Medic cultivar resistance to Phoma blackstem disease.


Location: Katanning, South Perth, Denmark, Kerridale, Woogenelllup, Mount Barker Research Station, Seaton Park, Esperance, Daliak, Dinninup, Green Range, Yarloop, Jerramungup and Corrigin. Trial 87KA11 To screen medic lines for resistance to Phoma blackstem disease (caused by the fungus Phoma medicaginis) Trial 87GL8 : Screening medics for Phoma blackstem resistance. To develop a reliable glasshouse screening technique for assessing levels of resistance to Phoma blackstem disease in Medicago line.s. To compare these glasshouse obtained results with disease resistance scores for the same Medicago lines sown in the field at Katanning. Trial 87KA10 : Fungicidal control of Phoma blackstem disease of medics. To test the effectiveness of various fungicide sprays for control of Phoma blackstem disease (causal fungus Phoma medicaqinis) on medics. Trial 87GL9 : Medic cultivar susceptibility to sub. clover root pathogens. To test medic cultivars for their susceptibility to sub.clover root pathogens (to determine if sub.clover root pathogens will be a problem to medics grown on old sub.clover land). Trial 87AL12 : Grass clover rotation for control of sub.clover root rot. To determine if complete removal of subterranean clover from a pasture for one season will result in root rot control and subsequent increased production in subterranean clover cultivars regenerating on these areas in the following season. Trial 87GL7 : Sub.clover cultivar susceptibility to Phytophthora clandestina. To investigate the effect of temperature regime on sub.clover cultivar resistance to Phytophthora clandestina. Trial 87GL5 and 87GL5b: Screening subterranean clover for resistance to Kabatiella caulivora. To screen advanced subterranean clover lines against isolates of Kabatiella caulivora. Trial JE5 : Fungicidal control of rust on cv. Green Range sub.clover To test the effectiveness of various fungicide sprays for control of rust (Uromyces trifolii-repentis) on subterranean clover cv. Green Range Trial 87NA12 : Effects of Dilophospora on annual ryeqrass toxicity (ARGT) gall numbers. To prevent annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) gall formation by applying inoculurn of Dilophospora alopecuri in ryegrass pasture. Trial 87MT, 87MT31 and 87MT22 : Susceptibility of rapeseed lines to blackleg crown canker To assess the susceptibility of rapeseed lines in a Plant Production interstate variety trial to blackleg crown canker, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans

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