Summary of experimental results 1982.


Cercospora disease of sub-clover fungicidal control of cercospora disease on sub-clover. 82M04, 82M05. Aim: To determine the efficacy of several fungicides in controlling Cercospora disease of subterranean clover. 82AL19, 82BU2. Aim: To test the effectiveness of various seed treatments for controlling seed-borne and soil-borne damping-off and root rot causing fungi so as to allow successful stand establishment in root rot affected areas. Rapeseed, yield losses from white leaf spot. 82MT4. Aim: To determine the yield losses from white leaf spot and grey stem (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) on a range of rapeseed varieties.Rapeseed effect of fungicides on white leaf spot of rapeseed. 82MT29. Aim: To determine the efficacy of several fungicides in controlling white leaf spot and grey stem disease (Pseudocercosporella capsellae) on rapeseed

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