9 research outputs found

    Feasibility Analysis of Handline Fishing Equipment Case Study on Barrang Caddi Island, Sangkarrang District, Makassar City

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    The fisheries sector is a sector that has a contribution to economic development in Indonesia, this can be seen from the increase in fishery production which continues to increase from year to year. One area that has a high level of enthusiasm in fishery economic activity is Barrang Ca'di Island with the traditional system of hand line fishing on Barrang Caddi Island resulting in the inability to access fishing locations due to one of the cruising capabilities of the fleet and production costs that must be incurred by hand line fishermen, the fisherman also still maintains the pattern of economic system patterns in fishing activities as a reference material in living their daily lives, based on this the purpose of this study is to determine the level of income for production activities and the level of business feasibility of hand line fishermen for fishing. developed on Barrang Ca'di Island. The results of the study obtained the amount of income from the fishing line business, which was Rp. 88,358,140, - and showed that the line fishing business carried out by fishermen on Barrang Caddi Island was feasible to be developed with the division between revenue and costs having a value of more than one (>1 )

    Economic Valuation of Marina Beach, Bantaeng Regency

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the frequency of tourist visits and to determine the economic value of Marina Beach based on the analysis of travel costs using the Travel cost method. This research was carried out at Marina Beach, Bantaeng Regency from February to March 2021 with a sample of 38 people. The research location was chosen purposively with the consideration that Marina Beach is one of the tourism objects whose exact economic value is not known based on the Travel Cost Method, while the sampling is by non-random sampling or non-random sampling/non-probability sampling. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression and analysis of economic value based on travel costs. Factors that have a significant influence on the intensity of visits at Marina Beach are the attractiveness of the beach, the location of the beach. While the factors that do not have a significant effect on the intensity of visits at Marina Beach are travel costs, facilities, accessibility, distance from houses, and the level of cleanliness of Marina Beach attractions. Meanwhile, based on the calculation results, it is known that the consumer surplus based on the individual travel cost method (Individual Travel Cost) is a minimum income of Rp. 42,570.65.- per individual per year, and then the economic value of the Marina Beach tourist attraction is Rp. 1,393,484,222 -/year.  

    The Impact of Social Media, Customer Experience and Servicescape on The Revisit Intention in Marine Tourism (A Case Study on Akkarena Beach, Makassar)

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    This study aims to determine the impact of social media, customer experience and servicescape on revisit intention in marine tourism objects at Akkarena Beach, Makassar and to determine the factors that impact the interest in revisit intention to Akkarena Beach, Makassar. This research was conducted from January to March 2021. The type of research used is associative. The research data was collected using the interview method and the distribution of a list of questions (questionnaires) distributed to 94 respondents who had visited the Akkarena Beach marine tourism object and active users of social media. The analysis technique used is multiple regression to prove the research hypothesis. Data that has met the validity test, reliability test and classical assumption are the processed to obtain a regression equation. The results of this research indicate that the impact of social media, customer experience and servicescape together has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention with a value of Fcount 11,403 > Ftable 2,709. The partial test shows that social media, customer experience and servicescape each have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention. Social media variabels have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, it is seen from the value of Tcount 2,893 > Ttable 1,9864 with significance 0,002 < 0,05. Customer experience variabels have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, it is seen from the value of Tcount 4,038 > Ttable 1,9864 with a significance 0,000 < 0,05. Servicescape variabels have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, it is seen from the value of Tcount 2,984 > Ttable 1,9864 with a significance 0,004 < 0,05. The value of Adjusted R Square obtained from the Determinant Coefficient (R2) test on the revisit intention of 0,651 explains that 65,1% in revisit intention is able to be explained by variables are social media, customer experience and servicescape, while the remaining 34,9% us explained by other variables that are not investigated in this research.

    Economic Valuation of Marine Tourism Dutungan Island by Travel Cost Method in Mallusetasi Subdistrict, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the intensity of tourist visits to the Dutungan Island, Mallusetasi Sub-district, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province and The economic value of the Dutungan Island marine tourism object. This study uses quantitative descriptive and data collection techniques are observation and questionnaires. The population in this study are tourists with the purpose of traveling. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling with a total sample of 43 respondents. This research was conducted in April-May 2021 on Dutungan Island, Mallusetasi Sub-district, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data analysis methods used were multiple linear regression analysis and travel cost analysis. The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence the intensity of tourist visits are travel costs, completeness of tourist attraction facilities, distance, accessibility, age and income. The economic value of the Dungan Island marine tourism object is IDR 1,188,895,920

    Consumer Decisions in Purchasing Consumed Fish at PPI Lonrae, Bone Regency

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    This study aims to analyze the variable factors that influence consumer decisions and the dominant factors influencing the purchase of consumption fish at PPI Lonrae, Bone Regency. The research was carried out in December 2021 in Bone Regency. Determination of respondents using Accidental Sampling technique with a total sample of 96 respondents. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data and then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination, t test and F test. From the results of the study it was found that prices, tastes and consumer income affect consumer purchasing decisions in choosing consumption fish at PPI Lonrae. The result of the coefficient of determination is 0.985, which means that 98.5% of consumption fish purchasing decisions are influenced by the variables Price (X1), Taste (X2), Fish Quality (X3) and Consumer Income (X4). While the remaining 1.5% is influenced by other factors that are not included in the regression model but can also influence respondents in purchasing decisions for consumption fish. The results of the F test show that the variables of price, taste, fish quality and consumer income together have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The results of the t-test indicate that the variables of price, taste, and consumer income partially have a significant effect on purchasing decisions

    Seaweed Marketing Efficiency in Takalar Regency

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    Punaga Village is one of the seaweed industrial areas in South Sulawesi whose seaweed development is spread throughout the sub-districts. With total production according to the KKP in 2020, Indonesian seaweed production is 11.55 million tons and one of the largest contributors is in Takalar Regency. This encourages an increase in the income of seaweed farmers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the profits of cultivators and the marketing of seaweed. This research was conducted from June to July 2021. The method used was quantitative and qualitative descriptive using a questionnaire. The sampling method used is the cluster sampling method with a total sample of 25 people consisting of 23 cultivators and 2 traders. Analysis of the data used is profit analysis and marketing analysis. The results showed that the profit for wet type seaweed cultivators was Rp. 875,334. per month and dry type of seaweed Rp. 26,271,048 per month with revenue for wet type seaweed Rp. 3,206,786 per month and the dry type is Rp. 28,602,500 per month, the total cost is Rp. 2,331,452 per month. The highest marketing margin is found in the marketing agency of collectors with the type of wet grass of Rp. 1,000/Kg and dry type Rp. 6,000/Kg. There are 2 marketing channels in the seaweed marketing chain in Punaga Village. The most efficient marketing institutions are traders with a value of 0.23% for wet seaweed and 0.01% for dry seaweed


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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk sambusaq dengan penggunaan teknologi, sistem mekanisasi dan membangun merek dagang dengan kemasan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi oleh Kelompok usaha perempuan di Kelurahan Pekkabata Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, limpahan bahan baku yang tinggi tidak disertai dengan manajemen stok yang baik, dan peralatan yang dimiliki masih sangat sederhana. Dengan Kegiatan Pengabdian Mayarakat ini dengan memberikan bantuan mesin Freezer, penggiling dan pengaduk adonan dan mengepres kemasan ini diharapkan bisa menjadi alternatif sehingga kualitas produk sambusaq tetap terjaga

    Managerial Pattern and Work Relations at Traditional Pond in Pangkajene and the Island District (Milkfish Aquaculture Case in Bonto Manai Village)

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    Improving the quality of traditional farmers on a technical, social and economic scale, is strongly influenced and determined by the capacity to carry out pond business activities related to managerial patterns and work relationships that are formed.  This research was conducted in October – December 2021. Milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture business in Bonto Manai Village was chosen as the case, because the aquaculture system managed by the community is dominated the traditional aquaculture system. The purpose of this research is to analyze the knowledge of traditional aquaculture as a technical practice in managing aquaculture businesses, as well as to analyze the work relations of traditional aquaculture businesses which are internalized in the local culture of the community. The methodology used is a case research method with a descriptive qualitative data analysis approach described in the life history of the informants. The results showed that traditional farmers in milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture in Bonto Manai Village have acquired knowledge gained through experience passed down from generation to generation, starting from the construction and management of pond subgrade, seed stocking, rearing, harvest and post-harvest. Accompanied by rituals based on belief as a traditional value. The managerial pattern and work relations in the management of traditional pond business have three types of management, namely; aquaculture business which is self managed by the owner of the aquaculture land with involving two to three workers, aquaculture business which is managed based on a leasing system, and aquaculture business which is managed by a rapture system. Keywords: Managerial Pattern, Work Relations, Traditional Pond, Milkfish


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur mendapatkan dana program PEMP, dan mngetahui manfaat dari program tersebut pada kelompok nelayan. Metode dan analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, jumlah kelompok yang diteliti yaitu 3 kelompok dengan jumlah populasi 176 orang. Sampel penelitian ditetapkan secara acak sederhana dengan mengambil rsponden sebanyak 15% dari populasi yaitu 26 orang nelayan.\ud Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program PEMP yang betujuan membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan malalui pemberian bantuan permodalan memiliki nilai positif. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari banyaknya kelompok yang terbentuk serta anggota mayarakat pesisir yang terlibat dalam program tersebut. Banyaknya kelompok juga eratkaitannya dengan salah satu syarat program yaitu pemberian dana hanya melalui kelompok nelayan. Meskipun pada tahun 2005 ada pergeseran yang lebih melonggarkan nelayan yaitu dapat diakses oleh perorangan maupun kelompok. Progam PEMP kota Makassar yang dimulai pada tahun 2003 telah melaksanakan kegiatan, berupa penerimaan dana pada tahun 2004 sebesar 89 kelompok dengan total pemanfaat 461 orang pada tahap I dan 500 orang tahap II. Progam PEMP pada nelayan ini juga sering mengalami hambatan yaitu saat penyelesaian angsuran oleh nelayan yang mengabil dana PEMP