104 research outputs found

    Exact solution for a diffusive nonequilibrium steady state of an open quantum chain

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    We calculate a nonequilibrium steady state of a quantum XX chain in the presence of dephasing and driving due to baths at chain ends. The obtained state is exact in the limit of weak driving while the expressions for one- and two-point correlations are exact for an arbitrary driving strength. In the steady state the magnetization profile and the spin current display diffusive behavior. Spin-spin correlation function on the other hand has long-range correlations which though decay to zero in either the thermodynamical limit or for equilibrium driving. At zero dephasing a nonequilibrium phase transition occurs from a ballistic transport having short-range correlations to a diffusive transport with long-range correlations.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum freeze of fidelity decay for chaotic dynamics

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    We show that the mechanism of quantum freeze of fidelity decay for perturbations with zero time-average, recently discovered for a specific case of integrable dynamics [New J. Phys. 5 (2003) 109], can be generalized to arbitrary quantum dynamics. We work out explicitly the case of chaotic classical counterpart, for which we find semi-classical expressions for the value and the range of the plateau of fidelity. After the plateau ends, we find explicit expressions for the asymptotic decay, which can be exponential or Gaussian depending on the ratio of the Heisenberg time to the decay time. Arbitrary initial states can be considered, e.g. we discuss coherent states and random states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 ps figures ; v2 corrected mistake in formula for t_

    Optimal two-qubit gate for generation of random bipartite entanglement

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    We numerically study protocols consisting of repeated applications of two qubit gates used for generating random pure states. A necessary number of steps needed in order to generate states displaying bipartite entanglement typical of random states is obtained. For generic two qubit entangling gate the decay rate of purity is found to scale as n\sim n and therefore of order n2\sim n^2 steps are necessary to reach random bipartite entanglement. We also numerically identify the optimal two qubit gate for which the convergence is the fastest. Perhaps surprisingly, applying the same good two qubit gate in addition to a random single qubit rotations at each step leads to a faster generation of entanglement than applying a random two qubit transformation at each step.Comment: 9 pages, 9 PS figures; published versio

    Entanglement of random vectors

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    We analytically calculate the average value of i-th largest Schmidt coefficient for random pure quantum states. Schmidt coefficients, i.e., eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix, are expressed in the limit of large Hilbert space size and for arbitrary bipartite splitting as an implicit function of index i.Comment: 8 page

    Initial-state randomness as a universal source of decoherence

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    We study time evolution of entanglement between two qubits, which are part of a larger system, after starting from a random initial product state. We show that, due to randomness in the initial product state, entanglement is present only between directly coupled qubits and only for short times. Time dependence of the entanglement appears essentially independent of the specific hamiltonian used for time evolution and is well reproduced by a parameter-free two-body random matrix model.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Crossover between ballistic and diffusive transport: The Quantum Exclusion Process

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    We study the evolution of a system of free fermions in one dimension under the simultaneous effects of coherent tunneling and stochastic Markovian noise. We identify a class of noise terms where a hierarchy of decoupled equations for the correlation functions emerges. In the special case of incoherent, nearest-neighbour hopping the equation for the two-point functions is solved explicitly. The Green's function for the particle density is obtained analytically and a timescale is identified where a crossover from ballistic to diffusive behaviour takes place. The result can be interpreted as a competition between the two types of conduction channels where diffusion dominates on large timescales.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Detecting entanglement of random states with an entanglement witness

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    The entanglement content of high-dimensional random pure states is almost maximal, nevertheless, we show that, due to the complexity of such states, the detection of their entanglement using witness operators is rather difficult. We discuss the case of unknown random states, and the case of known random states for which we can optimize the entanglement witness. Moreover, we show that coarse graining, modeled by considering mixtures of m random states instead of pure ones, leads to a decay in the entanglement detection probability exponential with m. Our results also allow to explain the emergence of classicality in coarse grained quantum chaotic dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; minor typos correcte

    Eigenlevel statistics of the quantum adiabatic algorithm

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    We study the eigenlevel spectrum of quantum adiabatic algorithm for 3-satisfiability problem, focusing on single-solution instances. The properties of the ground state and the associated gap, crucial for determining the running time of the algorithm, are found to be far from the predictions of random matrix theory. The distribution of gaps between the ground and the first excited state shows an abundance of small gaps. Eigenstates from the central part of the spectrum are, on the other hand, well described by random matrix theory.Comment: 8 pages, 10 ps figure

    Explicit solution of the Lindblad equation for nearly isotropic boundary driven XY spin 1/2 chain

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    Explicit solution for the 2-point correlation function in a non-equilibrium steady state of a nearly isotropic boundary-driven open XY spin 1/2 chain in the Lindblad formulation is provided. A non-equilibrium quantum phase transition from exponentially decaying correlations to long-range order is discussed analytically. In the regime of long-range order a new phenomenon of correlation resonances is reported, where the correlation response of the system is unusually high for certain discrete values of the external bulk parameter, e.g. the magnetic field.Comment: 20 Pages, 5 figure