1,049 research outputs found

    South west sub-clover root rot - 1976 cultivation experiments

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    South-west sub. clover root rot 1976 cultivation experiments - Karridale 75BU11, Walpole 75DE12, and Narrikup 75AL36. South-west sub. clover root rot 1978 lime trial - Narrikup 77AL5. Fungicidal control of rapeseed damping-off - Mt Barker Research Station, 78MT12. White rust (Albugo) of rapeseed 1978 - Mt Barker Research Station - 78MT13, Albany - 78AL6, Bridgetown - 78BR3

    1976 South west sub clover root rot - white rust on rapeseed

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    1. South west sub clover root rot - 1975 cultivation experiments - To investigate the effect of time of cultivation, and nitrogen application, upon the incidence and severity of both tap and lateral root rot of subterranean clover. Localities - Karridale (76BU1), Manjimup (75MA1), and Walpole (75DE1). 2. South West sub clover root rot - 1976 cultivation experiments - Localities - Karridale (75BU11), Walpole (75DE12), and Narrikup (75AL36). 3. White rust on rapeseed - Aims - To examine the role of white rust seed infection in disease aetiology and epidemiology, both in an area containing white rust infected trash and in an area deviod of such infected trash. To attempt to control both leaf and head white rust infections using a mancozeb fungicide as a seed treatment and in various spray schedules. Sites: Mt Barker Research Station (76MT11) and Denmark Research Station (76D8). White rust infected trash was present near the trial on Mt Barker Research Station but none was known to be present at Denmark Research Station. Variety: Brassica campestris var Span

    Blackleg disease of rapeseed, loose smut of barley, foiliage diseases of sub-clover.

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    Blackleg disease of rapeseed. Control of seedling infection – 80MT36. Loose smut of barley. Fungicidal control of loose smut in barley – 80MT35, 80NA37. Foliage diseases of sub-clover. Role of trash in sub-clover foliage diseases – 80KA30


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    BLACKLEG DISEASE OF RAPESEED CONTROL OF SEEDLING INFECTION To test the effectiveness of the fungicides RH-2161.EC and thiabendazole in controlling blackleg seedling infection in rapeseed. Mt. Barker Research Station (79MT21) FUNGICIDAL CONTROL OF LOOSE SMUT IN BARLEY To test the effectiveness of four fungicides in controlling two levels of loose smut seed infection, and to examine the relationship between the level of smut seed infection and the subsequent crop infection levels. Albany (79AL19); Narrogin (79NA14) LOOSE SMUT OF BARLEY METHODS OF PICKLE APPLICATION FOR CONTROL OF LOOSE SMUT IN BARLEY To test the effectiveness of various methods of pickle application for control of loose smut in barley Albany (79AL20); Narrogin (79NA15

    Medic cultivar resistance to Phoma blackstem disease.

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    Location: Katanning, South Perth, Denmark, Kerridale, Woogenelllup, Mount Barker Research Station, Seaton Park, Esperance, Daliak, Dinninup, Green Range, Yarloop, Jerramungup and Corrigin. Trial 87KA11 To screen medic lines for resistance to Phoma blackstem disease (caused by the fungus Phoma medicaginis) Trial 87GL8 : Screening medics for Phoma blackstem resistance. To develop a reliable glasshouse screening technique for assessing levels of resistance to Phoma blackstem disease in Medicago line.s. To compare these glasshouse obtained results with disease resistance scores for the same Medicago lines sown in the field at Katanning. Trial 87KA10 : Fungicidal control of Phoma blackstem disease of medics. To test the effectiveness of various fungicide sprays for control of Phoma blackstem disease (causal fungus Phoma medicaqinis) on medics. Trial 87GL9 : Medic cultivar susceptibility to sub. clover root pathogens. To test medic cultivars for their susceptibility to sub.clover root pathogens (to determine if sub.clover root pathogens will be a problem to medics grown on old sub.clover land). Trial 87AL12 : Grass clover rotation for control of sub.clover root rot. To determine if complete removal of subterranean clover from a pasture for one season will result in root rot control and subsequent increased production in subterranean clover cultivars regenerating on these areas in the following season. Trial 87GL7 : Sub.clover cultivar susceptibility to Phytophthora clandestina. To investigate the effect of temperature regime on sub.clover cultivar resistance to Phytophthora clandestina. Trial 87GL5 and 87GL5b: Screening subterranean clover for resistance to Kabatiella caulivora. To screen advanced subterranean clover lines against isolates of Kabatiella caulivora. Trial JE5 : Fungicidal control of rust on cv. Green Range sub.clover To test the effectiveness of various fungicide sprays for control of rust (Uromyces trifolii-repentis) on subterranean clover cv. Green Range Trial 87NA12 : Effects of Dilophospora on annual ryeqrass toxicity (ARGT) gall numbers. To prevent annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) gall formation by applying inoculurn of Dilophospora alopecuri in ryegrass pasture. Trial 87MT, 87MT31 and 87MT22 : Susceptibility of rapeseed lines to blackleg crown canker To assess the susceptibility of rapeseed lines in a Plant Production interstate variety trial to blackleg crown canker, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans

    Summary of experimental results 1982.

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    Cercospora disease of sub-clover fungicidal control of cercospora disease on sub-clover. 82M04, 82M05. Aim: To determine the efficacy of several fungicides in controlling Cercospora disease of subterranean clover. 82AL19, 82BU2. Aim: To test the effectiveness of various seed treatments for controlling seed-borne and soil-borne damping-off and root rot causing fungi so as to allow successful stand establishment in root rot affected areas. Rapeseed, yield losses from white leaf spot. 82MT4. Aim: To determine the yield losses from white leaf spot and grey stem (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) on a range of rapeseed varieties.Rapeseed effect of fungicides on white leaf spot of rapeseed. 82MT29. Aim: To determine the efficacy of several fungicides in controlling white leaf spot and grey stem disease (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) on rapeseed

    Cercospora disease of sub-clover

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    Cercospora disease of sub-clover. Fungicide control of cercospora disease on sub-clover. Aim: To determine the effectiveness of various times and rates of application of benomyl for control of Cercospora disease (Cercospora zebrina) in sub-clover cv. Esperance. Locality: Bibby Springs (83MO4). Fungicide control of cercospora disease on sub-clover. Aim: To determine the effectiveness of various fungicides for control of Cercospora disease (Cercospora zebrina) in sub-clover cv. Esperance. Locality: Bibby Springs (83M03). Role of seed contamination and infection in cercospora disease on sub-clover. Aim: To determine the role of Cercospora zebrina seed contamination and infection in spreading Cercospora disease of sub-clover. Locality: South Perth Plots (83PE10). Treatments Esperance (82MO5). Sub-clover root rot. Effects of sprayseed® on sub-clover root rot. Aim: To determine the effects that. sprayseeding of an established pasture has upon subsequent root rot levels. Locality: Albany (83AL22); Scott River (83BU9). Sub-clover root rot. Apron 35w seed treatments for root rot control. Aim: To test the effectiveness of various rates of Apron 35W (Ridomil) seed treatment for control of sub-clover root. Locality: Albany (83AL20); Scott River (83BU7). Sub-clover root rot. Fungicide drenches for root rot control. Aim: To test the effectiveness of Ridomil and Benlate soil drenches for control of sub-clover root rot. Locality: Albany (83AL21); Scott River (83BU8). Rapeseed diseases. Fungicidal control of rapeseed damping-off. Aim: To investigate the possibility of using fungicides to control damping-off in rapeseed cv. Midas. Locality: Mt Barker Research Station (83MT13). Rapeseed diseases. Fungicide control of blackleg seedling infection. Aim: To test the effectiveness of fungicides for control of blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) seedling infection. Locality: Mt Barker Research Station (83MT14). Rapeseed diseases. Yield losses from and cultivar susceptibility to white rust. Aim: To determine the yield losses from and cultivar susceptibilities to white rust (Albugo candida) for a range of B. campestris rapeseed cultivars. Locality: Mt Barker Research Station (83MT15). Treatements: The fifteen cultivars used were: 78N03-2, 78N03-5, 78NO4-2, 78NO4-4, 78NO4-5, 78NO4-15, 78NO5-5, 4074-75, 4076-77, 4190-91, 6278-79, DRC-1, NSW Sel. 2, Jumbuck, Span. The trial was sown on June 21st. One half of the plots were sprayed with Ridomil MZ 5WP @ 2.5 kg/ha on August 25th, September 5th, September 20th, and September 30th. Rapeseed diseases. Yield losses from and cultivar susceptibility to white leaf spot. Aim: To determine the yield losses from and cultivar susceptibilities to white leaf spot (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) for a range of rapeseed lines. Locality: Mt Barker Research Station (83MT16)

    Fungicide testing

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    Fungicidal control of Phoma blackstem disease in medic, 86 KA 11. Medic cultivar susceptibility to Phoma blackstem disease, 85 KA 56. Role of Phoma seed infection in medic, 85 KA 57. Effect of soil pasteurization on damage caused by six fungal root pathogens, 86 PE 53. Susceptibility of 18 sub-clover cultivars to isolates of the clover scorch fungus, Kabatiella caulivora, 86 PE 54. Effect of plant age or growth stage of subterranean clover on susceptibility to infection by the clover scorch fungus, Kabatiella caulivora, 86 PE 55. Susceptibility of rapeseed lines to blackleg crown canker, 86 MT 1, 86 MT 37, 86 MT 37, 86 MT 30

    Summary of 1975 field experiments with advisers: Rape blackleg disease fungicide trials

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    During 1973 and 1974 a large range of fungicide spray and seed treatment schedules were tested. The 1973 results were, on the whole, not very encouraging, but the very early post-germination spray, two weeks after germination, did indicate a possible means of control. In view of the 1973 results, in the 1974 trials fungicidal sprays were applied early, and a new method of application of fungicide to the seed, known as prilling was used. Using fungicide seed prills and seedless fungicide prills the idea was to have the fungicide mixed with materials which dispersed upon wetting, so releasing and making the fungicide much more readily available for absorption by the plant roots. From the 1974 trials very little was obtained in the way of meaningful results with respect to crown canker levels or harvest yields, due partly to the large variation between replications and the large variation within a single plot owing to late infections giving rise to a patchy type of disease infection development. The fungicides used in the 1974 trials were from old stocks, probably 1971. Some Eastern States researchers suggested at this time that not only did Benlate deteriorate during shelf life but that once moistened, as during the prilling process, the Benlate was then in a form which would no longer properly dissolve, forming only a crude suspension. In order to investigate these claims further trials were set up in 1975
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