1,389 research outputs found

    A study of the influence of soil moisture on future precipitation

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    Forty years of precipitation and surface temperature data observed over 261 Local Climatic Data (LCD) stations in the Continental United States was utilized in a ground hydrology model to yield soil moisture time series at each station. A month-by-month soil moisture dataset was constructed for each year. The monthly precipitation was correlated with antecedent monthly precipitation, soil moisture and vapotranspiration separately. The maximum positive correlation is found to be in the drought prone western Great Plains region during the latter part of summer. There is also some negative correlation in coastal regions. The correlations between soil moisture and precipitation particularly in the latter part of summer, suggest that large scale droughts over extended periods may be partially maintained by the feedback influence of soil moisture on rainfall. In many other regions the lack of positive correlation shows that there is no simple answer such as higher land-surface evapotranspiration leads to more precipitation, and points out the complexity of the influence of soil moisture on the ensuring precipitation

    A Hermeneutical Approach to Understanding Entrepreneurial Failure

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    This paper reports an investigation of entrepreneurial failure using hermeneutic analysis of five entrepreneurship narratives. The data used in this study was collected between 2002 and 2005. The research focuses on entrepreneurial orientation and defines entrepreneurs as individuals who can see what is not there. The researchers adopted a deviation from the entrepreneurs\u27 desired expectations as their working definition of entrepreneurial failure. The paper progresses through four levels of interpretation in the development of theoretical understanding of personal and organizational learning from failure. The researchers found that individuals and organizations can learn from failure and thus improve chances of ultimate success. However, sometimes individuals and organizations do not learn from entrepreneurial failure and other times there are no lessons to be learned from entrepreneurial failure. The authors created a model of entrepreneurial failure based on an ecological perspective. he study adds to the growing body of research into entrepreneurial failure. It introduces researchers to the importance of seeing entrepreneurial failure within the context of endogenous and exogenous forces. The study provides a mechanism for practitioners to determine whether or not there is learning available from particular instances of entrepreneurial failure

    Prolegomena to a New Ecological Perspective in Entrepreneurship

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    This paper offers preliminary discussion of a new ecological perspective in entrepreneurship research. Six principles of this perspective are developed. These principles are: (1) The new ecological perspective embraces two ontological platforms: ecosystems and ecological succession, (2) The new ecological perspective operates at multiple levels of analysis, (3) Ecological problems are complex and often non-reducible, (4) The new ecological perspective requires a holistic approach to understanding, (5) The new ecological perspective embraces theory and political reality, and (6) Ecosystems have their own rationality. Implications for researchers and practitioners of entrepreneurship are discussed

    Soil Surface Runoff Scheme for Improving Land-Hydrology and Surface Fluxes in Simple SiB (SSiB)

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    Evapotranspiration on land is hard to measure and difficult to simulate. On the scale of a GCM grid, there is large subgrid-scale variability of orography, soil moisture, and vegetation. Our hope is to be able to tune the biophysical constants of vegetation and soil parameters to get the most realistic space-averaged diurnal cycle of evaporation and its climatology. Field experiments such as First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE), Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), and LBA help a great deal in improving our evapotranspiration schemes. However, these improvements have to be matched with, and coupled to, consistent improvement in land-hydrology; otherwise, the runoff problems will intrinsically reflect on the soil moisture and evapotranspiration errors. Indeed, a realistic runoff simulation also ensures a reasonable evapotranspiration simulation provided the precipitation forcing is reliable. We have been working on all of the above problems to improve the simulated hydrologic cycle. Through our participation in the evaluation and intercomparison of land-models under the behest of Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP), we identified a few problems with Simple SiB (SSIB; Xue et al., 1991) hydrology in regions of significant snowmelt. Sud and Mocko (1999) show that inclusion of a separate snowpack model, with its own energy budget and fluxes with the atmosphere aloft and soil beneath, helps to ameliorate some of the deficiencies of delayed snowmelt and excessive spring season runoff. Thus, much more realistic timing of melt water generation was simulated with the new snowpack model in the subsequent GSWP re-evaluations using 2 years of ISLSCP Initiative I forcing data for 1987 and 1988. However, we noted an overcorrection of the low meltwater infiltration of SSiB. While the improvement in snowmelt timing was found everywhere, the snowmelt infiltration has became excessive in some regions, e.g., Lena river basin. This leads to much reduced runoff in many basins as compared to observations. We believe this is a consequence of neglect of the influence of subgrid-scale variations in orography that affects the production of surface runoff

    Snowmelt and Infiltration Deficiencies of SSiB and Their Resolution with a New Snow-Physics Scheme

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    A two-year 1987-1988 integration of SSiB forced with ISLSCP Initiative I surface data (as part of the Global Soil Wetness Project, GSWP, evaluation and intercomparison) produced generally realistic land surface fluxes and hydrology. Nevertheless, the evaluation also helped to identify some of the deficiencies of the current version of the Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSiB) model. The simulated snowmelt was delayed in most regions, along with excessive runoff and lack of an spring soil moisture recharge. The SSIB model had previously been noted to have a problem producing accurate soil moisture as compared to observations in the Russian snowmelt region. Similarly, various GSWP implementations of SSIB found deficiencies in this region of the simulated soil moisture and runoff as compared to other non-SSiB land-surface models (LSMs). The origin of these deficiencies was: 1) excessive cooling of the snow and ground, and 2) deep frozen soil disallowing snowmelt infiltration. The problem was most severe in regions that experience very cold winters. In SSiB, snow was treated as a unified layer with the first soil layer, causing soil and snow to cool together in the winter months, as opposed to snow cover acting as an insulator. In the spring season, a large amount of heat was required to thaw a hard frozen snow plus deep soil layers, delaying snowmelt and causing meltwater to become runoff over the frozen soil rather than infiltrate into it

    Sensitivity of Boreal-Summer Circulation and Precipitation to Atmospheric Aerosols in Selected Regions

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    Aerosol perturbations over selected land regions are imposed in Version-4 of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-4) general circulation model (GCM) to assess the influence of increasing aerosol concentrations on regional circulation patterns and precipitation in four selected regions: India, Africa, and North and South America. Part 1 of this paper addresses the responses to aerosol perturbations in India and Africa. This paper presents the same for aerosol perturbations over the Americas. GEOS-4 is forced with prescribed aerosols based on climatological data, which interact with clouds using a prognostic scheme for cloud microphysics including aerosol nucleation of water and ice cloud hydrometeors. In clear-sky conditions the aerosols interact with radiation. Thus the model includes comprehensive physics describing the aerosol direct and indirect effects on climate (hereafter ADE and AIE respectively). Each simulation is started from analyzed initial conditions for 1 May and was integrated through June-July-August of each of the six years: 1982 1987 to provide a 6-ensemble set. Results are presented for the difference between simulations with double the climatological aerosol concentration and one-half the climatological aerosol concentration for three experiments: two where the ADE and AIE are applied separately and one in which both the ADE and AIE are applied. The ADE and AIE both yield reductions in net radiation at the top of the atmosphere and surface while the direct absorption of shortwave radiation contributes a net radiative heating in the atmosphere. A large net heating of the atmosphere is also apparent over the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean that is attributable to the large aerosol perturbation imposed over Africa. This atmospheric warming and the depression of the surface pressure over North America contribute to a northward shift of the inter-Tropical Convergence Zone over northern America, an increase in precipitation over Central America and the Caribbean, and an enhancement of convergence in the North American monsoon region

    A GCM Study of Responses of the Atmospheric Water Cycle of West Africa and the Atlantic to Saharan Dust Radiative Forcing

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    The responses of the atmospheric water cycle and climate of West Africa and the Atlantic to radiative forcing of Saharan dust are studied using the NASA finite volume general circulation model (fvGCM), coupled to a mixed layer ocean. We find evidence of an "elevated heat pump" (EHP) mechanism that underlines the responses of the atmospheric water cycle to dust forcing as follow. During the boreal summerr, as a result of large-scale atmospheric feedback triggered by absorbing dust aerosols, rainfall and cloudiness are ehanIed over the West Africa/Eastern Atlantic ITCZ, and suppressed over the West Atlantic and Caribbean region. Shortwave radiation absorption by dust warms the atmosphere and cools the surface, while longwave has the opposite response. The elevated dust layer warms the air over West Africa and the eastern Atlantic. As the warm air rises, it spawns a large-scale onshore flow carrying the moist air from the eastern Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea. The onshore flow in turn enhances the deep convection over West Africa land, and the eastern Atlantic. The condensation heating associated with the ensuing deep convection drives and maintains an anomalous large-scale east-west overturning circulation with rising motion over West Africa/eastern Atlantic, and sinking motion over the Caribbean region. The response also includes a strengthening of the West African monsoon, manifested in a northward shift of the West Africa precipitation over land, increased low-level westerlies flow over West Africa at the southern edge of the dust layer, and a near surface westerly jet underneath the dust layer overr the Sahara. The dust radiative forcing also leads to significant changes in surface energy fluxes, resulting in cooling of the West African land and the eastern Atlantic, and warming in the West Atlantic and Caribbean. The EHP effect is most effective for moderate to highly absorbing dusts, and becomes minimized for reflecting dust with single scattering albedo at0.95 or higher

    Mechanisms Regulating Deep Moist Convection and Sea-Surface Temperatures of the Tropics

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    Despite numerous previous studies, two relationships between deep convection and the sea-surface temperature (SST) of the tropics remain unclear. The first is the cause for the sudden emergence of deep convection at about 28 deg SST, and the second is its proximity to the highest observed SST of about 30 C. Our analysis provides a rational explanation for both by utilizing the Improved Meteorological (IMET) buoy data together with radar rainfall retrievals and atmospheric soundings provided by the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE). The explanation relies on the basic principles of moist convection as enunciated in the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization. Our analysis shows that an SST range of 28-29 C is necessary for "charging" the atmospheric boundary layer with sufficient moist static energy that can enable the towering convection to reach up to the 200 hPa level. In the IMET buoy data, the changes in surface energy fluxes associated with different rainfall amounts show that the deep convection not only reduces the solar flux into the ocean with a thick cloud cover, but it also generates downdrafts which bring significantly cooler and drier air into the boundary-layer thereby augmenting oceanic cooling by increased sensible and latent heat fluxes. In this way, the ocean seasaws between a net energy absorber for non-raining and a net energy supplier for deep-convective raining conditions. These processes produce a thermostat-like control of the SST. The data also shows that convection over the warm pool is modulated by dynamical influences of large-scale circulation embodying tropical easterly waves (with a 5-day period) and MJOs (with 40-day period); however, the quasi-permanent feature of the vertical profile of moist static energy, which is primarily maintained by the large-scale circulation and thermodynamical forcings, is vital for both the 28 C SST for deep convection and its upper limit at about 30 C