200 research outputs found

    Origine delle tensioni residue: deformazioni plastiche e lavorazioni meccaniche

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    I processi di produzione dei componenti meccanici spesso comportano l’insorgere di sforzi residuinel materiale. La causa di questi sforzi è da ricercarsi in una deformazione plastica non omogeneache può essere indotta da fenomeni meccanici, termici o chimici prodotti nel materiale durante le fasidi lavorazione sia per deformazione plastica sia per asportazione di truciolo.La geometria del componente, il rapporto di riduzione, il tipo di lubrificazione e le proprietàdel materiale determinano l’entità e la distribuzione degli sforzi residui prodotti nel caso delle operazioniper deformazione plastica. Nelle lavorazioni meccaniche per asportazione di truciolo, invece, gli effettimeccanici e termici sono influenzati dai parametri di processo e dal tipo di materiale.In entrambi i casi la conoscenza dei meccanismi e delle cause che generano gli sforzi residuiè importante per una buona progettazione del componente e del suo ciclo produttivo

    Danneggiamento per pitting di acciai bonificati, cementati e nitrurati

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    La comprensione dei meccanismi di danneggiamento che portano al manifestarsi dell’usura per faticaè di fondamentale importanza per l’ottimizzazione dei materiali e dei trattamenti termici.Il presente lavoro ha previsto l’esecuzione di prove di rotazione disco su disco (rolling disc-on-disc test).Questo metodo si basa sulla rotazione simultanea di una coppia di dischi sagomati in modo da simulareil contatto tra superfici sferiche. Le prove sono state eseguite su tre differenti tipi di acciaio:• UNI EN 42CrMo4 bonificato; • UNI EN 18NiCrMo5 cementato; • UNI EN 42CrMo4 nitruratoLo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di identificare i meccanismi di danneggiamento coinvoltinella fase di innesco del fenomeno di usura per fatica e durante la sua evoluzione.A tal proposito sui campioni ottenuti dalle prove di rotazione disco su disco sono state condotte numerose analisifrattografiche sia ad occhio nudo, che mediante l’utilizzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM).Sono stati identificati differenti meccanismi di danneggiamento a seconda del tipo di acciaio:• UNI EN 42CrMo4 bonificato: pitting dovuto a cricche originate negli strati superficialifortemente incruditi. • UNI EN 18NiCrMo5 cementato: pitting originato dagli ossidi depositati a bordo granodurante la fase di carburazione. • UNI EN 42CrMo4 nitrurato: pitting dovuto a cricche che siinnescano e propagano all’interno della coltre bianca

    Insight into the Cycling Behaviour of Metal Anodes, Enabled by X-ray Tomography and Mathematical Modelling

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    This work tackles the methodological challenge of rationalizing symmetric-cell cycling data from a materials-science perspective, through experiment replication, mathematical modelling, and tomographic imaging. Specifically, we address Zn electrode cycling in alkaline electrolyte with and without adding tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB). This additive is known from literature, but its practical impact is jeopardized by lack of in-depth understanding of its behaviour. Electrochemical testing was carried out at practically relevant current densities and the effect of variations of operating conditions was taken into account. The physical chemistry underlying cell potential profiles, has been modelled mathematically, accounting for: electrokinetics, mass-transport, electrode shape change and passivation. In particular, we disclosed an unexpected joint effect of TBAB and current density on passivation time: tomography allowed to rationalise this behaviour in terms of precipitate morphology

    What Happens to MnO2 When It Comes in Contact with Zn2+? An Electrochemical Study in Aid of Zn/MnO2-Based Rechargeable Batteries

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    In the science and technology of electrochemical energy storage, different allotropes of MnO2, fabricated with a variety of methods, are assembled into electrodes, playing the role of cathode or oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalyst. Often, MnO2-based cathodes are combined with Zn anodes into different types of batteries, resulting in contact between MnO2 and its electrochemical reaction products, and Zn2+. Awareness is growing that this interaction adversely affects the functional performance of MnO2, but no definitive understanding has been reached for this issue. This study contributes, through electrochemical measurements accompanied by microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, to a better understanding of the way the electrochemical behavior of two technologically representative types of manganese dioxide - hydrothermally grown Îą-MnO2 and electrodeposited Îł-MnO2 (EDM) - is degraded when these materials are exposed to neutral and alkaline aqueous solutions, containing Zn2+. Specifically, we highlighted different types of irreversible changes in electrochemical response, which can be interpreted with phase-formation processes. Such changes result in the deactivation of Îą-MnO2 as ORR electrocatalyst, and of both Îą-MnO2 and EDM as zinc-ion battery (ZIB) cathodes. The electroactivity of EDM for ZIB operation can be restored if Mn2+ is added to the neutral electrolyte, because a phase, active in discharge, is electrodeposited during charging


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    This work aims at presenting the use of new technologies in the field of forensic engineering. In particular, the use of UAV photogrammetry and laser scanning is compared with the traditional methods of surveying an accident site. In this framework, surveys must be carried out promptly, executed in a short time and performed so that the greatest possible amount of information is collected with sufficient accuracy to avoid the possibility of neglecting details once that the scene is no longer preserved. The combination of modern surveying techniques such UAV photogrammetry and laser scanning can properly fulfill these requirements. An experimental test has been arranged and instruments, procedures, settings, practical limits and results have been evaluated and compared with respect to the usual way of performing the survey for forensic purposes. In particular, both qualitative and quantitative considerations are given, assessing the completeness of the reconstructed model, the statistical evaluation of the errors and the accuracy achieved

    Is a land use regression model capable of predicting the cleanest route to school?

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    Land Use Regression (LUR) modeling is a widely used technique to model the spatial variability of air pollutants in epidemiology. In this study, we explore whether a LUR model can predict home-to-school commuting exposure to black carbon (BC). During January and February 2019, 43 children walking to school were involved in a personal monitoring campaign measuring exposure to BC and tracking their home-to-school routes. At the same time, a previously developed LUR model for the study area was applied to estimate BC exposure on points along the route. Personal BC exposure varied widely with mean \ub1 SD of 9003 \ub1 4864 ng/m3. The comparison between the two methods showed good agreement (Pearson\u2019s r = 0.74, Lin\u2019s Concordance Correlation Coefficient = 0.6), suggesting that LUR estimates are capable of catching differences among routes and predicting the cleanest route. However, the model tends to underestimate absolute concentrations by 29% on average. A LUR model can be useful in predicting personal exposure and can help urban planners in Milan to build a healthier city for schoolchildren by promoting less polluted home-to-school routes

    Bipolar switching in chalcogenide phase change memory

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    Phase change materials based on chalcogenides are key enabling technologies for optical storage, such as rewritable CD and DVD, and recently also electrical nonvolatile memory, named phase change memory (PCM). In a PCM, the amorphous or crystalline phase affects the material band structure, hence the device resistance. Although phase transformation is extremely fast and repeatable, the amorphous phase suffers structural relaxation and crystallization at relatively low temperatures, which may affect the temperature stability of PCM state. To improve the time/temperature stability of the PCM, novel operation modes of the device should be identified. Here, we present bipolar switching operation of PCM, which is interpreted by ion migration in the solid state induced by elevated temperature and electric field similar to the bipolar switching in metal oxides. The temperature stability of the high resistance state is demonstrated and explained based on the local depletion of chemical species from the electrode region

    Spontaneous sparse learning for PCM-based memristor neural networks

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    Neural networks trained by backpropagation have achieved tremendous successes on numerous intelligent tasks. However, naive gradient-based training and updating methods on memristors impede applications due to intrinsic material properties. Here, we built a 39nm 1Gb phase change memory (PCM) memristor array and quantified the unique resistance drift effect. On this basis, spontaneous sparse learning (SSL) scheme that leverages the resistance drift to improve PCM-based memristor network training is developed. During training, SSL regards the drift effect as spontaneous consistency-based distillation process that reinforces the array weights at the high-resistance state continuously unless the gradient-based method switches them to low resistance. Experiments show that the SSL not only helps the convergence of network with better performance and sparsity controllability without additional computation in handwritten digit classification. This work promotes the learning algorithms with the intrinsic properties of memristor devices, opening a new direction for development of neuromorphic computing chips

    Metallurgical Analysis as a Useful Method for Fire Investigation: the Case of Galvanized Steel Sheets

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    In this work, fire simulations were carried out on zinc-coated steel sheets usually employed for the structural parts of furniture, transformer rooms and aeration pipes. The thermal alteration induced by the fire was simulated by heating samples at 13 different temperatures (from 20° C to 1050° C) and for different exposure times (1 h and 6 h) in a laboratory furnace. The metallurgical investigation concerned the surface coloring by photographic analysis, the morphology and chemical composition of the surface oxides by SEM and EDS and the microstructure modifications as a function of the temperature by LOM. The influence of the different parameters was discussed by a statistical approach. The obtained results allowed to associate the temperature to one or more alteration of the steel microstructure and of the color, the morphology and the chemical composition of the surface oxides
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