22 research outputs found


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    Tests were carried out on thirty, 42 days old Rock x Cornish chickens, divided into three experimental groups: I - control injected with saline, II - injected with a Calendula officinalis extraction supplemented with Bayol and III - treated with Bayol. The effects of the in vivo treatments and simultaneous antigen priming (0.5 ml of a 5 % suspension of SRBC) on their humoral (lysozyme, anti-SRBC antibodies) and cell-mediated (leucocyte blast transformation) responses were investigated. Lysozyme (51.50 ± 32.30, 56.80 ± 41.27, 29.50 ± 22.73 μg/ml)(p<0.05), and anti-SRBC antibody titers (2.35 ± 0.86, 2.05 ± 0.65 and 1.90 ± 0.55) were the lowest in Bayol treated group. Spontaneous stimulation index was positively influenced by the in vivo Bayol therapy (57.20 ± 8.88 per cent), when compared to that recorded for the other groups (31.06 ± 18.93 group I, 33.37 ± 19.26 group II)

    Вирусные гепатиты В, С и D в Республике Молдова: достижения и проблемы

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    Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică, IP Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie Nicolae Testemițanu, IMSP Centrul Republican de Diagnosticare MedicalăRealizarea primelor trei Programe Naționale de combatere a hepatitelor virale B, C și D în Republica Moldova, începând cu anul 1997, au condus la reducerea semnificativă a morbidității prin hepatitele virale B, C și D acute, dar pe fundalul incidenței sporite a hepatitelor virale cronice, unde indicatorii îi depășesc vădit pe cei din țările Comunității Europene. Studiile realizate demonstrează că contingentele de populație cu risc sporit de infectare continuă să prezinte un potențial înalt ca sursă reală de infectare cu virusurile hepatice nominalizate pentru alte categorii de populație. Ca urmare a utilizării tehnicilor de biologie moleculară, au fost evidențiate genotipurile și subgenotipurile virusurilor hepatitelor B, C și D în special la contingentele de populație cu risc sporit de infectare, demonstrând că unele posedă un potențial înalt de cronicizare, cu evoluție spre ciroză și cancer hepatocelular. Utilizarea produselor antivirale de ultimă generație recomandate de OMS pentru tratamentul hepatitelor virale B și C a demonstrat o eficacitate înaltă nu numai terapeutică, ci și profi lactică, manifestată prin reducerea numărului de bolnavi purtători de virusuri și a noilor focare. Este important de menționat că prejudiciul economic prevenit ca urmare a realizării Programelor Naționale de combatere a hepatitelor virale în perioada 1997-2015 a constituit 822.453 mii lei, pe când cheltuielile din bugetul de stat pentru realizarea acestor programe au alcătuit 84.618,5 mii lei. Realizarea integrală a prezentului Program de combatere a hepatitelor virale B, C și D în contextul Planului Strategic al OMS de eliminare a hepatitelor virale parenterale până în anul 2030 va avea un beneficiu socioeconomic extrem de important pentru Republica Moldova.The implementation of the first three National Programs against viral hepatitis B, C and D in the Republic of Moldova since 1997 has allowed to significantly reduce morbidity of acute viral hepatitis B, C and D, but on the increased background of incidence of chronic viral hepatitis the indicators clearly outweigh those in the European Community. Studies have shown that the contingent of population at high risk of infection continues to show a high potential as a real source of infection with viral hepatitis viruses for other population categories. As a result of the use of molecular biology techniques, the genotypes and subgenotypes of hepatitis B, C and D viruses have been highlighted, particularly in contingent of population at high risk of infection, demonstrating that some have a high potential for chronicization with progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer. Using of next-generation antiviral drugs in the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C recommended by the WHO has shown a high, not only therapeutic but also prophylactic efficacy manifested by reducing the number of virus-bearing patients, and new outbreaks. It is important to note that the economic prejudice prevented by the implementation of the National Programs against viral hepatitis during the period 1997-2015 amounted to 822.453 thousand lei, while the spending from the State Budget for the implementation of the nominated programs amounted to 84.618.5 thousand lei. The full implementation of the current Program for combating viral hepatitis B, C and D in the context of the WHO Strategic Plan for the elimination of parenteral viral hepatitis by 2030 will have a very important socio-economic benefit for the Republic of Moldova.Реализация первых трех Национальных программ по борьбе с вирусными гепатитами B, C и D в Республике Молдова с 1997 года позволила значительно снизить заболеваемость острыми вирусными гепатитами B, C и D, но на фоне высокого уровня заболеваемости хроническими вирусными гепатитами, показатели явно перевешивают показатели стран Европейского Cоюза. Исследования показали, что среди групп населения с высоким риском инфицирования все еще присутствует высокий потенциал в качестве реального источника заражения вирусами гепатитов для других категорий населения. В результате использования методов молекулярной биологии были выделены генотипы и субгенотипы вирусов гепатитов B, C и D, особенно среди групп с высоким риском инфицирования, демонстрируя, что некоторые имеют высокий потенциал к хронизации и прогрессированию к циррозу и гепатоцеллюлярного рака. Использование противовирусных препаратов последнего поколения для лечения вирусных гепатитов В, C и D, рекомендованных ВОЗ, продемонстрировало не только высокую терапевтическую, но и профилактическую эффективность за счет сокращения числа вирусоносителей и новых очагов инфекции. Важно отметить, что предотвращённый экономический ущерб в результате реализации Национальных программ по борьбе с вирусными гепатитами в период 1997–2015 годов составил 822.453 тысяч леев, а расходы государственного бюд-жета на реализацию указанных программ составили 84.618,5 тысяч леев. Полная реализация текущей Программы по борьбе с вирусными гепатитами B, C и D в контексте Стратегического плана ВОЗ по элиминации парентеральных вирусных гепатитов к 2030 году будет иметь важное социально-экономическое значение для Республики Молдова

    Contemporary conservative treatment of priapism

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N.Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Profilactoriul „Constructorul”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal „Sfînta Treime”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Eleven consecutive patients who presented with priapism were treated with 0,5 mg phenylephrine diluted in 2 ml normal saline injected directly into the corpus cavernosum. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness and complications of intracorporeal phenylephrine administration without aspiration or irrigation as a treatment for priapism. Blood pressure and pulse were measured before and after injection, and monitored every 15 minutes. If no detumescence was noted after 15 minutes, the injection was repeated. Neither penile blood aspiration, nor irrigation was performed. 9 of 11 responded with detumescence. The number of injections required ranged from 1 to 6. No changes in blood pressure, heart rate or side effects were observed. We believe that this is a safe and effective method for treatment of priapism. Routine initial aspiration or irrigation of the corpora before intracorporeal injection of adrenergic agents does not appear to be necessary

    Tratamentul chirurgical al Hiperplaziei Prostatice Benigne (HPB)

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    Summary The work is dedicated to comparative analysis of results of surgery treatment in patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. The 543 patients with untreated prostate adenoma (exposed toadenoma removal - 415 patients, and transurethral resection - 128 patients). The analysis of the results demonstrated, that the rate and the character of intra- and post- operation complications depends considerably on rational choice of surgical intervenfion method (transvesical or transurethral) and quality of its realization. In present TUR remains the main method in the treatment of BPH, possessing many advantages and at the same time presenting many possibilities of simultaneous treatment of other diseases, which accompany BPH. Transvesical adenomaectomy remains a method of BPH treatment, having more narrow concrete indications: adenoma of great size and its combination with great or multiple urinary bladder stones

    Biologically active new Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes of N-(2-thienylmethylene)methanamine

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    Iron(II), cobalt(II), nickel (II), copper (II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes of the type ML2Cl2, where M is a metal and L is the Schiff base N-(2-thienylmethylene)methanamine (TNAM) formed by the condensation of 2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde and methylamine, were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis as well as magnetic and spectroscopic measurements. The elemental analyses suggest the stoichiometry to be 1:2 (metal:ligand). Magnetic susceptibility data coupled with electronic, ESR and Mössbauer spectra suggest a distorted octahedral structure for the Fe(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes, a square-planar geometry for the Cu(II) compound and a tetrahedral geometry for the Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes. The infrared and NMR spectra of the complexes agree with co-ordination to the central metal atom through nitrogen and sulphur atoms. Conductance measurements suggest the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes, except for the Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes, which are 1:2 electrolytes. The Schiff base and its metal chelates were screened for their biological activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the metal chelates were found to possess better antibacterial activity than that of the uncomplexed Schiff base

    Prevalence of Swine Gastrointestinal Parasites in Two Free-Range Farms from Nord-West Region of Romania

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    Parasitic diseases cause significant economic losses in swine, including free-range swine farms, the number of which in Romania has increased in the last decades. The current study aimed to identify the parasitic profile of swine raised on two free-range (low-input) farms from Transylvania. Nine hundred sixty samples collected from weaners, fatteners, and sows were investigated by flotation, centrifugal sedimentation, modified Ziehl-Neelsen stained fecal smear, modified Blagg technique, and oocyst/egg cultures. The number of oocysts (OPG), cysts (CPG), and eggs (EPG) were counted per gram of fecal matter. The examination revealed parasitic infections with Balantidium coli, Eimeria spp., Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides ransomi and Cryptosporidium spp. Prevalence (P) and the mean intensity (MI) of the infections varied according to age, swine category, farm, and season. The overall prevalence in both free-range farms according to the age category was 63.2%—Eimeria spp., 70.31%—B. coli, 9.38%—Oesophagostomum spp., 3.75% S. ransomi, and 18.12% Cryptosporidium spp. in weaners. In fatteners Eimeria spp. revealed a prevalence of 50.93%, B. coli—72.5 %, A. suum—63.13%, T. suis—39.06%, and in sows Eimeria spp.—39.06%, B. coli—62.19%, A. suum—34.06%, Oesophagostomum spp.—27.19%, S. ransomi—1.56% and Cryptosporidium spp.—9.38%. The study revealed statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences between age groups, seasons, and farms for all diagnosed parasites. Further research is required to better understand the epidemiology of these infections in swine from Transylvania. © 2022 by the authors