, and can be carried out using analytical second derivatives. An efficient implementation of double hybrid-F12 analytical derivatives would make the F12 approach attractive in the sense that even an spdspd orbital basis set would be adequate. For the accurate revDSD-PBEP86-D4 functional, the role of differing local correlation terms (Perdew-Zunger 1981 vs. VWN5) in different electronic structure programs has been investigated: while optimal double hybrid parameters and performance statistics for energetics as well as frequencies differ slightly between the two implementations, these differences are insignificant for practical purposes.Comment: Can. J. Chem., submitted (WATOC 2022 special issue
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