52 research outputs found

    Mass-based depth and velocity scales for gravity currents and related flows

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    Gravity driven flows on inclines can be caused by cold, saline or turbid inflows into water bodies. Another example are cold downslope winds, which are caused by cooling of the atmosphere at the lower boundary. In a well-known contribution, Ellison and Turner (ET) investigated such flows by making use of earlier work on free shear flows by Morton, Taylor and Turner (MTT). Their entrainment relation is compared here with a spread relation based on a diffusion model for jets by Prandtl. This diffusion approach is suitable for forced plumes on an incline, but only when the channel topography is uniform, and the flow remains supercritical. A second aspect considered here is that the structure of ET's entrainment relation, and their shallow water equations, agrees with the one for open channel flows, but their depth and velocity scales are those for free shear flows, and derived from the velocity field. Conversely, the depth of an open channel flow is the vertical extent of the excess mass of the liquid phase, and the average velocity is the (known) discharge divided by the depth. As an alternative to ET's parameterization, two sets of flow scales similar to those of open channel flows are outlined for gravity currents in unstratified environments. The common feature of the two sets is that the velocity scale is derived by dividing the buoyancy flux by the excess pressure at the bottom. The difference between them is the way the volume flux is accounted for, which—unlike in open channel flows—generally increases in the streamwise direction. The relations between the three sets of scales are established here for gravity currents by allowing for a constant co-flow in the upper layer. The actual ratios of the three width, velocity, and buoyancy scales are evaluated from available experimental data on gravity currents, and from field data on katabatic winds. A corresponding study for free shear flows is referred to. Finally, a comparison of mass-based scales with a number of other flow scales is carried out for available data on a two-layer flow over an obstacle. Mass-based flow scales can also be used for other types of flows, such as self-aerated flows on spillways, water jets in air, or bubble plume

    A study of the flow field surrounding interacting line fires

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    The interaction of converging fires often leads to significant changes in fire behavior, including increased flame length, angle, and intensity. In this paper, the fluid mechanics of two adjacent line fires are studied both theoretically and experimentally. A simple potential flow model is used to explain the tilting of interacting flames towards each other, which results from a momentum imbalance triggered by fire geometry. The model was validated by measuring the velocity field surrounding stationary alcohol pool fires. The flow field was seeded with high-contrast colored smoke, and the motion of smoke structures was analyzed using a cross-correlation optical flow technique. The measured velocities and flame angles are found to compare reasonably with the predicted values, and an analogy between merging fires and wind-blown flames is proposed

    Effect of hydrogen addition on criteria and greenhouse gas emissions for a marine diesel engine

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    Hydrogen remains an attractive alternative fuel to petroleum and a number of investigators claim that adding hydrogen to the air intake manifold of a diesel engine will reduce criteria emissions and diesel fuel consumption. Such claims are appealing when trying to simultaneously reduce petroleum consumption, greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants. The goal of this research was to measure the change in criteria emissions (CO, NOx, and PM 2.5) and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), using standard test methods for a wide range of hydrogen addition rates. A two-stroke Detroit Diesel Corporation 12V-71TI marine diesel engine was mounted on an engine dynamometer and tested at three out of the four loads specified in the ISO 8178-4 E3 emission test cycle and at idle. The engine operated on CARB ultra-low sulfur #2 diesel with hydrogen added at flow rates of 0, 22 and 220 SLPM. As compared with the base case without hydrogen, measurements showed that hydrogen injection at 22 and 220 SLPM had negligible influence on the overall carbon dioxide specific emission, EFCO2. However, in examining data at each load the data revealed that at idle EFCO2 was reduced by 21% at 22 SLPM (6.9% of the added fuel energy was from hydrogen) and 37.3% at 220 SLPM (103.1% of the added fuel energy was from hydrogen). At all other loads, the influence of added hydrogen was insignificant. Specific emissions for nitrogen oxides, EFNOx, and fine particulate matters, EFPM 2.5, showed a trade-off relationship at idle. At idle, EFNO x was reduced by 28% and 41% with increasing hydrogen flow rates, whilst EFPM2.5 increased by 41% and 86% respectively. For other engine loads, EFNOx and EFPM2.5 did not change significantly with varying hydrogen flow rates. One of the main reasons for the greater impact of hydrogen at idle is that the contribution of hydrogen to the total fuel energy is much higher at idle as compared to the other loads. The final examination in this paper was the system energy balance when hydrogen is produced by an on-board electrolysis unit. An analysis at 75% engine load showed that hydrogen production increased the overall equivalent fuel consumption by 2.6% at 22 SLPM and 17.7% at 220 SLPM. © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dynamics of the head of gravity currents

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    The present work experimentally investigates the dynamics of unsteady gravity currents produced by lock-release of a saline mixture into a fresh water tank. Seven different experimental runs were performed by varying the density of the saline mixture in the lock and the bed roughness. Experiments were conducted in a Perspex flume, of horizontal bed and rectangular cross section, and recorded with a CCD camera. An image analysis technique was applied to visualize and characterize the current allowing thus the understanding of its general dynamics and, more specifically, of the current head dynamics. The temporal evolution of both head length and mass shows repeated stretching and breaking cycles: during the stretching phase, the head length and mass grow until reaching a limit, then the head becomes unstable and breaks. In the instants of break, the head aspect ratio shows a limit of 0.2 and the mass of the head is of the order of the initial mass in the lock. The average period of the herein called breaking events is seen to increase with bed roughness and the spatial periodicity of these events is seen to be approximately constant between runs. The rate of growth of the mass at the head is taken as a measure to assess entrainment and it is observed to occur at all stages of the current development. Entrainment rate at the head decreases in time suggesting this as a phenomenon ruled by local buoyancy and the similarity between runs shows independence from the initial reduced gravity and bed roughness. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Sound wall barriers: Near roadway dispersion under neutrally stratified boundary layer

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    With the passage of California Senate Bill 375, which motivates infill development near transit hubs, there is the potential to increase vehicle congestion in residential communities and increase in human exposure to toxic mobile source pollutants. Among all the mitigation strategies that protect near roadway residents from health-affecting vehicular emissions (e.g. separating sensitive receptors from high traffic roadways), this paper discusses the impact of sound wall barriers (SBs) in reducing the air pollution exposure of nearby residents. To date, there have been some studies done to understand the impact of these structures on dispersion of vehicular emissions; however, no definitive conclusion has been drawn yet. The main objective of this paper is to provide more information and details on flow and dispersion affected by barriers through a systematic laboratory simulation of plume dispersion using a water channel. Three sets of experiments were conducted: (1) plume visualizations, (2) plume concentration measurements, and (3) flow velocity measurements. Results from this study shows that the deployment of sound barriers induces a recirculating flow over the roadway which transports the surface released emissions to the upwind side of the roadway, and then shifts the plume upward through an induced updraft motion. Plume visualizations clearly demonstrate that the presence of SBs induce significant vertical mixing and updraft motion on the roadway which increases the initial plume dilution and plume height and consequently results in reduced downwind ground level concentrations. Although different SB configurations result in different localized flow patterns, the dispersion pattern does not change significantly after several SB heights downwind of the roadway

    The influence of roadside solid and vegetation barriers on near-road air quality

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    The current study evaluates the influence of roadside solid and vegetation barriers on the near-road air quality. Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) technique coupled with the k−Δ realizable turbulence model is utilized to investigate the flow pattern and pollutant concentration. A scalar transport equation is solved for a tracer gas to represent the roadway pollutant emissions. In addition, a broad range of turbulent Schmidt numbers are tested to calibrate the scalar transport equation. Three main scenarios including flat terrain, solid barrier, and vegetative barrier are studied. To validate numerical methodology, predicted pollutant concentration is compared with published wind tunnel data. Results show that the solid barrier induces an updraft motion and lofts the vehicle emission plume. Therefore, the ground-level pollutant concentration decreases compared to the flat terrain. For the vegetation barrier, different sub-scenarios with different vegetation densities ranging from approximately flat terrain to nearly solid barrier are examined. Dense canopies act in a similar manner as a solid barrier and mitigate the pollutant concentration through vertical mixing. On the other hand, the high porosity vegetation barriers reduce the wind speed and lead to a higher pollutant concentration. As the vegetation density increases, i.e. the barrier porosity decreases, the recirculation zone behind the canopy becomes larger and moves toward the canopy. The dense plant canopy with LAD=3.33m m can improve the near-road air quality by 10% and high porosity canopy with LAD=1m m deteriorates near-road air quality by 15%. The results of this study can be implemented as green infrastructure design strategies by urban planners and forestry organizations. −2 3 −2
